Chapter 118.5 - Traitor

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Isekai had cut off Hakuji's left hand. "You traitor. I actually believed you were a friend for a second there," he said, sheathing his sword. "Tell me, what gave it away?" he asks, grinning. Tanjiro sighs. "Something had been suspicious about you ever since you first set foot in the classroom. We never knew what it was, but what we DID know was that something was off," he says, crossing his arms.

"Is that all you have to go by? You generally cut off my wrist without any solid evidence that I'm a traitor, if this is all you have," Hakuji questions, laughing. "You're LAUGHING in the face of getting your wrist cut off. Shouldn't you at least express some pain or something?" Isekai questioned, actually surprised.

"Mhm, mhm, point to you. Well, I'll get straight to it. I'm not just your former classmate, ex-friend and former Slayers Corporation affiliate... But I'm a spy, as well, working for the Twelve Kizuki. One more thing..." Hakuji explained, regenerating his hand and tossing away his Slayers Corporation uniform.

"I'm also Upper Moon Three of the twelve!" Hakuji, who reveals himself to be Akaza, finishes, grinning. "I should've known from the start..." Isekai muttered, disappointed in himself. "I requested that man to send me into the Kimetsu Academy. He weakened me, just putting me directly in-between the strength levels between Tanjiro and Isekai," he said, elaborating on his purpose for enrolling in the academy.

"I gathered a considerable amount of intel. I'll tell you one thing, we're after one person from the Slayers Corporation," Akaza continued, licking the blood on his wrist. Before he could go on, Kanao tried going in for the kill. The demon reacted, and tried to end her life with an arm swing. Thankfully, Sabito tackled her aside, saving her from death.

"Well, no more dilly dallying. Our fight begins now!" Akaza declares, smashing the ground beneath it. It caused a bit of a tremor around the place, catching the attention of the others who were still separated.

To be continued...

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