"Yes. I was too scared that something like what happened when Dad was the leader, would happen again and I could not think of any other way since Jungkook got hold of the person who was following you and him that night. He also gathered a lot of information lately. That's what he told me over the phone earlier today. I asked him if he could share the information with me because we already talked about this during our meeting but he said- he said that..." The older fumbles with words.

Taehyung can easily guess what's coming up next. He is born and brought up in a mafia group and he knows how everything works around here. "There's a condition, right?" He prompts his brother.

Mingyu nods. "What is it?" Taehyung asks, his heart thumping in his chest.

"He said that... uh that..."

"Wow. I've never seen you stutter this badly, hyung. Just tell me and get over it." Taehyung says, already crossing his fingers.

"Okay so he... agreed to share the information with us but on one condition. He wants me to- send you to him... and then he would fully cooperate with us and help us catch whoever is after all this." Mingyu tells him, making Taehyung's eyes bulge out of their sockets.

"What?" The fork falls from his hand. Suddenly the conversation he had with the ravenette in his office plays in his mind. He had called him his future husband. Taehyung does not know what the other had meant by that but he is pretty sure that this has something to do with it.

"Why does he want me with him? And what did you tell him, hyung? Please tell me that you said no." Taehyung whispers, pleading his brother with his eyes but Mingyu cannot really do anything about it now since what is done is already done.

"I... I wish I did. Now that I see you're not interested in going there." The leader has his head hung low.

"Of course I won't be interested, hyung. What made you think I would be interested?" The younger demands, standing up from his seat as he glares at his brother. He feels so betrayed right now.

"L-Look Tae, I know what I did was wrong. I shouldn't have agreed to this but I couldn't see any other way out at that time. I thought you and Jeon were close and you'd be willing to help. I thought-" Before Mingyu can continue further, Taehyung cuts him off, "Why would you think he and I are close?"

"If you weren't close to him, you wouldn't have kissed him, Tae." Mingyu says and immediately his eyes widen. He shouldn't have said this. Not in front of their parents. He did not even intend to say it but he couldn't control himself. He wants someone to understand his point of view as well. At least Taehyung should.

"Kiss? What kiss?" This time, their parents are shocked. They look between Taehyung and Mingyu back and forth.

"N-Nothing." Mingyu immediately shuts up. He does not want to make the situation worse.

"What's he talking about, Tae?" Their father asks his younger son in a comparatively softer voice. Taehyung usually calms down when he hears his voice but right now, he is the most scared of his father himself.

"I... I... back in college..." Taehyung takes a deep breath. He knows that hiding is not an option now. Knowing his father, he won't let go of this matter anytime soon and he would even investigate it. Since Mingyu knows whatever happened between him and Jungkook... at least Taehyung thinks he does, it won't be that hard for his father to find out about it as well and if he finds out that Taehyung lied to him right now, it would be a disaster. His father would be disappointed and never trust him. It's something Taehyung does not want at any cost.

"What happened back in college?" Mr. Kim demands.

Taehyung closes his eyes and takes a couple of deep breaths before continuing, "Back in college... Jungkook was my roommate. We were good friends and even project partners but... but one day, we kissed." The artist shuts his mouth after this, not wanting to give too much information.

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