Back To Our Roots

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*A couple weeks go by and before you know it you are 6 1/2 months pregnant, you're exhausted all the time, and it's 4th of July weekend.. which means it's Steve's birthday*

Y/N- Bucky.. *You kiss his chest* Bucky come on.. we've got a lot to do today to get ready for tonight..
*Bucky groans and shifts around, trying to ignore you and stay asleep.. you chuckle and kiss his chest again.. you rub his stomach and as you gently shake him awake*
Y/N- Come on baby.. *He shifts a little* I'll let you do me in the shower.. *You smile and he chuckles* from behind..
*Because of the summer months and your growing physic you haven't been in the mood since the morning after Vision was brought back.. it's been almost a month so you knew that would get Bucky rearing to go.. he chuckles and kisses you.. he groans and sits up a little. He pulls you into his arms*
Bucky- you don't have to bribe me with sex y/n... I mean I'll gladly accept *You laugh and he chuckles* but you don't have to bribe me.. I just need 5 more minutes, I slept terribly last night.. *You look at him as he slowly leans back and closes his eyes.. he can feel the daggers you are shooting at him.. he peaks down at you through one eye and he laughs*
Bucky- I know.. I don't have a person growing inside me.. *You smile and kiss his cheek*
Y/N- that's right... but I know you didn't sleep well.. I could feel you tossing and turning all night.. what's going on?
Bucky- I'm having some nightmares.. *You rub his chest and he looks down at you* it's just the stress of the new baby and everything..
*You didn't mean to but you let your face fall and you pulled back a little*
Y/N- oh
*He takes your face in his hands*
Bucky- good stress baby.. *He kisses your nose* I'm so excited but it's a little stressful.. thinking about those first few weeks and then add in Grant.. I'm just a little anxious is all.. but I'm okay and the minute I'm not I will tell you.. okay? *You nod* okay..
*He kisses you and then sits up.. you kiss his shoulders and rub his face.. he smiles*
Bucky- what was that for??
Y/N- it was very grown up.. *You kiss his cheek again* being honest and open about your nightmares instead of hiding it, losing sleep, and getting irritated until you lose it and I confront you about it and then we kinda fight and then we make up and finally you tell me about your nightmares... *Bucky looks back at you and smiles.. he teases you*
Bucky- well you said yourself we have a busy day.. I didn't have time.. *You laugh and roll your eyes. He pulls you close and kisses you* I've learned it's better to let you in than to shut you out.. *you rest your forehead against his and nod your head... your nose brushes against his*
Bucky- alright, we've got a birthday boy to entertain!
*You laugh and Bucky pulls you up*
Y/N- okay.. Nat needs him gone all day to set up for tonight so what did you have planned??
Bucky- I thought you were planning stuff for today?!?
*You start to freak out*
Y/N- what?! Wait- Bucky!
*He laughs*
Bucky- I've got plans baby.. don't worry. Go get dressed.. we will be inside and outside so be prepared.
Y/N- yes sir *You fake salute
*Bucky chuckles*
Bucky- don't tease baby girl..
*You slap his ass and get dressed*

Nat- Stevie.. *Nat kisses his chest and then kisses down his stomach* oh Stevie.. *Steve starts to stir. Nat had convinced Steve to sleep in the nude last night.. and right now she was happy she did.. Sarah is taking all the energy out of her and if she had to maneuver Steve's boxers off him right now she'd be tired before they got to the fun stuff.. Steve's a solid man when he's awake.. when he's dead weight bed somehow even more solid.. she kisses his hips and squeezes his thighs.. she nibbles on his hip bones as he shifts a little more.. she chuckles and kisses his member.. she smirks as she sees him slowly start to become turned on*
Nat- Mmhmm Stevie.. *She kisses him again and then takes him in her hand.. she strokes him and then slips him in her mouth.. she feels Steve start to sit up and  she feels the covers pull off her.. Steve sees that she's completely naked and he moans and plays with her hair.. she smiles and rubs his thighs. She deep throats him a couple times and he cumming without warning.. Nat knows Steve too well though and she didn't need a warning.. she takes everything he gives her and then kisses her way up his body. He pulls her into a kiss and she smiles*
Steve- good morning *He smiles*
Nat- Good morning and Happy Birthday..
*Steve hums and rubs her body.. he guides her into his lap and she straddles him.. he slips in her and she starts to grind against him and she is relentless*
Nat- if my body could handle it I'd make you cum the same amount of times as your age.. *Steve laughs and thrusts up into her*
Steve- I mean, my catch phrase is " I can do this all day"
*Nat laughs and rides him like there's no tomorrow.. he's holding her hips and whimpering by the end.. Steve cums again and Nat cums too.. Steve wanted even more of her and wanted to return the favor she gave him but she insisted she shower*
Nat- No baby.. I'm gonna shower.. you clean up here and then hop in once I'm out.. *She kisses him* I love you baby..
Steve- I love you too.. thank you..
Nat- You're welcome.. Happy Birthday Steve
*Steve leans down and kisses Nat's little baby bump.. she's about 2 1/2 almost 3 months pregnant.. she's just starting to show and Steve can't get enough*
Steve- good morning Little one.. *Nat smiles and kisses Steve. She showers and then heads out to the main room*

*You and Bucky bump into Nat in the hall*
Y/N- hey! Is he up?!?
Bucky- yeah we've got a big day planned!
Nat- he's up but he's kinda worn out.. *Nat chuckles* we uhh had an exciting morning..
*You laugh and Bucky starts to bang on the door when Nat stops him*
Nat- Dude it's his birthday.. don't give him a bad attitude..
*You pull Bucky back to your side*
Y/N- are you sure you don't need me to stay and help??
Nat- yes! Go spend sometime with Steve.. I know he missed you two.. *You and Bucky smile* go go! *You hug her and knock on the door.. Steve opens the door and you and Bucky yell and shout*
Bucky/ y/n- Happy Birthday!! You're so old!!
*Steve laughs and hugs you and then Bucky*
Steve- thanks guys!
Y/N- well Stevie, Nat is allowing Bucky and I to steal you away for the day
*Steve smiles and looks at Nat*
Steve- okay.. well what are we gonna do?!
*Bucky smiles*
Bucky- back to our roots Stevie... we leave in 30 minutes!
*He walks with you to the front door*

*Steve meets you by the front door*
Steve- ugh.. this one coming with us too?! *Steve teases as he tickles Grant and Grant laughs and squeals*
Y/N- of course!
Bucky- hope you don't mind.. but we want to spend as much time with him as we can while he's still an only child..
*Steve nods and tickles Grant... Grant reaches out for Steve and he takes him in his arms*
Y/N- alright.. let's go!
*You all get in the car and head out.. Nat waves from the door and rubs her belly as she watches y'all drive away.. she turns around and yells for everyone to gather around*
Nat- Alright guys.. we have till 6 tonight to turn this whole place around.. let's go!

*Steve sits in the front seat and you sit in the back with Grant while Bucky drives*
Steve- So.. where are we headed??
Bucky- Like I said, we are headed back to our roots.... And Coney Island..
*Bucky smiles and Steve laughs and shakes his head*

‼️Part 1 of this story was just ranked number 1 with the Sebastian Stan tag! 😭🥺😅😱🥰❤️‼️

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