Teach Me Baby Girl

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*You sit on the couch and just talk to Winnie.. Bucky walks back in and sees you.. he smiles as he watches Winnie move around to the sound of your voice.. he walks over and sits next to you*
Bucky- Hey Winnie James.. *He places his hand on your belly and Winnie presses her hand up against his. You smile*
Y/N- Aww she loves hearing you..
*Bucky smiles and kisses you*
Bucky- How about we get Grant in the stroller and go for a walk... huh?
Y/N- Yeah! *Your eyes light up*
*Bucky chuckles and helps you up.. you get Grant while Bucky gets his stroller out.. you get him strapped in and you go on a walk around the compound*
Y/N- So.. are you nervous about all of this??
*Bucky is pushing Grants stroller.. he slows down a little and looks at you*
Bucky- What?? About Winnie? *Bucky takes a breath* yeah... a little. Going from 1 to 2 is kinda a big step.. and I mean I know we have plenty more but yeah... I'm nervous. I don't want Grant to feel left out.. or forgotten.
Y/N- Exactly!! * Grant drops his toy.. Bucky stops and you kneel down to give him his toy back* it's just been him and soon Winnie will be here and then Sarah. He's been so spoiled and I'm worried he's gonna be angry with us... or worse hurt and sad..
*You stand up and start to tear up*
Bucky- Oh y/n... No *He hugs you* look it's gonna be hard but it will be okay.. look at him *You look down and Grant looks so concerned* he is so in tune with you and me that I think he's gonna understand.. and we will take turns okay.
Y/N- What?? *You chuckle*
Bucky- When Winnie is asleep we will take turns on who gets to nap and who spends time with Grant.. I'll take the Grant shift more often in the beginning and then it will even out once you heal and she gets older.. we will be okay.. *He kisses you* and he will be okay..
*You nod and he wipes his tears*
Y/N- He's gonna miss his time with Steve..
*Bucky hugs you and holds you as you walk and push Grant around*
Y/N- You ready to be surrounded by girls? *You laugh and Bucky smiles*
Bucky- ha! I absolutely love that we had Grant first, I think we needed him to get through these last couple months *You nod and a tear falls* but having 4 daughters?! I'm excited.. surrounded by so much beauty and sweetness after all the shit I've been through.. yeah I'm ready. *You smile and Bucky kisses you* especially if they are just like you. *He kisses your nose*
Y/N- Ha! You want 4 daughters like me?!? Lord help you!
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- Yup! Even your stubbornness!
*Grant giggles and you pretend to be shocked.. you stop and jump down in front of him*
Y/N- What?!? Do you think that's funny?!? Huh?!? *You say in a silly voice and tickle him. He squeals and laughs*
*Bucky laughs and pulls you back up.. you keep walking*
Bucky- They are gonna take the world by storm just like you.. *He kisses your head*
Y/N- And Grant and his brother are gonna be fiercely protective, brave, and loyal to the end.. just like you..
*Bucky smiles*
Bucky- Hey at least there's only 6 of them!
*You laugh and nod*

‼️Flash Forward‼️
*You look at Bucky and you both smile.. you turn to the kids.. The triplets and Ben walk in*
Y/N- Good you're all here!
Bucky- So that was the doctor..
Winnie- What did they say?!
Y/N- we're pregnant!
*Everyone cheers and laughs*
*You nod to Bucky*
Bucky- So we kinda led you kids astray a little..
Grant- What??
Winnie- What do you mean?!
Y/N- They told us at the doctor on Friday that we were pregnant..
*The girls and Ben look at each other.. Steve and Nat smile.. they already knew*
Jonnie/ Odette- What was the call about then??
Benjamin / Elizabeth- what's going on??
Bucky- The call was to tell us the results of the ultrasound we had on Friday... you see your mom is actually about 12 weeks already..
Winnie- Oh so she got pregnant around Slow Fuck Day...
*You and Bucky roll your eyes.. you don't mind your children cussing but only when it had a purpose.. not just to do it. Even you and Bucky have tried to curb your words since the kids were old enough to talk.. not successfully but you try*
Bucky- If you need the exact date then yes.. it was that day.. anyway, we were getting a picture and hearing the heartbeat... I guess I should say heartbeats..
*Everyone sits there stunned*
Nat- wait?!
Steve- Really?! That's amazing!!
Benjamin- I'm confused..
Odette/ Elizabeth/ Jonnie- no way!! Really?!? Multiples again?!
*You and Bucky laugh*
Y/N- We're having twins.. *Bucky kisses your cheek*
Grant- Wow... I'm speechless.. I- ha! Do you know what they are??
Benjamin- they're babies.. duh.. *He laughs at his own joke and everyone else laughs.. Grant puts him in a head lock*
Bucky- It's a boy and a girl
*The girls cheer and the boys laugh*
Grant- Awesome!
Benjamin- yay! I won't be the little baby anymore!
Grant- If I'm still " Little Wolf" you're still "Little baby"
*You all laugh and Ben comes to sit next to you*

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