"My former mentor at the FBI he teaches criminal law at Yale. I'll see if I can get you some answers about Yale and Bret. Also Avery you should take that class" he says and I give him a thumbs up
"Thank you" Betty says

Cheryl and v have started a war with my father again by putting her rum and Cheryl's maple syrup together.

I went with b to find out what Charles found out

"Your instincts were right again Betty As requested I did some digging on Bret." He says and hands her a folder

"And what did you find?" Betty asks taking it and opening it I stand over her shoulder

Me and Betty both gasp slightly.

We rush right over to Bret's room

"Betty, Avery what's up?" Jughead asks

"We're so onto you Bret. God you just think you're so untouchable, and that everyone is beneath you, but the truth is, you are a filthy cheater." Betty says

"Whoa Betty hang on for a minute what's going on?" Jug asks

"Your roommates father paid someone to take the PSATs for him" I say to Jughead

"Oh but don't worry his father covered it all up, and then bought his way into stonewall, as I'm sure he did with Yale, as well because the truth is, you haven't earned a single thing in your life Bret. Your just a pathetic rich kid" Betty says

"Betty chill" I say feeling her anger towards him but not understanding where it's coming from

"Why're you making me out to be the villain here? It's not like I'm the one writing a YA fiction based off the exploits of your deranged father" Bret says to Betty

"Bret" I sigh

Betty looks at Jughead and he looks super guilty

"Is that what your novel is about?" Betty asks and then turns around and leaves

"Betty wait Betty" jug says and runs after her

I turn to Bret "why are you a dick? Does mommy not love you enough?" I ask him and he smiles

"I heard your going to Yale as well. Can't wait did your criminal parents buy you in?" He asks me

"No I got in by myself I never told him I was applying to Yale because it was my second option in case my dad did but me into Harvard I had enough dignity to turn it down Bret. I can't say the same about you. We both might be rich kids but at least I don't act like it. Take the silver spoon out of your mouth before you lose everything and everyone" I say and turn around and leave

I get home and I hang out with fangs and sweet pea. Fangs tells me how he missed kev but kev refuses to even attempt a date.

I get to the quiz show as Jughead shows up.

I walk up to Bret "break a leg Bret. No really break a leg" I whisper the last part

"You too Avery" he says smiling at me

I take my place "well, hello everyone and welcome to RIVW's Quiz show we have our returning champions stonewall prep, facing first time finalists Riverdale high. So, let's get quizzing" the host says

"What country has the longest coastline in continental Europe?" The host asks

"Norway" Betty says after buzzing


"The miracle of dunkirk" I buzz


"Aft, bow, port, startboard" Bret says


"If the limit never approaches anything, the limit does not exist" Betty says


"In his 1899 novella the jungle book, what author" the host starts

"Rudyard Kipling" Bret says


"Demand" v tries
"Demand side economics" Betty cuts her off


"Why are we even here?" Cheryl whispers to us

"It's like she knows the answer before the question are even asked" Toni whispers back

"Burgundy France" v tries

"Oh sorry that's incorrect"

"To stonewall"

"Cotes de rhone" a kid answers

"Oh sorry that's also incorrect"

"The correct answer is Alsace well, with the thrilling back and forth, the scores still tied at 520 well that sound can only mean one thing, it is time for our final question" the host says

We nod at b to go up there

"For the win. In a manual transmission vehicle what mechanical device connects two or more rotating shafts?" The host asks and they both buzz

"Spark plug" Bret asks

"That is incorrect Riverdale your chance to steal" the host says I cross my fingers.

"The clutch" b says

"That is correct" the host says we all jump up and cheer

"Riverdale has won riverdale are the winners" the host says I go up to Bret and put my hand out

"What?" He asks me

"This is what you do when you are a good sport, did you amazing Bret. Even though we did a little bit better." I say he glares at me but shakes my hand I run back to my friends and cheer with them.

"Say victory" Alice says taking our picture

"Victory" we all say

We all run off as jug congrats Betty in her own way

I went to the serpents and sweet pea and fangs ran up to me and lifted me up "guess who is the smartest serpent there is" fangs yells out

"My girlfriend" sweetpea says he puts me on the ground and kisses me "it's even better because Jughead and Betty are both coming to Yale with me" I say and kiss him again

The next day at school everyone applauds us

They said Betty cheated but she promised us she seen what it was and tore it up. So even if no one believes her I did. We won fair and square, the serpents believed her as well.

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