Chapter Forty - Four: Sunspot

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Miya's footsteps echoed as thumps inside her head. Her eyes cast down as she walked. The back of Tomura's red sneakers guided her. Her mouth opened wide into a yawn. She licked her dry lips feeling thirsty. Eyes are sore. Feet hurt. They passed over a threshold. THUNK.

"Ow!" Miya cried, stumbling back, rubbing her forehead which exploded with hot pain.

Tomura looked back. Muttering curses at the door that slammed into her face Miya followed Tomura into the building. "Sorry." she uttered out. Tomura walked through the front lobby of the abandoned office building to a corridor down the left. It smells of musty old carpet and dust.

"You're not yourself this morning." Tomura's shaky voice, says.

"Had a long night." she replied, bluntly.

"You know, since joining us, you have really come a long way, Star." says Tomura Shigaraki, mostly amused. "The first rule that you set, you've gone and broken yourself. Oh, the irony!" he cackled. "Now look at you. Freely killing for the fun of it."

"Not for fun." Miya yawned again, with a hand over her mouth. "I've said it a hundred times and I'll say it a hundred more, Tomura. It's not the first time I've killed. The Commission would issue 'government approved' kill orders." Miya quoted on quote with her fingers, with a sarcastic roll of her tongue. "The only difference was the situation was controlled. When I killed that mobster on the street, I was angry and not thinking straight. There was a thrill. Like that feeling of adrenaline in your stomach when you jump from great heights."

Tomura chuckled something chilly. "Just like when I shake someones hand and slowly watch them disintegrate in horror right before my eyes." He laughed maniacally again, and Miya casted him a sideways glance. She might have felt a thrill, but she wasn't a psycho like Toga or Tomura when it came to killing.

Ahead of them is a large man waiting by a shrine in the wall. He watches as the two approach him. He eyes them up and down. "You Shigaraki?" he asked.


The man grimaced. Beneath a vase of dead flowers was a switch that he flicked. The shrine shrunk back into the wall and slides across revealing a staircase descending down into darkness. "In there." he motioned a finger. Shigaraki and Stardust continued down the flight of stairs with lazy lighting.

"But you have killed before. So what's the big deal?" shrugged Tomura, with hands in his coat pockets as he jostled down each step. Miya sighed. The bags under her eyes were prominent this morning, and her blonde hair fell in knotted curls just below her shoulders. Her big night out with Dabi was a regrettable choice considering the time of morning it was, and that she hasn't sleep in two days.

"There is no big deal." she looked down, taking each step cautiously. "My point is that I didn't want to kill anymore. Guess that went down the drain." Her hand ran the length of the wall.

"What's so bad about that?" he asked.

Miya said nothing. She had nothing to say back to that. There was everything wrong with that. Someone like Tomura will never understand that, so trying to explain it would be a waste of breathe.

Miya was first to enter the reception room after aimlessly wondering the labyrinth for nearly thirty minutes underground. Upon entering the plain room fixed with sofa's and a table, Miya's eyes settled on Overhaul patiently waiting on the sofa for them. The eye contact was instant. His soft gold eyes glare at her and it seems to pluck a nerve within. He was so casual about this.

She turned in attempt to leave the room to find Shigaraki in her way. "Even looking at him makes me want to punch him." she whispered to him.

"Be mature about this." Shigaraki circled Stardust, who followed him with a glare. Mature? He's one to talk. Stardust sullenly followed behind Shigaraki who approached the two sofa's sitting adjacent of each other, a coffee table between them. Overhaul's eyes follow them.

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