Chapter 37

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Meanwhile in New York
Hailey's POV:

Alex is calling and texting me the whole time but I can't pick up his phone calls or text him back because I screwed up big. I got on a date with Justin and at the end of the date, he kissed me. I didn't kiss back but still, I cheated on my fiance. That was two days ago. Since that evening Justin called me and apologized multiple times. He said that it was a big mistake that he did. He wants me just as a good friend in his life and nothing more. I forgave him and we are currently hanging out. I didn't tell the girls anything about the incident because if I did they would kill me! Especially Kendall. She would come personally to New York and put some sense into me like she always says. I'm happy that nothing from our kiss got leaked to the paparazzi because if it would Alex would have gone through the roof.

Alex stopped calling and texting after a few hours. I was relieved as he stopped to reach out to me. I am right now sitting at Justin's apartment in New York. Because we decided to have a gathering with a few friends at his house. I'm the first one who did arrive. Justin is getting ready in his room and I'm downstairs and wait for him or the other ones to arrive. I'm today wearing complete black.

As I checked myself in the mirror out I got a call from Gigi? "Hey Gi, what's up?" "I don't know Hailey I have to ask you what is up with you? Why are you not responding to your fiancé?" she asked me with a serious tone in her voice. Oh shit! "I had no time to call him back or text him." I told her. But the moment I told her I regret my answer because I texted the whole day in the group chat. "You had no time? But you had time to chat in the group chat Hailey! So that means your ignoring your fiancé because you are mad at him or and I hope it's not the case. You cheated on him." she said. I was silent and couldn't say anything. "Hailey? Why are you not saying anything? Let me guess you cheated on him right?" I was still silent. "Hailey I can't believe you! How could you do that to him?" again silence. "Hailey for goodness sake just say something!" She screamed at me. "Yeah I cheated on my fiancé are you happy?" I screamed back at her. "Who is it?" "That doesn't mat-" "OH YES IT MATTERS. WHO WAS IT??" she was so mad at me right now. "It was Justin." I said ashamed. "Justin? Your ex-husband Justin? The singer Justin drew Bieber? Hailey, you've got to be kidding with me! Out of all people you choose your ex-husband? I can't believe you! I'm so disappointed with you. You will tell Alex about the cheating right?" I had no answer to this because I don't know either. One side wants to tell it but the other says it was just a kiss. "I don't know Gi." "Hailey you pack your stuff right now and come back. Cause if you don't your fiancé will find everything out do you understand me?" she said with a calm voice. With a too calm voice. "Noo Gigi you can't say anything to him." "Good that means that you are already on your way?" "No Gigi I can't." "Well okay then suit yourself! Bye Hailey!" she said and hung up. Oh boy, I'm so screwed up!

Justin's POV:

I have Hailey exactly where I want her to be. I convinced her that the kiss was just a mistake but it wasn't. I did it on purpose because I had to check if she still feels something for me. She didn't kiss back but that doesn't mean anything. That's why I came up with the idea to be a "good friend" so that I could be close to her and win her back again. Right now I'm doing good so far. She has no clue about my intentions about tonight. I will make her very drunk and then I will sleep with her and make a few photos and when the time is right I will send them to her fiancé. If Hailey isn't mine she can't be someone else's.

I was going downstairs when I heard Hailey talking with someone on the phone about the other night. I don't know with who she is talking but the person on the other side is mad. I waited on the stairs and listened to the conversation. I found out that the person is Gigi Hadid. I think she told Hailey to fly back but Hailey refused it why? Is she starting to feel more again and want to spend some time more with me? Because her work is done here and she already visited her parents. So there is not any single reason why she should stay here any longer. She ended the phone call and I waited a few seconds before I joined her in the living room. She looked very distraught. "Hey Hails what's wrong?" I asked her as if I didn't hear the whole conversation just a few seconds ago. "It's nothing. I just had a little disagreement with Gigi that's all nothing big." she said. "Oh okay, I hope that everything is okay?" she nods.

It was already a few hours later and everyone was here and we partied hard at least everyone was tipsy. No one except me was sober. Okay, I was not sober either but I could walk straight. But Hailey, Hailey was wasted she couldn't even stay straight. We are playing right now truth or dare in a little group. There are mostly my friends so Hailey doesn't really know them. The bottle flipped and it landed on Hailey. She picked up the dare and I looked at my friend who would ask her the dare and he already knew what he had to tell her. "I dare you to have 7 minutes in heaven with Justin." he said and she nodded without thinking and grabbed my hand and then we walked into a room. She was horny I could tell that. Hailey gets always horny when she is drunk and plays truth or dare. She grabbed my bulge and started to dry hump me. I was moaning. The more I moaned the more she got horny and I knew at that moment that she would sleep with me. The mission was accomplished. We couldn't finish our business because the seven minutes were already over. But we both know that after the game we will continue where we stopped.

After the game everyone went home except Scooter and his chicks. They slept in the guest room. And Hailey and I are walking into my bedroom. Well, I'm more walking because Hailey has her legs wrapped around my waist and her tongue is deep in my throat. We got into my room and started to strip and then we had sex for several hours. I forget how good she was in bed. We did 4 rounds and she still could but I couldn't. (sorry guys for no smut. But it felt wrong to do the smut with Justin) Instead of a few pictures, I made a sex tape.

The next morning
Hailey's POV:

I woke up with a massive headache. I couldn't open my eyes properly but I felt something heavy on me. As I could open my eyes I noticed that the room I'm currently in is not my room and the person on top of me is not my fiancé. It is my ex-husband Justin. I pushed him away and looked under the covers and saw that we are both naked. After that, I looked at my nightstand and there were 4 condoms with cum in them. So that means we slept together. I cheated now on my fiancé completely. How stupid could I be and trust Justin? Everyone told me that he doesn't want just a friendship but I believed him instead of the people around me. I have to get out before he wakes up. I put my clothes on and left his apartment and drove to my hotel room. I packed all my stuff once I arrived in my hotel room and booked the first flight back to Los Angeles.

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