Chapter 32

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Alex's POV:

Hailey's driver drove away and after that, I had a little talk with the captain, then I drove also to my office. When I arrived at my office Veronica was already there waiting for me with the files and a cup of tea. I'm not a coffee lover so that's why she always buys or makes me tea. "Good afternoon Mr. Harper" she greeted me with a smile on her face. "Veronica how many times do I have to tell you that you should call me Alex or Alexander," I said with a stern face. "I'm sorry ALVARO but I'm not used to it." she looked me in the face with a smirk plastered on her face. "Ugh whatever" I imitated her. She just laughed at my response and we stepped into the meeting room where everyone was already waiting for us two.

"Okay everyone before you all say anything I'm not either fond of the idea of the short time we have but the client aka my grandfather wants it this weekend so we have to organize something. I already called the organization company and they said that it's not impossible to arrange something big in less than two days but it will be hard. The only part that we will take care of is the invitations. And someone who is in charge. I already planned who is what does. Veronica my PA, Ms. Zane, and I are in charge of the event and the rest of you will send the invitations. Every one of you has at least 20 names. I want all RSVP asap." I look at Veronica and check if I have to tell something else to my team but she shook her head. "Okay, that's all for now. You are free to leave and go back to work." I said. Everyone left the room except Veronica, Rachel, and me. Rachel is one of my partners and a good friend of mine. After her divorce from Micheal, she moved to Los Angeles and became a senior partner. "Okay before we start with all this party thing how was your romantic trip with Hailey?" Veronica asked. "Did you propose to her?" Rachel added. "It was beautiful and yeah I now have a fiance." I said with a smile and both of them squeaked. "Oh my God, we have to celebrate this," Veronica said and got to the beverage bar and took one champagne bottle out of the bar with three glasses. Then she filled them with champagne.

As I was about to take a sip from my glass my phone rang. "Who is it?" Rachel asked. "It's my fiance." both of them smirked at my answer.
"Hello baby, are you busy right now?" "No, we finished our meeting a few minutes ago and are now celebrating my proposal to you? I said with a smile. "Who are we?" she asked curiously. "Veronica, Rachel, and me," I told her. "Ah okay, well say that I said hi. Before you as I called because I have to tell you something." "Shoot" "Icantcometotheeventwithyou" she babbled. "You what?" "I can't come to the event with you." "Why?" "Cause I have an important shoot for Vogue. They called my manager one hour ago and she said yea without even asking me." "Hailey that's great you always wanted to be in that magazine. And it's no big deal if you can't be at the event. I will handle it myself so don't worry. Well babe I have to go. A client is about to come to my office. I love you and we will see each other later. Bye." I said and hung up before she could say anything. Rach and Roni had a what the fuck look on their faces. "Before you ask me she canceled me on the event and I said that it's no biggie but it is. But I can't say anything because she has a photoshoot for Vogue on that day and I know how important Vogue is for her career." They both understood that they have to let me alone for a moment and left the room.

It was now already time for me to leave and go home to Hailey. My head says go but my heart is heavy and says don't go. I'm not ready to face her cause I know that we will disagree if she opens the topic. I know that she wants to talk about it but I don't. I packed my stuff and was about to leave my room when someone knocked on my door and Roni and Rachel came in. "We know that you are still upset about it and that you don't want the conversation with her but you have to do it, Alex." "I know that I have to talk with her but not right now! My mother called me and I have to go to them because of some family drama. After that, I will go home and talk with her." I told them. They both don't look convinced but still nodded and left the room.

I arrived at my parent's house. My dad was the one who opened the door and he was shocked to see me because I never come unannounced. So he knew already that something was wrong because if I visit my parents unannounced there is something wrong going on with my life. "Go to the room and I will tell your mother that you are here and then I will join you." he said and I left to mine and Dad's room. It was a room with a giant tv set up and a pool table. There was also a bar and a lounge area. My dad and I did this room when I had my first heartbreak. It was always our escape room. No one could enter this room without a code. The only ones who knew about this code were my dad, me, and my mum. My mum knew it just in case something happens to us or something else.

A few minutes after I got into our room my dad stepped in the room too. "What's going on son?" "Nothing big I'm just worn out Dad." I lied to him. "How old are you Alexander?" My Dad calls me always with my full name. "I'm 26" "That means I know you for 26 years am I right?" I nodded. He inhaled and had a serious face on. "Son I know that look on your face for over 15 years now. I can see that your heart got broken or it's bent. Now tell me what did happen with your fiance?" wow my dad really knows me. "Okay well, you know how grandpa throws every time an event when he wins a case." my dad just nodded. "And you probably know that this weekend is another event of his and we are organizing it." he didn't say anything. He just listened to my words. "Everyone in our family will be there. That's why I thought that this event would be the best chance and way to introduce Hailey to the family. Hence I asked her if she would do me the honor and be my date for this event and she accepted it. She was a bit mad at me because I told her about the event yesterday and the event is already on Saturday. I know I did a big mistake but it slipped out of my mind. And today after the meeting with my team for the event Hailey called me and told me that she can't come to the event with me because she has a shoot with Vogue. I know how important that shoot is for her career and I always support her. I would never want her to choose between me and her job cause that's not the way I was raised. Bu-" before I could finish my sentence my dad spoke. "But you are still mad at her that she can't come because it was for you more than just an event. It was for you something important. Am I right son?" "Yeah, you're right." "Okay son here is the thing, I don't know if you want to hear any advice from me but I suppose that's the reason you're here and not with your fiance. So listen closely. You have to talk with Hailey and tell her the truth. She has to know what you think about this issue. She thinks that this is just a normal event but it isn't. I'm sure that you will find a solution to the problem. But if you won't talk to her then it will cause a bigger problem between the two of you." I know that my dad is right but I don't want to talk about this right now. I do have not the power to talk with her. "Okay, Dad thanks for the advice." I said and left the room to join my mother in the kitchen and have a little talk with her before I leave the house of my parents.

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