F I F T Y - F O U R

Depuis le début

"It's three course Italian meal for you today." Raman served classic Italian red wine as they started their dinner. They didn't spoke much and silently took their meal, occasionally stealing glances. The soft tropical breeze shuddering her occasionally but his warm eyes were calming her down eventually. Post dinner, Ishita and Raman were leaning at the railings of the patio and enjoying the view of crystal clear water, she left her hairs open, sheild her back from the cool winds, giving her goosebumps.

"I never thought if we can be together." Ishita spoke, breaking the ice. They have been quiet for so long.

"But i knew it will happen someday." Raman replied, looking in her eyes. Ishita sighed after bearing his penetrating gaze for so long and averted her eyes away. Even in the darkness he know how to burn her with his gaze.

"You do!" Ishita blinked her eyes several times trying to find honesty in his words.

"I do. We never wished to tore our marriage apart, right?" This time he leaned at her, his hands were either side of her petite frame and faces were inches apart when he shared his feelings. He wanted her to recall the moments when she decided to walk out from his life and as well as from their marriage.
He didn't missed his target this time, a hint of guilt and flashed in Ishita eyes when she decided to walk out from their marriage without caring to listen his side.

"We can not allow any circumstances to break our relationship Ishita." She hummed dumbly conflicted with her own emotions, Raman was the one who gave her benefit of doubt that night and at the same time he was the one who wanted her to listen him out. How can these two things be right? Either one of those are lie but whenever she ponder over this topic, she gets no answers and only one thing comes up in her mind, her own desire to live with Raman and make this marriage work. The truths and lies do matter to her but at the same time the urge to prove her family wrong is far big than following morals for her.

"Hmm." She replied with a low hum, his slow sensual caresses on her cheeks created havoc in her senses. She clutched the wooden railings behind her, as his fingers occasionally rubbed her cheeks making her go crimson. "You're looking mesmerising." Raman spoke few seconds later, hypnotised with her ethereal beauty.

"I thought it's for some posh dinner." Ishita bit her lower lip with a sheepish smile.

"You think i would select something so much revealing for public gathering?" She shook her head, her assumption proved right. Raman would never select such provocative outfit for her by himself and she is not a great fan of such skin showing outfits until it's just two of them. The two didn't broke the eye lock, the brewing sexual tension between them raced their heartbeats. His pupils dilated and a sheen sweat line trickled down from her forehead, they wondered if it's a right time to step ahead and get back into their old times or to wait more. A strong gush of wind hit them making she shivered under his arms. Raman removed his jacket and immediately wrapped around her bare shoulders. He stepped back and slid his hands inside the pocket of his pants, "Coffee?" She nodded and he disappeared inside leaving her alone to compose herself. Ten minutes back he returned back with a cup of coffee and a glass of beer. Ishita was sitting at the other end of backyard, on the reclining chair still wrapped inside his jacket. Raman handed her a cup of filter coffee and himself sat beside with his beer. Their chairs kept close as they sat, enjoying their drinks. "Raman, the uncertainties about our marriage never bothered me before. Is our marriage that complicated?" Ishita looked at Raman with blank eyes.

"I don't know, never gave a thought but yes i know we can make it work. I am repeating again Ishita, if you have doubts or second thoughts you can leave it. I will not complain." Raman replied looking into her eyes, carrying same blank expressions like her.

The Binding StringOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant