Chapter 64

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Alex's POV :

I wake up in the middle of the night to see that the Tv is still on and some film is playing. Hailey is sleeping with her head on my lap and I fell asleep in the sitting position. My neck is hurting like hell and I'm not comfortable at all in this position. I try to wake Hailey up but it's no use. She won't wake up and I can't let her sleep here because she will have a bad back from sleeping on the couch and I will have it too. I decide to shut the Tv off and try to stand up without disturbing her sleep and I succeed. Then I pick her up and carry her to our room and put her to bed. I don't have to change her clothes because she is already wearing her PJs. She probably knew that this was going to happen or she wanted it to be happening. Either way, she knew that she will fell asleep while watching the films, so she changed into her PJs. I lay her on our bed and she looks so peaceful in her sleep. I know that she is happy right now and that makes me happy too. I hate it when she is not happy, especially if it's because of me. I go to the bathroom and do my sleep routine and then I walk to my dressing room and change into some T-Shirt and shorts. After that, I walk back into our bedroom and join Hailey in the Bed and fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning with a beautiful smell. I open my eyes and see that my fiancé is not next to me, which means that she is making us a good breakfast because I can smell her famous French toast. I walk into the bathroom and do my morning routine and then walk downstairs without changing my outfit. As I walk downstairs the beautiful smell fills my nose more and more. I hear some music and singing from my gorgeous fiancé, I walk into the kitchen and she does not notice my appearance in the room, like always so I snuck behind her and wrap my arms around her. "Good morning beautiful" I say to her and she turns around and kisses me. I kneel to her stomach and lift her Shirt and kiss her belly. "Good morning to you too my little nugget. Daddy loves you to infinity and beyond, no matter what gender you are." I say to our little baby inside the belly of his/hers mother. As I look up at Hailey I can see how happy she looks as I speak with our child. She always loves it when I show affection to our not born child, but I think every mother loves it when the father talks with the unborn child whilst it is in the womb of the mother. After I talk with our child, I got up and face my breathtakingly gorgeous. "Good morning baby, do you have to make me happy every day with your gestures?" She asks me "Yeah baby, I have to because it's my mission to make you happy every minute and every hour of the day for the rest of our lives." I say to her and she pulls me in a hard and passionate kiss.

After that, we sit at the table and have our little breakfast, well that's what Hailey tells me but the breakfast on the table is anything but little. It's a massive breakfast but I won't say anything about it because she is pregnant and her hormones are a mess at the moment. One minute she is happy and one minute she cries out of nowhere. That's why I'm trying to make her happy all the time and cheer her up. Since I can't stand to see her so upset and sad.
"Babe, what do you want to do today?" I ask her. "How about we just go to the mall and do a little shopping for our baby and start to sort of the nursery?" she asks me. "Yeah okay, that sounds good!" so we both eat our breakfast and I do the dishes and after that, we go to our dressing rooms and change. I decide to wear some short comfy clothes because why not.
Then I walk over to Hailey's dressing room and see that she is also ready and is just taking a few pictures by her famous Instagram mirror. She is also wearing comfy clothes but she still succeeds to look amazing with a simple look.

"Damn Mami you look hot, like really hot! I can't take my eyes from you. What did I deserve to get a gorgeous woman like you?" I ask her and walk behind her and wrap my arms around her and put my head on her shoulder and kiss her bare neck a few times. We stay for a few minutes like this. "Babe if stay longer in this position we both know that we won't go out of this bedroom!" She says to me. "I don't see any problem! I can spend my whole day with you in this bedroom and I would not complain about it!" I tell her with a sheepish smile. She looks me dead in the eyes. "Okay okay, I am gone! Take as long as you want to get ready!" I say and leave our bedroom. You have to know that you should never complain after your pregnant fiancé gives your "the look" then you have to distance yourself from her or even run away from her. You can't mess with Pregnant women, if you do you are screwed!

After an eternity she comes downstairs and looks the same as I was upstairs with her, so why did she take so long??  I try to examine her more when she walks nearer but I really can't see any difference. She walks toward me with a smile on her face like nothing happened earlier. See I say it Pregnant women tend to be crazy. I know it's the hormones but still, it is scary as fuck. I fear my fiancé, people think I am exaggerating but if you have pregnant women you will understand me!! "Which car are we taking?" She asks me. That is a tricky question because since she is pregnant she does not want to drive in sports cars. After all, they are fast and I understand that, but she also does not want to drive in the SUVs because they are too high. I understand that a little bit, the problem is I have just two cars that do not fit in both categories and the one is the Rolls Royce Ghost in the color black and the other car is the new Mercedes Maybach. The problem is they are both black and she does not want to drive in a black car and she also says that both cars are for old people. And that is the point where I can't follow her anymore. Why are these cars old people's cars?? I don't get it. She was the one who drove in the last times with the RR and now she is shading the car, like what the fuck! It is just a car!

That is why I need a new car asap! Or else I will get crazy. "Eh how about you decide which car we are taking, how does this sound?" I ask her with the hope that she will find one and we can go without a fight to the mall. "Oh, we have so many cars! How am I supposed to pick one? Oh, wait I know! Let's drive with the G wagon, no let's drive with the Maybach! Oh no, wait let's drive with the RR! Yeah yeah let's drive the RR!" she says. "Are you sure?" I already know that I will regret asking this question. "Ye- No, Yes?" "Okay, then we are taking the RR. Come on get in the car!" I know that I said that I will let her choose but if I hadn't done this we would be sitting here for the rest of the day.

We arrive at the mall and Hailey went crazy the moment she stepped into the baby shop. She bought so many things and I don't even think that our baby will need them but I can't say anything because I went crazy too. Now that I'm in this shop I want kinda a boy because I see that there are so many toys that we could play together as a father and son. It's not that I could not play with a girl, I could but I want my girl to be like her mother like a princess. And I'm sure that when she will be a little bit like her mother she won't like the things I want to play with her. But people say that the firstborn girl is the female version of her father. I guess we will have to wait and see.

After a long shopping I can not walk anymore and carry the bags. "Honey can we please continue this shopping spring some other time because I can not carry anymore things and I am exhausted as hell!" I say to her. She looks at me and thinks a few minutes "Okay you can go home but I want to shop more, so I will call some of the girls or just Kendall. But can you at least wait until someone arrives?" She asks me. "Si mi amor" I say and we sit at a cafe in the mall and wait. 30 minutes later Kendall and Kylie arrive at the mall. "Hello Ladies! Now that the girls are here I am gone!" I say and stand up. Before I can walk away I turn around and kiss Hailey and then walk to my car.

A/N: Hello everyone, I want to say that the story is about to end soon. I will write 6 more chapters and then the epilogue.

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