Chapter 128 - Post-Graduation Life

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Narrator: Tanjiro Kamado

Soon after we stopped the rampaging Sinistrius and upgraded the sealing devices in his confinement room, we could rest easy once again. However, when he made that immense transformation, an earthquake started worldwide, causing at least five hundred casualties and sixty destroyed buildings. My house was also completely broken down, so we decided to live with Isekai.


Solar Paradise Resort

I got a message from my mother, stating that our home was destroyed. She sent a photo of the wreckage, and said that Nezuko and I would have to transfer to Moeru Tamashii and live with our maternal grandmother. I called her, and asked for the details on how it was destroyed. She explained it all. Isekai overheard it, and he offered a room in his house.

"Ehh?! Are you sure?!" my mom asks, hope in her voice, but she asks to confirm it since she watches over a family of six. "I think I can spare three rooms. I have one for you, another for the four kids and Nezuko, and Tanjiro can have a solo room," he told us. My mother was delighted, and accepted the offer in a heartbeat.

"Great! I'll have my cousin's family come over to your residence to help you salvage some of your stuff. Meet Kanao three blocks down from your house's left from the front, and she'll escort you to my house," Isekai instructed. My mom accepted, and we soon got moved into his house within about two weeks.


I had a bedroom to myself, although it could fit two people. But, Nezuko has always wanted to spend time with our younger siblings, so I'm not complaining. At least I finally get to have naps for once. After we pulled most of our small stuff out, which, surprisingly, had low to minimal damage, we stuffed them all in some boxes. We walked a few blocks down, and my family got to meet Kanao for the first time. Except for Takeo and Nezuko, they met her multiple times already.

"Wow, she's so beautiful!" Hanako commented, staring at her. I'm not gonna say she's wrong, because she's definitely isn't wrong. She decided to talk to Hanako and Shigeru, and get to know them a little more. "How long have you two been dating now?" Takeo asks me. I take a minute to get a rough estimation of the time. "Almost a year, more or less," I tell him. He just nods.

Soon enough, we dropped everything at Isekai's house. At the time, he had Sabito and Makomo over, so with their help, we got everything moved in on the double. He showed us to our rooms, and Hanako asked if he somehow had any more. "I still got two more rooms down in the basement and one more two doors left off from the kitchen," he tells her. He could technically support four or five families with what he has.

We got used to our new lives pretty quickly. We got to spend more time with each other, and would get to learn a lot about one another. Most of our friends got pretty envious that we live with Isekai in the Tako Residence now. With demons out of the way, Kanao and I got to develop our relationship well, and I planned on proposing to her within the next seven years or so.

One night, we had a nice talk in my bedroom, just speaking about our hobbies, interests, you know, that stuff. She hugged me at one point, and I returned it. But, it escalated after Kanao discovered a "new feeling" at the time, and it kind of went up to the point where there wasn't any turning back. We got to *that* height on the mountain, and unfortunately, Isekai walked in on us.

"Hey, Tanjiro, what was the new promo code for-" he asks me, feeling completely shocked at what he was seeing. We just stared at him, and no one said anything. "...M00Z4N1SD3D. It's M00Z4N1SD3D," I told him. "Thanks," he replied, locking and shutting the door behind him. At that point, we decided that the damage was already done, and we may as well go all the way. I could literally hear him scream "Oh my God..." with a blank and coarse voice, as if he were trying to whisper-yell it out.

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