Volume 3: The Island of Hell

Start from the beginning

Speaking of that person, he was currently talking with Hirata, Yukimura and Karuizawa, arguing about a toilet. 

"Yukimura-kun, it'd be an investment. The girls would be incredibly uncomfortable without a portable toilet like this. Would you rather lose multiple 30 S points than just spend 20 S points once?" Maida posed a good argument.

"Maida-kun is right here Yukimura-kun, besides I doubt some boys would also use that one." 

Hirata pointed to the free toilet we got and some girls nodded long with him. Yukimura eventually gave up and decided to help with the calculation of S point consumption, while maida left to talk to me.

"Who should be the leader?"

"Horikita would be a good choice, just look at her."

She was currently standing around near us, with her left arm holding up the right.

"I see, I'll go tell Hirata and Kushida." 

"Oh and Maida, about that other matter."

"Don't worry, he agreed."

Impressive, I didn't think he actually would agree to this since I had the perfect Plan B ready. Anyway, it's great for us. 

"Then I don't have to do much in this exam."

"Yeah, just leave it to me. But if things go south-"

"I'll handle it."

"Thanks then."

He walked off over to Hirata who managed to buy a portable toilet. Now, the only thing I'll do in this exam is the minimal effort set on me by everyone. Having a reliable pawn sure is handy. 


Yasushi POV

With Kushida's and Hirata's help, I had established myself as the proxy head for the exam. I didn't really like doing this sort of thing but orders are orders. Once we had picked our leader, we trudged through the forest to find a suitable base camp. 

"Hirata, for how long do you think we can go with what we have?"

"I'm afraid not even a day Maida-kun. We'd have to buy meals for everyone tonight.

"If we could find a suitable food source in the forest we could probably reduce our spending." Kushida suggested. 

"Actually that's not the plan, at least not right now."


I cut through the bushes in front of us, revealing our destination.

"A cave?" Hirata asked.

"Yup, I noticed it on the ship. It's the perfect spot as a base camp so I assumed one of those device things would be here. Hirata-kun, let the others guard the entrance for now, Kushida-san and Horikita-san follow me."

They didn't really understand what I was trying to do but they agreed. Kushida and Horikita followed me into the cave, then we searched for the device. From where I was, I saw clear as day that it was the device, it stood out in the crude darkness of the cave. 

"Claim it while I scout the area outside. Kushida-san support her here."

Despite Kushida's hate for Horikita, she knew she had no choice because I told her to. When I got back outside, I saw that there was a commotion. It was Katsuragi Kohei, and he had a green haired boy with him. 

"Get out of here already! We got here first." Karuizawa was arguing with them.

"Well we saw this place first! Not like you Class D schmucks have good eyes."

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