Use Me, Show Me, Take Me

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*Winnie takes her sweet time nursing and you don't mind. Bucky is still holding Grant while he just looks up at him... it's actually really cute and it makes your heart melt. Grant is cuddled up and admiring his dad as Bucky admires you. Even though being alone with Bucky last night was amazing, you'd be lying if you said you didn't miss your little moments with Winnie throughout the night. Bucky always wakes up when it's your turn, just so you're not alone, but he eventually falls back asleep and then it's just you and her up at 2:30 am. You talk and stare down at this beautiful little girl of yours, she's so peaceful and happy in your arms as she clings to your chest, knowing that she is safe. She let's herself fall back asleep and these moments are what make the exhaustion worth it.*
Bucky- alright Little Wolf.. you ready for some breakfast?? *Grant smiles at Bucky and He kisses Grant's nose* we're gonna go make some biscuits and bacon... how does that sound mama? *He smiles at you and you nod*
Y/N- amazing... can you cut some fruit too?
Bucky- sure thing Doll *He winks and climbs out of bed with Grant. Your heart flutters and you blush. You love that Bucky only whips out the name Doll when he really wants to make you swoon. He walks out and closes the door, you look down at Winnie who is still just taking her time.*
Y/N- you're dad is going to be the death of me.. *She smiles up at you and you chuckle. She is finally full to her hearts content. You burp her and get her dressed.*

*You decide to ask Nat and Steve about last night. You call Nat and they walk over.*
Y/N- So... I trust that y'all fed her last night, but did she not drink everything? Or did she not wake up as often? I'm just wondering because she just nursed for a full 30 minutes straight and she hasn't done that in a while.
Nat- She woke up every time you said she would and we gave her the 4 ounces-
Steve- 4?? I though she said 2!
Nat- what?!?
Y/N- what?!?
Steve- 2 ounces every 4 hours..

*The rage starts to build inside you and you have to look down at Winnie to keep your cool. You remind yourself that Steve and Nat are very new at this and they were so nice to help out. Winnie is fine and she's okay. It was one night and now you know they will never do it again and that Sarah will hopefully never have to go through the same thing.. you chuckle thinking about how Bucky did slightly the same thing when Grant was first born. Steve sees that he really fucked up*
Steve- oh y/n I am so sorry!! I swear I never would of- oh god is she okay?!? Did she get hurt or-
Y/N- Steve-
Steve- oh god! I can't do this! How can I be a father-
Nat- Steve-
Steve- how could I have been so dumb-
Nat/ Y/N- Steve!
*He looks at you and he has tears in his eyes*
Y/N- Steve... she's fine. Look at her *He does and she is smiling away and as happy as can be* she is okay.. *You take his hand and he sits on the end of the bed.. Nat looks at you and you can tell she's at a loss for words right now.. you nod and move down next to Steve* here hold her. *You hand him Winnie and he looks nervous* you are going to be an amazing father, Steve... you can do this. It happens, Bucky did the same thing with Grant when we first brought him home. He screamed all night and guess what.. Grant is fine! He is perfectly fine and Winnie will be too. *Steve sniffles and nods.. tears fall and you rub his back. Nat wipes a tear and sits next to Steve, she lays her head on his shoulder*
Steve- it will never happen again y/n.. never.
*You smile and tease Steve*
Y/N- oh I know... because if Bucky ever found out you'd be dead.. you'd never have a chance to mess up again.
*Steve laughs and nods*
Steve- he really would do anything to protect and keep his family safe..
Y/N- yeah.. *You look at Steve and Nat* and so will you Steve, just wait. When you finally see Nat hold Sarah and then you get to hold her, you'll be ready to fight the world for your family, again!
*Steve and Nat laugh and Bucky comes walking in with Grant*
Bucky- what's going on here??
*Steve looks at you and then hands you Winnie. He stands up and walks towards Bucky*
Steve- I messed up last night and that's why Winnie had such a rough night..
*Bucky narrows his eyes*
Bucky- what happened?
Steve- 4 ounces every 2 hours turned into-
Bucky- 2 ounces every 4 hours... yeah. *Bucky chuckles* I figured that was what happened..after you brought her back around 5 I doubled up on her bottle and she devoured the whole thing.. *Steve hangs his head* it's okay Steve.. it happens. I did the same thing with Grant... you'll learn.
*Steve nods and Bucky hugs him*
Bucky- alright breakfast is ready
*Steve and Nat take Winnie while you get dressed.*

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