Tell Me Piglet... Trick Or Treat

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*Its finally Halloween and everyone is getting ready.*
Y/N- hey babe?! Could you please get Grant dressed while I nurse Winnie?
Bucky- already on it sweet cheeks..
Y/N- thank you! *You blow him a kiss and he smiles*
*Bucky gets Grant in his tigger costume and Bucky gets in his Eeyore costume on. They walk out and you smile and snap a picture*
Y/N- So stinking cute!! My two handsome men!
*Bucky walks over and kisses you. He kisses Winnie and she gets distracted and pulls off from nursing.. and milk. Goes. Everywhere.. Bucky grabs a burp rag and helps you out.. you couldn't help but laugh*
Y/N- okay, get out.. you distract her too much and then she takes forever to get back on..
Bucky- sorry baby.. *He kisses you again* I'll sit over here where she can't see me.. *You smile and pull Bucky closer.*
Y/N- oh just come here.. *He sits next to you and holds you while you and Winnie finish up. She was really hungry because she didn't pay any attention to Bucky.. even when he started playing with her feet.* okay.. You burp her while I ho wash off from my milk bath.. *Bucky chuckles and kisses you*
Bucky- you got it mama!
*You laugh and hop in the shower.. you get out and get dressed and come back out. You see Grant cruising around the room and trying to walk. Winnie lays in Bucky's arms and just stares up at him, smiling away.. your heart swells and you take a moment to look at your beautiful family.*
Y/N- okay, y'all ready?!?
Bucky- yes! Wow.. you look adorable!
*You smile and spin around and he checks you out* Mmhmm little piglet is giving me Bunny vibes *He smirks and you laugh*
Y/N- only in your dreams right now baby.. we've still got a week and a half *you lean down and kiss him*
Bucky- well then I'm pulling out all the stops and I'm just gonna be irresistible.. make you crazy.. *He winks and kisses you.. he stands up and then looks you up and down* I'm gonna go get Winnie in her seat and then I'm gonna make sure the stroller is in the car. *You smile, you know what he is doing* then I'm gonna make sure the diaper bag is fully stocked with snacks and plenty of supplies. *And it's totally working* I'll grab some blankets just in case it gets chilly and I'll heat you up some hot chocolate... *He goes to walk away and he lifts Grant into his arms and carry's both kids in his arms.. he turns around* anything else you need me to do?? *He smirks and you smile*
Y/N- just kiss me *He leans in and presses a gentle kiss to your lips and hums*
Bucky- you may be piglet but you're sweet as honey.. *He winks and walks away... you fan yourself once Bucky is out of the room.. you sit down and run your hands over your face*
Y/N- pull it together y/n..

*You walk out to the main room and see everyone ready and Bucky has done everything he said he would. He even walks over and hands you a warm travel mug of hot chocolate.. he kisses your cheek and then pats your ass, you chuckle. Steve and Nat are dressed as Buzz and Jessi again. Tony, Pepper, and Morgan are dressed as the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars... Morgan's really into astronomy right now and Tony and Pepper obliged.*
Y/N- okay.. where is Peter??
Tony- he said he will meet us at the park after his party.
*You nod and you all head out.. Bucky gets the kids in the car and then climbs in. He puts his hand on your thigh and gently rubs it. You try to remain calm and not let him know that his plan is actually working. He smirks because he already knows that it's working. You get to the park and walk around the trunk or treat that's been set up there. Grant walks around with Bucky. He will hold Bucky's hand and slowly toddle around but the minute he lets go Grant stops and pouts until he gets a hand.. he picks up candy and smiles and waves at everyone they pass. People want to take pictures with all of the avengers so the kids start to lose it a little as they start to get bored. You are wearing Winnie and she is all bundled up.. all you can see is her little face and she just takes everything in... you remember what the older Winnie said about the Halloween costumes you would wear as she grew up.. you look at Bucky*
Y/N- is this piglet outfit slutty?!?
*Bucky chuckles and looks at you*
Bucky- Umm no, well-
Y/N- what?!?
Bucky- well it's not exactly a big fleece onesie, which were the other options.. but it's not slutty. I mean it's definitely working for me.. *He bites his lips and pulls you in.. he kisses your cheek and you laugh* why do you ask??
Y/N- I just thought about what Winnie said about my costumes when she was growing up and I was just a little worried that she may have been right..
*Bucky hugs you*
Bucky- you don't look slutty.. you look cute and really hot *He chuckles and then whispers* but, if you paired this little dress with your bunny tail and that sexy push up bra, now that. That would be slutty, and I'd be tearing into you in the back of our car in between our kids carseats... *He kisses your temple and then backs away a little. Bucky looks around and makes sure no one heard, they didn't.. he gently pats your ass and then winks at you. You hold in a moan and you bite your lip.. Winnie starts to whine and Bucky chuckles.. he leans down and kisses her cheek*
Bucky- hey Winnie boo.. you wanna walk around with Daddy?? Huh? *She coos. Bucky picks her up out of the sling she was in and he carry's her around while you put Grant back in his stroller and push him around.*

*Peter meets up with you guys and he is dressed up as Peter Pan again*
Y/N- really you guys?!? All these repeating costumes?!
Steve- hey we didn't go out in them last year. People need to see this.
*Nat laughs and pulls him close.. you shake your head and Bucky walks back over to you*
Bucky- alright, I guess it's dinner time. They have some chili and hotdogs over there and some food trucks parked around the corner.
*You get set up at a table and Bucky grabs your dinner. You brought stuff for Grant and he eats every bit of it.. he tries to eat his candy too but you take it away.*
Y/N -Maybe later Little Wolf.. *He pouts and tries to get out of his stroller. Peter comes by and offers to take Grant.. you nod and Peter takes him to the swings and the slide. You watch as Bucky comes walking back.. he straddles the bench and slides close, his knees are touching your ass and your knee.. he kisses your cheek*
Bucky- I got you a taco.. *You smile*
Y/N- thank you Bucky..
*Winnie starts to try and nurse.. you put your cover on and get her situated.. she nurses as Bucky feeds you your taco.. it is messy and you probably should have waited but he knew you were hungry and needed to eat*

*Grant starts getting his laughing fits that he gets when he's really tired so that was your cue to pack it up.. you all climb in the car and head back. Bucky gets the kids inside and in the room. Winnie lays on the bed and Grant crawls around.. you get the candy hidden away and then walk into the room. Bucky has already started the bath for Grant and is actually almost done. He gets him dried off and dressed while you change and throw on your robe.. you go to set up Winnie's little tub and Bucky has already filled it. Just the right temperature and just the right amount of soap.. absolutely perfect.. you smile and go grab Winnie.. you get her bathed while Bucky gets Grant down.*
Bucky- well he passed out the minute I turned off the light.. *You chuckle and get Winnie out of her tub* you go shower, I'll finish up with her.
Y/N- I'll need to feed her again
Bucky- I've already got a bottle ready.. you've done so much these past few weeks. Let me handle all this tonight. Shower, relax, and just go enjoy having a "free" night.. *You smile and kiss Bucky*
Y/N- you're really good at this.. you know? *You tease and Bucky nods*
Bucky- oh yeah.. making you swoon for me is what I'm best at.. *He teases back*

*You shower and get ready for bed. You decide to tease Bucky back and you get dressed in one of his favorite outfits of yours. Funny enough it's not even lingerie. It's one of his old t-shirts that's just old enough that it's almost see through because it's so worn. You slip on a pair of his boxer briefs, thank god the bleeding from child birth has stopped, well for the most part. You don't have to wear a diaper anymore which is nice. You walk out and see that Bucky isn't playing fair either.. he is doing skin to skin with Winnie.. she lays on his bare chest as he lays back on his side of the bed. He is in his best gray sweatpants and he is reading with a book In his metal hand as he rubs Winnie's back with the other.. you bite your lip and squeeze your legs together. You chuckle and walk towards Bucky.. you tease*
Y/N- alright, I'm taking my baby back.. she gives you too much power.. *He chuckles and keeps his hand on Winnie's back.*
Bucky- No, she's too comfy.. *He pouts and you smile*
Y/N- fine but yours not playing fair..
*He looks you up and down and smirks*
Bucky- Neither are you Baby girl..

*Bucky lays Winnie in her bassinet and then climbs in bed.. he crawls over you and you chuckle.. he kisses you and then Whispers in your ear*
Bucky- tell me Piglet... Trick or Treat? *He smirks and whisper back*
Y/N- surprise me..
Bucky- sounds like a challenge I am definitely up for.. *He grinds against you and you moan*
Y/N- Bucky we can't-
Bucky- I know, I won't.. but we can still do a little bit of this..
*He kisses you and pulls your leg up a little and rubs the back of your thigh.. you moan and like clockwork because your life is like a comedy sketch waiting to happen, Winnie wakes up*
Bucky- I'll get her.. you keep thinking about what kind of Trick or Treat you want.. *He kisses you and then gets Winnie.. you watch as his muscles moves as he lifts and rocks her back to sleep.. you smiles and just watch Bucky as he continues to show you how irresistible he can be... and you are not complaining*

‼️Okay, so kind of a little life update... I have been wanting to actually publish this story, like make a book and sell it, publish it. But because I don't own anything Marvel related I can't. I am currently having to basically rewrite this story and honestly I am loving where it's going! 🥰 All characters have been changed and the storyline has to change a bit but the love story is still the same. I will probably post the first 5 chapters on here with the working title just to get a feel for how people like it and then the rest will be saved for the book! Don't worry, I am not stopping Winter's Widow! This story will still go strong! This is literally my baby and I just love the opportunity to share it with you! 🥰🥰 I'm gonna post it in the next week at some point so don't be shy to let me know what you think! ❤️‼️

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