We Can Talk About It

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*After hours of reading Peter's story you have to stop, you've been crying and laughing and now you just need a break. You see Bucky walking down the hall with Grant in one arm and Winnie in the other. Both of them are still a little sleepy and they just want to cuddle with Bucky... you try to take Grant but he hangs onto Bucky a little tighter and when you reach for Winnie she whines because she was so comfy in Bucky's arms... you scoff and look down at Bucky. He just chuckles and sticks his tongue out at you. You laugh and kiss him. He whispers against your lips*
Bucky- go take a bath and relax I'll get a bottle for Winnie and get Grant his snack. You just go have sometime to yourself... okay? *You smile and nod. You kiss his lips again and rub his face. You walk back to your room, you pump and text Bucky to come get it.. he does and gives you another kiss*
Bucky- relax baby.. I've got them. *You smile and head into the bathroom and Bucky shuts the door*

*You start the tub and light some candles. You put some lavender bubbles and oil in the tub and then turn on some music. You turn off the light and climb in the tub. You sit back and just let the water and oils soak into your sore body... you relax and let your mind wonder. You think on your life with Bucky and how blessed you are. Your two beautiful children and the more you will have... you enjoy the silence and peace. It all come crashing to a halt when you hear Grant screaming and Winnie crying. You chuckle and just wait for Bucky to come get you. You know he will if he needs your help. About 5 minutes later he slips in and looks at you sheepishly. You sit up, smile, and hold out your hands. He laughs and walks in*
Bucky- I'm sorry... I really tried.
Y/N- it's okay.. I was about to get out anyway.
*He hands you Winnie and she is crying but she stops when she hears you.. it makes your heart happy* hey Winnie boo... it's okay!
Bucky- you wanna go ahead and give her a bath?
Y/N- yeah, why not.. and then I can give Grant his..
Bucky- okay, yeah he's really missing you. He realized you were home and lost it. I tried to keep him calm but it did not work.
*You laugh and start to undress Winnie for her bath. You bathe her and then Bucky comes and takes her. He gets her dressed and it seemed that was what she needed to calm down because she laid quietly on the bed while Bucky brings you Grant.*
Y/N- hey little Wolf! You wanna bath?! *Grant gives you a teary smile. Bucky gets him ready and puts him in the tub with you. He play in the bubbles and laughs. You bathe him and then Bucky gets him out too.. he drys him off an legs him crawl around the room in his diaper as Bucky comes back in the bathroom... he lift you out and you laugh. He dries you off and you throw on your robe you get dressed and come back out and take Winnie*
Y/an- hey sweet girl.. did you miss mama?! Huh?! You love daddy but you just needed mama huh?
*She smiles and nuzzles into you chest.. you kiss her head and Bucky gets Grant dressed.*
Bucky- yeah... she's a daddy's girl but she just needed mommy..
*You smile and snuggle Winnie*

*The afternoon goes on and you see Nat going on another walk. You stop Steve as he walks by*
Y/N- Hey how is she doing??
Steve- she is over it... I think she is secretly having contractions and just not telling me..
Y/N- you want me to talk to her??
Steve- if you don't mind.. please?
*You nod and hand him Winnie. She cries a little but Steve calms her down.. you smile and walk outside*
Y/N- Hey Nat? Can I walk with you??
Nat- yeah
*You walk beside Nat and she starts to slow down.. you see pain flash across her face*
Y/N- how long?
Nat- what??
Y/N- how long have you been having contractions??
*Nat gives you a guilty look*
Nat- all morning... don't tell Steve. They aren't that bad and they are random so I know it's just false labor...
*You put your arm around her and guide her back to the compound*
Y/N- I won't elk him but you are going to... trust me Nat, you want him to go through this with you.. talk to him.
*Nat nods and y'all walk in*
Nat- Hey Stevie... I need to talk to you..
*Steve nods and hands you Winnie. Steve walks back to their room with Nat. You sit down with Bucky*
Bucky- what's going on??
Y/N- Nat has been having contractions all day.
Bucky- oh wow... and Steve doesn't know?
Y/N- Nope, she said they aren't strong and they aren't consistent. I told her she needed to tell Steve.
*Bucky nods and Grant whines to be picked up*
Bucky- okay bud I got ya..
*Bucky picks him up and holds him. He looks over at Winnie and leans forward to see her.. he smiles and reaches down to pat her head*
Y/N- be careful, gentle hands Little Wolf.
*He smiles and pats her head gently and coos*
Bucky- you see Winnie?! Huh!?
*Grant smiles and laughs.. Winnie looks up at him and smiles.*
Bucky- hey by the way Steve was telling me about a preschool around the corner. He said Nat checked it out and that it's really good!
Y/N- oh okay... Umm are we sending Grant to preschool??
Bucky- well I was thinking that we could send him maybe one day a week.. not now but maybe once he turns 2...
Y/N- Umm yeah, okay. We can do that..
*Bucky sees that you are a little worried*
Bucky- or not, we will see. I just thought it would be a good way for him to meet other kids.
*You nod*
Y/N- okay, we can talk about it...
*Bucky smiles and kisses your head*

‼️I know it's short, I was traveling today. Tomorrow will be normal!‼️

Winter's Widow pt 2!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz