28. Unannounced Visitors

Start from the beginning

"Comeon, have a glass of juice atleast."
As the already filled glass was placed before me, i accepted it.
Discussions were resumed this time and i was dragged into it forcefully thus i had to share my opinions every once in a while.

The container was placed on the table.

"I'm sorry for being a bother. But I really enjoyed your company. I had best time here."
I stood up at once to escape.

"Nonsense, you are family now. And we were good to have you over."
Yuvraj uncle patted my head lovingly as i stood up to leave. Nobody was bothered with my leaving arrangements as if they didn't hear their son's commands earlier.

I made my way out the grand doors and walked through the driveway, as the family bid me their adieus from the threshold.

I was happy at my successful dodge, satisfied at the fact that i will no longer be persuaded through one sided conversations of his. The guards opened the gates at the sight of me and i acknowledged their greetings awkwardly.

The cab was parked right outside the villa, as one guard from earlier opened the door for me stepping forward and moving ahead of me.

Feeling greatful at his behaviour i thanked him politely. He asked for my bag and placed at the backseat just beside the place i was going to take the seat.

I was about to place my body on the seat when my arm was grabbed and i was pulled out of the vehicle.
"What the fuc.. What do you think you are doing?"

Flabbergasted i cursed at the culprit but the words died in my throat as i turned to see the person.
What does he want now?

" Cancel the ride."
He said at once taking out the cash from his wallet and picking my bag he turned me to leave holding my wrist in his now free hand.
He changed real quick from being in casuals to his business look.

"Hey, stop dragging me.
You stupid fellow.
I don't need your ride. Go and fuc.. yourself, i - i mean do your work.
I'm not going anywhere with you."

He rose an eyebrow at my blabbering and began pulling me more firmly and silently as if daring me to avoid him again.

"I told you to wait for me, didn't i?"
He complained.
As if he ever asks, it's always an order from his side.

Placing me and my bag on passanger and back seat respectively he rounded the car and settled on the driver seat. But I chose to stay silent.

The ride began with small chunks of traffic here and there.

"Why are you so silent today?"
He asked as he stopped the car at signal. I just diverted my eyes to the road.

"Navneet, talk to me."
He sighed at his futile attempts.
He needs to try harder for my forgiveness afterall I was bursting from inside to let out everything that was bubbled up inside me since last night.

"Alright I'm sorry.
Now tell me what did I do wrong?"
He said tiredly.

" Are you being serious?
You don't even know what is the matter with me, and you are still apologizing. Do you think I'm an idiot?"

" Where did that come from?
I didn't even say that."
He asked confused.

"Wow. Don't play innocent with me. Do you think I'm an idiot? Or that you are too good? Actually you think of me as a child incapable of deciding anything on her own.

The worse thing about you is that you are making me feel like those dummies who know nothing but play trophy wives for their rich husbands."

I was taking deep breaths reaching there, but it was nowhere the end.

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