Chapter 50

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A few days later
Alex's POV:

I have on Friday my date. And I know now who that girl is. That girl I am going on a date with on Friday is Hailee Steinfeld. She got famous through the pitch-perfect trilogy and is a famous singer too. And her new series got recently released. It's an MCU series. Maybe some of you know it. It's called the Hawkeye. After I learned who she is I watched a few things and listened to her songs. Because I don't know a lot about her and I don't want to be an idiot on Friday. I don't want her to feel uncomfortable whilst our date so I wanted to learn a few things about her. She has a beautiful voice. Her songs are amazing and her acting skills are dope too. I really can't understand why this girl is single. I already checked her ex-boyfriend up and saw that she was together with Nial Horan. And that she is single for a long time.

Right now I'm in some shooting with my sister for the GQ magazine. We are both nominated for the CEO of the year in different categories and something like that happens for the first time. That's why they wanted a photoshoot from both of us together and after that, we have a few interviews. Since that brunch, Nessa and I got again closer. Due to the different cities, we were living in we couldn't be close. We were in different time zones and we both had jobs that required a lot of time. The difference between now and then is that we live in the same city and that I work for now less because I try to train Veronica a little more so she gets most of my cases and Vanessa has launched her new collection recently and has for the next two weeks nothing to do. So we decided to accompany each other and have some fun together like in our old young days. Where we had no worries and we were free and where our worry was to get through the school year.

Our shoot and interviews were done and right now we both are in our dressing rooms and changing into our daily clothes. Nessa got us the other day some matching outfits and we are wearing at the moment one. It's a baggy and cozy outfit. We have both white sweatpants on and white trainers on. I am wearing a white shirt and over it a black zip sweatshirt. Nessa is wearing a black hoodie with white prints on it.

We both bid goodbye to all the workers and walked over to my car. Nessa looks at me and I know what she wants to ask me but I don't respond to it until she asks me. "Hermano, ¿Puedo conducir tu coche?" She asks me. "Your asking me if you could drive my baby am I right?" I ask her again. And she nods. "Vale!" I say and she snatches the key from my hand and gets into the driver's side and I walk over to the passenger side.

Nessa drives us to a drive-through Starbucks and she orders herself some coffee with a few extras for me, she gets a large cold brew. After she orders them she drives to the window where you pay and looks at me. "Give me your card!" she demands at me. "Excuse me!?" I say back to her. "Pleeeease I forgot my card at home and you know that I don't carry any cash with me," she says. "Vale" I say and give her my black platinum American Express card. Then she dove to McDonald's because she git hungry. After all that drive-through thing she decided to drive to the beach because we had good weather. It was a little bit cold but the sun was out and we had both warm clothes on so that wouldn't be a problem.

As we were walking on the beach my mother called Nessa and she put the call on speaker. "¡Hola mamá! ¿Qué pasa?" "Hola Mija do you know where your brother is?" My mum asks. "Si mamá he is with me right now. ¿Porqué?" "Hola mamá" "Can you talk right now?" My mum asks me. "No, Estoy conduciendo Ahora Mismo. Si no es importante, ¿podemos hablar más tarde?" I ask her. (No, I am driving right now. If it's not important can we talk later?) "¡Claro Que no hay problema!" And then Nessa talked with her a little and after that, she hung up. "Why did you lie to mum? You are not driving right now!" Nessa says to me. "Yeah, I know that I'm not driving but I know what she wants to talk about, that's why I'm trying to push that talk with her," I say to her. "Is it about the br-" before she can ask me the question I answer it with a nod. "At the end she said that she wants to talk about me and Hailey and the show that we did at the brunch. And to be honest I have neither the power to talk about this nor the will to talk with mom. You know?" I ask her and she nods and we walk further away from the car.

We were walking on the beach until the sunset and after that, I drove us to Kendall's house because she missed us and wanted to hang out with us. As we arrived we saw a few cars. That means there are more people than expected. I park the car and then we both walk to the door. Nessa rings on the door bel. A few seconds later Kendall opens the door and screams as she sees both of us. "Oh my God guys I missed you sooo much!" she says as she is hugging us. She was hugging us really tied. "Kendall can you let go because I can't breathe properly!" I say and then she let it go. "My bad but I missed you. Come on you guys let's go inside and mingle with the people." she says and walks to her living room and we walk after her.

Once we are in the room I say a lot of familiar faces. But there is one face that I thought I wouldn't see ever. She is talking with Bella and I walk over to them to greet both of them. Before I arrive at both girls someone pulls me to a room. "What the fuck is going on?" I ask no one in particular. "Who are you? And what do you want from me?" I ask the person who would be in this dark room. Then the lights go on and Emily is standing in front of me. "Before you say anything I had to do this because there will be some things happening in a few minutes that you shouldn't witness live." she says. "So the only thing that came into your mind was me to pull into a dark room and scare me??" I ask her with curious eyes. "I panicked okay?" "What is the thing that I shouldn't see?" I ask her. She avoids my eyes and looks around. "Em?" "Did you have a good time with Vanessa today?" she tries to change the subject but I'm not having it. "Em can you tell me what I should not witness?" she is still not responding. "Okay, you know what that is too stupid I will leave the room and see it with my own eyes!" I say to her. "NOO!" she screams at me. "Then tell me, Emily!" "Okay okay, I will tell you but promise me not to get mad or furious!" "It depends on what it is but I promise to try it." "I can live with that. Hailey and Justin are getting married. He is going to propose to her in a few minutes." she says. "That's all?" I ask her. She nods "Well then I will congratulate them!" I say and Emily looks at me dumbfounded. "What??" "Em, how many times do I have to tell you all that Hailey is over for me! Do I still love her? Yes, I still love her with my whole being but we are over and she is happy with him. And I'm not going to ruin her happiness if she is happy without me then so be it. The only thing that matters to me is that she is happy! If you excuse me I will be somewhere around this house and think about the things I did wrong and what brought her to cheat on me with her ex!" I say and leave the room.

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