When You Call Me Doll

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*Steve walks into the room he and he sees Nat, she is laying on the bed looking at Sarah. Sarah is sound asleep and so happy in Nat's arms. He has never been so happy than he is in this moment. Except maybe when he married Nat. He walks over and kisses Nat's head. She chuckles and smiles up at him.. he moves around to the other side of the bed and sits down next to Nat*
Steve- have you fed her yet??
*Nat laughs*
Nat- No, not yet. I didn't want to wake her just yet..
Steve- I'll be the bad guy if you want me too, I'll wake her..
*Nat nods and Steve chuckles. He take Sarah and undoes her swaddle. She stretches and starts to whine.. Nat picks her up and holds her close.. she start to rub her face against Nat*
Nat- okay, hold on sweetie... *Nat get situated and Sarah immediately starts nursing.. she had no trouble and Nat could cry she was so happy*
Nat- I want to scream because this is the first time she's started to nurse without issues but it will scare her and she'll stop...
*Steve laughs and kisses Nat's head.. he leans down and kisses Sarah's, she couldn't be bothered. Steve chuckles*
Steve- completely unbothered...
*Nat nods and kisses him. He sits there and holds Nat as she nurses Sarah. When she's done Steve changes Sarah and then does some Skin to skin with her while Nat gets changed. She comes back out and almost swoons at the sight. She takes a picture quickly and then lays down next to Steve*
Nat- okay, you've got to tone down the sexiness Stevie, because I'm swooning and a puddle.. *She lays her head on Steve's shoulder and he chuckles. He kisses her head*
Steve- sorry babe... just avert your eyes..
Nat- hell no! *She smiles and stares up at him with big eyes.. he smiles and rubs Sarah's back. Nat lays down and falls asleep, Sarah falls asleep and Steve just sits there surrounded by his girls*

*Sarah wakes up about 2 hours later and Nat feeds her again and then come to see you. You are sitting in Grants play pin with him while holding Winnie. He wanted to play but he didn't want to leave Winnie, so you expanded his pin and sat in there with him. Bucky is picking up dinner for you two and Steve and Nat.*
Nat- Hey... *She shuffles in*
*You look up and smile*
Y/N- hey, how are you feeling??
Nat- exhausted and my boobs hurt...
Y/N- yeah, I'm not gonna lie, it's probably gonna get worse in these next couple days but then it will get way better. I have some medicine that will help with cracking and bleeding.
Nat- yes please!
*Nat sits down on the couch and Grant pulls up on the gate.. he looks over at Sarah and waves.. Nat smiles and moves Sarah's hand to wave.. Grant squeals and wants out of the play pin.. you laugh and get up, you open the gate to let Grant out. He crawls over and pulls up on Nat's legs and just looks at Sarah.. you sit beside Nat as you hold Winnie. Bucky walks in*
Bucky- Hey hey I've got dinner!
Nat- oh thank god!
*Steve comes shuffling in and walks over to Nat. He gives her a sleepy kiss and takes Sarah.*
Steve- go eat, I'll hold her while you do.. *Nat smiles and walks to the kitchen. He sits down next to you and holds Sarah.. he lays his head on your shoulder and pretends to cry.. you laugh and he sits up*
Steve- I'm so tired... I think I've gotten a total of 10 hours of sleep in the past 3 days
*You nod*
Y/N- yup... but it will get better!
Steve- I know.. *He smiles and looks down at Sarah*
Y/N- she's beautiful, Steve
*He nods and looks at you and Winnie*
Steve- So is Winnie... us super soldiers and black widows make some pretty babies!
*Bucky walks in and hears what Steve says*
Bucky- agreed! *He chuckles and kisses your cheek.. he tickles Winnie and picks Grant up.. he whines as Bucky walks away with him. Bucky whines back and Grant stops and just stares at him... Bucky laughs and Grant smiles*
Bucky- I know but even the best protectors have to eat.. you need your super soldier strength! *Grant smiles and claps. Bucky looks back at you* Umm Light of my life, would you like your food in here or in there on the couch??
*You smile and chuckle*
Y/N- I'll take it in here.. easier to eat while holding Winnie..
Bucky- you've got it Doll!
*You blush a little and you hear Bucky talk to Grant*
Bucky- guess it will be just us men eating at the table!
Nat- Hey I'm here to?! *She teases*
Bucky- fine, us men and Aunt Nat
*She laughs and Grant smiles. Bucky brings you your food and gives you another kiss*
Bucky- there you go Doll... *He winks and you blush. He is definitely trying to get lucky tonight.*
Steve- you know to quote you "if I'm not having sex then you're not having sex"
*Bucky and you laugh and Bucky shrugs*
Bucky- tough luck Stevie
*Steve and Bucky laugh. Nat eats and then takes Sarah so Steve can eat. They turn in early for the night.*

*You get Grant and Winnie ready for bed and then you all cuddle in bed while Bucky reads
them a bedtime story. Grant falls asleep before the end and Winnie fell asleep the minute she heard Bucky's voice*
Y/N- your voice is soothing to her.. she fell right asleep.
*Bucky smiles and kisses Winnie's head and she smiles in her sleep. He whispers to her*
Bucky- remember how soothing my voice is.. you'll need to remember that when I'm grounding you from seeing your God if a boyfriend.. *You chuckle and Bucky smiles. Bucky puts Grant down while you lay Winnie down in her crib. You walk back into the room as Bucky walks out of Grants.. you both close the doors and look at one another.. you both smile and you run over and jump in his arms, you kiss him as you wrap your legs around him*
Y/N- you know what it does to me when you call me Doll..
*Bucky smirks and kisses you back*
Bucky- why do you think I did it.. *He squeezes your ass as he walks over to the bed.. he shoves his tongue in your mouth and establishes dominance.. you let him.*
Bucky- alright Doll, how do you want it??
*You smirk*

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