"Yeah, like you and Jungkook are for each other." Jimin shoots back, taking Taehyung by surprise.

"It's not l-like that." Taehyung says, turning a shade deeper.

"Your moans a week ago said something different." Jimin doesn't stop teasing and the artist just wants to smack his own head.

"Come on, Tae. Just admit it. I noticed you and Jungkook back in college too. Both of you liked each other so much. I could see that in your eyes. When things got awkward between the two of you before you left, I knew it's not the end. And after five years, I know that it definitely wasn't the end." Hoseok says. Taehyung bites his lower lip. He did think that it was the end for him and Jungkook five years ago. But the situation he is in says otherwise.

"I-I don't think we still have any future. As y'all know... I'm Mingyu hyung's brother." Taehyung tries to reason, not wanting to raise his hopes high because it would hurt more if they get shattered.

Jimin hisses and rolls his eyes. "Your Mingyu hyung allowed Jungkook to be with you if you're happy. He said he won't interrupt between you two."

"WHAT?" To say Taehyung is shocked would be an understatement. Hoseok elbows Jimin and glares at him. It's clear that Taehyung did not know about it and they were not supposed to tell him. It isn't their story to tell.

Taehyung, on the other hand, feels heartbroken. All this time he thought it was Jungkook who demanded for Taehyung from Mingyu in exchange of help. But it turns out that it was indeed Mingyu's idea.

He feels betrayed. He has always wanted to stay away from mafia and its working but his brother literally pushed him into a very deep well by agreeing to Jungkook to give away Taehyung.

"L-Look Taehyung, I-I don't know why your brother did that but maybe he had a reason. Don't get sad without knowing the whole thing." Hoseok tries to make him understand.

"No, hyung! My hyung promised to keep me away from this mafia shit! He promised to protect me but look at what he did. He pushed me towards another mafia group where some members stare at me like a piece of meat. My career is fucking over! My life is ruined, hyung." Taehyung cannot control himself as sobs after sobs leave his mouth.

Jimin cannot feel more guilty while Hoseok feels bad for him. So he tries to console him, "Look Tae, life is really long. Don't say its ruined just yet. You don't know what your life has in store for you. You should try to stay positive and-"

"Positive? My ass." Taehyung cuts him off and harshly rubs his eyed to wipe his tears. He hasn't cried so much in the last five years as much as he has cried in the past months since he got to know Mingyu was sending him to Jungkook.

"My life is ruined, hyung! Mingyu hyung did so wrong with me. HE LEFT ME HERE. HE FUCKING ALLOWED JUNGKOOK TO RUIN MY LIFE AND THAT FUCKING DICKHEAD IS TAKING HIS CHANCE! HE IS RUINING MY LIFE. I HATE HIM. I FUCKING HATE HIM" Taehyung shouts at the top of his lungs. His eyes become blurry with tears.

He sees both Jimin and Hoseok's mouth opening and closing while they both stare behind him. Taehyung is confused but then he hears a low voice that belongs to a certain ravenette, "I... I ruined your life?"

Hurt is clearly evident in his voice. He knew Taehyung did not like him much but he also did not expect so much hatred for himself.

Taehyung slowly turns around and stares at the ravenette with eyes full of hurt and anger directed towards him. "Yes. Yes, you did. And I will never forgive you for that Jeon Jungkook. I will hate you for this all my life and I will hate Mingyu hyung too. You both did this to me. You planned this and I fucking hate you!"

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