Chapter One Hundred Sixty Nine

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Just really hope she is ready, too.

Yes, I'm trying to give myself a pep talk before confronting Nat on the subject. This is kind of a big deal. We aren't talking about getting a plant here.

Which I still can't seem to keep any of them alive.

Oof.. maybe I'm not ready for kids..

"Spence? You okay?" Nat asks me softly.

I look up from the spot on the floor I had zoned out on.

"Huh? Oh yeah, love. Of course," I stand up and kiss her.

"You sure?"

"Promise," like I said.. "I was just kind of hoping we could talk."

She shifts her body, "okay.."

I gesture for us both to sit down, which we do.

I clear my throat, "um.. I know it's been a while since we've talked about it.. and I know I've had to take longer to heal than we thought.. and I don't want you to feel any kind of pressure, but I just wanted to.."

"Spence," she places her hand on my thigh, "take your time. I'm here. For whatever you need to talk about."

I take a deep breath, playing with my necklace, a new nervous habit I've picked up since my arm was nearly destroyed. The one that has the black widow symbol and.. a small fragment of the power stone that wasn't totally blasted away.

As far as we can tell, there's no power left. It's such a small piece and the power it took to destroy the stones.. yeah it's just.. a reminder, I guess. It was still left in the glove and I couldn't let it go.

It didn't take much convincing to get them all to agree that I could keep it. It just seems fitting that I have the last final piece of the stones left.

So it's part of my necklace now.

And I often find myself reaching for it when I'm unsure. I don't know why. I never thought about it before. It's almost sub conscience.

Right. Back on topic.

"Well, I was hoping we could talk about kids.."

I hold my breath waiting for her answer.

But a smile breaks out.

"Kids?" Her voice holds excitement.

"Yeah? I just feel like I'm ready, ya know? My arm is functional. We've got our home. We're in a good place.." I'm back to being unsure. Cause, she may not be ready.

Her smile gets wider as she leans in to kiss me, pushing me back against the bed.

She pulls away and we're both smiling. She doesn't say anything, just searches my face for a moment.

"I want kids. Let's do it."

"Yeah?" Now I'm getting excited. "You still want to?

"Yes! Of course. I never stopped. I just wanted to make sure with your arm that it was healed and everything. I didn't want to push you until you were ready."

"Really?" I can't help but laugh. "I hadn't brought it up because I wasn't sure if you still wanted to. We were so focused on my arm and what not. There has been so much going on, and you've done so much, I didn't want to add to it."

She laughs too, "well, I guess it's perfect timing now, then."

"Maybe we can start looking at the adoption process and everything?"

"Yes! I'm so excited. We can start looking tomorrow!" She practically pounces back on me.

I hold her as I keep talking, "sounds perfect. Maybe we can talk to Tony? I don't know who you want to tell yet, but I'm sure he knows some places and people. Because it's Tony."

"Yeah, I say we wait until we're farther along in the process to tell everyone, but I do agree that we should talk to Tony. I guess he can keep a secret."

"He did keep it a secret that I was looking for an engagement ring for a few months," I point out.

"Exactly," she sinks further into me, laying her chin on my chest. "I can't wait to start a family with you. For us to be moms."

At the sound of that, happiness overtakes me, "we're going to be moms!"

"We are!" she matches my excitement.

"Look at us. Wives and soon to be moms. And the world tried to tell us we could never reach this level of greatness."

"Yeah.. look at us. We've really shown them."

"Yeah, if they were alive, we'd have really shown them," I joke. We laugh.

"So adoption process tomorrow?"

"Adoption process tomorrow."

That wasn't the end of the discussion. We were so excited about the idea we could be moms soon, we spent hours just talking about what it'll be like. How we want to decorate their room. If they're going to want a dog or a cat or a snake. (Nat said no spiders, we already have one.)

We went well into the night, talking about the future with our kid as we ate our fair share of ice cream, sitting on our bed. We laughed and joked, messing with the other on what kind of mom we'll be. Knowing we'll balance each other out well.

We did talk about some of the bigger things, too. Where they should go to school, how old they'll be before they're allowed to date, which fighting styles they'll learn first. But we also got into what sports they may want to play, what their favorite subject would be. We may have gotten a little ahead of ourselves, but once we started we couldn't stop.

We also agreed that we would let the process choose for us; we just want to give a kid that needed a home, a family.

Whoever we get, we'll accept and love with open arms, giving them the life and love that we didn't have growing up. Teaching them that it's okay to open up to others, if they're the right people.

Because love is for children. But it isn't just for children.

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