Always Be My Baby

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Nat- I'm all the craziness I haven't given Sarah a proper bath...
Y/N- oh Sarah's first bath!! You want photos?!?
Nat- yes please!
*You get your phone and head over to Nat's room.. you run into Bucky*
Y/N- Sarah's first bath... could you-
Bucky- I'll make sure Grant doesn't get under foot. *He kisses you* since he's walking now and his favorite person seems to be Sarah
*You laugh and nod.. Grant is toddling down the hall as Peter "chases" him.. Bucky picks him up and he laughs and claps.*
Bucky- let's go get some ice cream huh?!
Y/N- Bucky No-
Bucky- some sugar free, unflavored, gross ice cream mommy makes! *You roll your eyes and Grant looks less than impressed* or maybe a smoothie... *Grant smiles*
Y/N- He can have Banana and Strawberry..
*Bucky waves over his shoulder. You head into the room as they are getting Sarah ready.*
Steve- okay Sari, you ready for a bath?!? Yeah!
*Steve walks her in and Nat had the sink Tub ready.*
Nat- hey sweet girl... come here.
*She lays her in the warm water and she smiles, She loves it.*
Steve- is that nice?? *Sarah smiles and moves her arms around*
*You are snapping away and capturing this sweet moment for them... they get her cleaned up, dried off, and dressed.*
Y/N- super cute, clean munchkin!!
*You tickle sarah and she smiles.. Nat gets ready to put her down for bed*
Nat- I'm gonna nurse her and then I'll be out there and we can talk about shopping tomorrow.
*You nod*

*You get Winnie fed and down, you let Grant stay up a little longer. You wanted some extra snuggles. Nat comes in and sits next to you as you snuggle Grant.*
Y/N- okay, I'm thinking we take the girls and go during Grant's nap time.. that way Bucky can still work.
Nat- sounds good.. Stevie can catch up on his sleep while we are gone.
*You laugh and Bucky walks in*
Bucky- the only way I'm letting you leave with my sweet Winnie boo is if you give me a sweet kiss.. *You laugh and kiss Bucky.. he then whispers* and get something really slutty for me.. *You laugh and Nat shakes her head and smiles*
Y/N- Oh I'll get you something... *You wink*
*Bucky takes a sleeping Grant from you and takes him to bed... he looks back at you*
Bucky- you coming?? *He smirks*
Y/N- Nah... I think I'm gonna stay here with Nat.. have some mom chats..
Bucky- you sure about that??
*Bucky gives you a stern look, one that you know means you're not getting any sleep tonight once you do go to bed.. but you double down*
Y/N- yeah.. I need some girl time..
*Bucky bites his lip and scans your body.. he then meets your gaze. He scoffs and smirks*
Bucky- so be it baby girl..
*He walks down the hall and Nat looks at you*
Nat- shit... you're in for it.. *You smile and laugh*
Y/N- yeah... If I want to walk tomorrow I need to wait till he is asleep. *Nat laughs* so... you wanna drink?!
Nat- God yes!! I haven't had a drink in almost 10 months at this point!
Y/N- and you've already nursed for the night and pumped so you don't have to worry!
Nat- and you have a stash to feed and army so your good!
*You two high-five and head to the kitchen. You pull out your favorite wine and pour two full glasses*
Nat- you know we are moms now because you went for the wine instead of the vodka or rum
*You laugh and nod*
Y/N- I mean It doesn't really effect me but for some reason it's hard to stomach vodka now and rum doesn't taste as good anymore..
*Nat smiles and takes a sip of her wine*
Nat- well it effects me and it's all still great! *You laugh*

*You and Nat stay up until about midnight.. Steve comes in and fixed a bottle for Sarah.*
Steve- you coming to bed soon??
Nat- yeah *She chuckles, she's a little wasted* in a minute. Why? *She teases* you gettin' lonely?? *She bites her lip, yeah she's definitely wasted. Steve smirks and leans down over her. He nods and she smiles. He kisses her and whispers*
Steve- I want someone to hold while I sleep.. *That makes Nat swoon... you laugh. Steve walks back out and head around their room*
Y/N- okay, come on Nat... bedtime. You're gonna need your sleep.
*Nat smiles and stands up. She puts an arm around you shoulder and you two walk down the hall.. she drunkenly opens her door and Steve meets her by it... she rests her hands on your shoulders and smiles*
Nat- thanks y/n, you're the best... *She leans forward and hugs you... she stumbles back in the room... you laugh and Steve smiles*
Y/N- wow... motherhood has made her a lightweight...
Steve- well compared to you, me, and Bucky everyone is a lightweight.
*You nod and agree.. you kiss Steve's cheek and head back to the kitchen.. you warm up a bottle for Winnie and then head to her room.. she wakes up as you walk in and you give her the bottle.. holding her close and just living in this quiet moment. When she's done you rock her back to sleep and lay her down.*

*The lights are off when you enter and Bucky lays asleep in bed. You get changed quickly and slip one of Bucky's favorite T-shirts, it smells like him and he loves it when you wear it. Your feminine frame swallowed by him. It's a chilly December night so you slip on some knee high, fuzzy socks. You pull the covers back and slip in bed.. You curl up to Bucky's chest and lay your head on him.. he wraps his arm around you and holds you tight.. you sigh and relax in his arms, you dodged the wrath of dominate Bucky.. you smile and kiss his chest*

*Its 7:30am when you are woken up by Bucky pressed up against your back*
Y/N- Mmhmm Bucky... I'm still sleeping..
Bucky- Nope... you chose Nat over me last night and now Daddy is awake *He pushes his erection against your ass. You smile and moan... guess you didn't escape dominant Bucky* and ready.. *He kisses your neck*
*you see the time and decided to really test and push Bucky today.. you smile, you know it's gonna be sweet when you finally let him have you*
Y/N- oh goodness! I need to feed Winnie and Grant need breakfast before I get ready to leave! We've got a busy morning, we've got to get up! *You slip out of the bed and out of Bucky's arms... his metal arm falls to the bed and Bucky looks outplayed and flustered... he chuckles and groans, he was really hoping to get laid this morning. He sits up and climbs out of bed.. his gray sweatpants tight around erection.. he walks to the door of Winnie's room and leans against the doorway.. he watches you get her up and talk to her.. he smiles and crosses his arms. You turn around and see him watching you.. you blush*
Y/N- what??
Bucky- nothing, I just love watching you be in mom mode... there was a time I thought this would just be a dream.. it's nice to see it be a reality.
*You smile and walk over to him.. you raise up on your tiptoes and kiss him*
Y/N- you wanna get her bottle and I'll grab Grant??
*Bucky nods and takes Winnie. He lays her on the bed and grabs his shirt. He then takes her out and gets her bottle and then head back to the room. You wake Grant up and he stand up and give you a sleepy smile. You ch he him and then bring him into the room. You Give Winnie her bottle and Bucky holds Grant.. they just watch you and Winnie and then have their own little conversations. He has started to babble more and it's so cute*
Bucky- say dada... dada..
*Grant smiles at him*
Y/N- say mama.. mama..
*Grant looks at you and laughs*
Bucky- No way! His first word will be dada...
Y/N- never!
*You and Bucky look at each other and smile*
Y/N- mama
Grant- mmmaaa
*You laugh and cheer*
Y/N- that counts!! Oh that's counts!!
*Grant smiles and does it again*
Grant- mmmmaammm
*Bucky laughs and kisses him*
Bucky- yay!!! Your almost first word!
Y/N- Nope, his first word! Mama!
*You kiss Grant and he squeals*
Grant- mmm mmma mmmaa
*You are so happy and so is Bucky, even is mama was Grant first word*
Bucky- he's walking, and starting to talk.. soon he's gonna be bumming scotch and staying out past curfew!
*You laugh and hit his chest*
Y/N- stop! He will always be my baby..
Bucky- Little Wolf!! *He howls and Grant smiles*
Grant- owwwlooww
*You and Bucky laugh and tickle him.. Winnie laughs and that was the first time she did.. she cooed and made noises before but this was her first real laugh... your heart could burst! Your babies are getting so big. You always wondered how Bucky convinced you to have another baby after having 2 two years in a row... now you know. You are probably so emotional over Winnie turning one that you just beg Bucky to put another baby inside you and instead he gives you 3... you laugh*
Bucky- was that funny Winnie boo?!?
*She smiles and laughs again*
Y/N- my little Winnie!! *You kiss her*

*You spend the morning as a family and then you get Winnie ready for her day out.. Nat gets Sarah ready and meets you by the door*
Nat- should I bring her stroller?? I feel like if she's strapped to me people will be less inclined to touch her. *Nat rolls her eyes and you laugh*
Y/N- you would think but all they do is invade your space. I'd bring the stroller, I have an extra seat cover you can use and that will help keep stranger germs away as well..
*Nat nods, Bucky and Steve gets the strollers loaded, you and Nat get the girls in their seats.*
Y/N- we will be gone till after 3. And Bucky he can't have an sweets. The doctor said he needs more protein, that will help with his hunger situation and his metabolism.. *Bucky nods and kisses you*
Bucky- fine, Banana/ Strawberry smoothies-
Y/N- Bucky-
Bucky- after he eats a whole chicken for lunch I got it *You chuckle and he kisses you again* go I have it handled. I've been doing this for a year and 4 months..
*You nod and kiss him*
Bucky- oh *He lowers his voice* and remember the slutty outfit you owe me.. *He winks and slaps your ass* and don't think I forgot about last night.. *He bites his lip and you smirk. You back away and grab Winnie*
Y/N- Nat you ready??
Nat- yeah... By Stevie.. get some sleep. *Steve gives her a sleepy smile and kisses her*
Steve- I love you Tasha, have fun..
*You both walk to the car and get the girls strapped in. You climb in the drives seat and you and Nat head to the mall for your day of Christmas shopping*

Winter's Widow pt 2!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن