Hearing the action sounds coming from the small computer in front of us, the four of us watched our battle from the other day being played, the image pausing on Shoto and I using our fire quirks on the criminal.

"Wow," The news reported beamed, "Pro level work mere minutes after earning provisional licenses!" Looking away from the camera, the woman's big brown eyes landed on us, hair pulled back into a high ponytail as she held papers close to her chest, "This morning we welcome four students from U.A.! Young heroes who recently took down some rampaging villains!" Feeling the camera move from the woman to us, I jerked slightly as the reporter introduced us, "Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugou, Gina Yakatama, and Y/n L/n!"

Seeing the man zoom in our all our faces, I tried to keep my focus on the woman as she continued to smile at us, "What a pleasure it is to have you all join us!" Hearing a small 'tch' come from Bakugou, the woman sweatdropped, suddenly growing nervous, "Ah, you must have bonded during your training given how well you've worked together, huh?" She attempted to ask, Bakugou being the first to answer.

"Does it look that way to you?" He questioned, tone rising, "You better get your eyes and head checked out soon then!"

"Bakugou be nice!" Gina scolded, my body still seemingly frozen in place as Shoto was the next to speak.

"That's right. We're all friends,"

Hearing this, Bakugou straightened his back, threatening to climb over the top of Gina and me to reach the dueled hair boy, "Huh!? Where the hell do you get off making up random crap like that you Icey hot idiot!"

Turning towards Bakugou, Shoto's face never faltered, "We've spent a lot of time together in our supplementary classes,"

"Because the school forced us to!" Bakugou growled, "Training beside each other doesn't mean we're friends!"

Blinking slightly, Shoto's head turned, "How do you define friendship?"

"Ah-" Embarrassed, Bakugou's voice raised once again, "I don't know! You should get your brain checked too!"

Seeing a pause in the two's bickering, the reporter smiled, looking towards me with a hopeful gleam, "It must have been a struggle working in such a large group, was it not?"

Blinking, I could feel my quirk setting off, smoke rising from my head as I tried to talk through my response anxiously, "U-um, no it wasn't. It's actually a lot easier when you're working with people who you've grown close to,"

Feeling the stares of the small newsgroup, I paused, the woman sweatdropping, "Are you alright? Your head seems to be smoking," She informed, my face growing red as I waved over top of my head laughing nervously.

"Oh- that? Yeah, It happens sometimes-"

"Y/n overheats sometimes whenever she's embarrassed," Shoto spoke, in return more smoke admitted from the top of my head, the tired woman nodding, still somewhat confused.

"I see," She hummed, looking down towards her script of questions, eyes flashing towards Gina, "Yakatama." Hearing her name, Gina's body stiffened, eyes struggling to meet the newscaster, "You are no new face in the world of the news. The last anyone outside of U.A. schools has heard of you was when you were rescued a little over four months ago after being found out to be working with the ever-growing Leauge Of Villains. How has life changed since coming back to U.A. Academy?"

Shifting uncomfortably, Gina's eyes looked down, pulling at the ends of her skirt, "I fail to see how that has anything to do with my classmates and I getting our Provisional licenses,"

Seeing she had struck a nerve, the reporter's shoulder slumped for a moment, bowing her head in slight apology before continuing to ask questions, "Right, my apologies," Looking at her cards, she looked back towards me and Shoto, "It must have been frightening fighting off those villains,"

Mending What Broke: Todoroki Shoto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now