All the while Nithya had her legs wrapped around Adi's waist. She repeatedly kept kissing his neck and jaw which Adi found a bit odd.

Adi rinsed his mouth and saw Nithya who is already done cleaning herself. He took a wet towel and held her nape. Adi wiped her eyes and her forehead along with the corner of her lips.

He gently pecked them and joined his forehead with hers.

" What happened to you today?" He asked slowly tracing his hands on her arms.

" Pseudobulbar affect." She mumbled and Adi understood her. It's her way of saying I don't know.

" No problem. Are you on leave today?" Adi asked collecting her hair into a pony.

Nithya nodded looking at him and he smiled at her cuteness.

Adi made a pony of her hair and pulled her to himself while she snaked her hands and legs around him.

He went down directly and Avanthi, Anuradha chocked on their fruits when they saw Adi and Nithya.

" I don't wanna eat food Adi. I just wanna puke seeing them." She cried hiding herself in his crook.

Adi is getting tensed as each second kept passing. He looked at his Mom and Aunt scared and they are no less. Various emotions crossed their faces.

" Sweety, just get up. We'll go to the doctor. You have no appetite since long." Anuradha said getting up from her seat.

" I don't wanna go anywhere." Nithya breathed and her blurry eyes are not allowing her to see.

Her forehead is sweating which kinda scared Adi. She cucooned in his embrace when he sat on the dining table.

The whole staff is looking at them as if they are displaying something interesting.

" It's getting hot Adi." Nithya breathed against his neck.

" Alright. Alright. Just eat some food. Just 4 spoons and I'll take you to our room." Adi spoke running his hands through her hair.

Rahul held his head seeing his daughter in law. The panick rose in him which he felt 27 years back.

" Noooo......" She cried looking at Adi.

" It's ok. It's ok. Some juice?" Adi asked running his hands in her hair again and again.

" Apple." She said and he nodded thinking that something is better than nothing. He looked at the chef and he nodded at him.

With in no time there is a large plate of apples which are cut into small pieces along with a glass of apple juice.

Nithya looked at them and finsihed them which made Adi and others sigh.

" Adi, mulberries." She asked him expectantly. He couldn't say no seeing her hungry self. The chef looked through the fridge and there was a frown on his forehead. He knew what will happen if he don't find the mulberries now.

Every passing second is like a test to everyone there. Adi was analysing the consequences if the chef don't find the mulberries in the fridge. And to everyone's luck, he found the last box of mulberries in it. He grinned and lifted the box to Adi. He took a sigh of relief and the fresh mulberries and cream was kept infront of Nithya.

She thanked the butler and licked the whole bowl clean. She turned her head to Adi and mumbled a little sorry for not leaving the mulberries for him.

" It's alright." Adi smiled patting her head softly.

" Adi, Dad is frustrating me daily saying that I'm better than your husband when it comes to video games. He is mentally torturing me." Nithya's lips wobbled and Rahul's mouth was hung open. He said those words but when did he mentally torture her?

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