Our Dusty Rose Baby

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*You wake up in the morning and Bucky is already getting Grant up.. you can see him through the adjoining door, Grant keeps turning over and crawling away as Bucky try's to get his onesie snapped.. he keeps pulling him back and Grant laughs.. You chuckle and get up.. you get ready and walk into Grant's room*
Y/N- my two men!
*Grant squeals and crawls away again and Bucky throws his arms up and chuckles*
Bucky- I give up.. he can crawl around with it unbuttoned..
*You laugh and lay Grant on his back and snap his buttons in a second.. you pick him up and sit him in Bucky's lap*
Y/N- you just gotta be fast baby.. *You chuckle and give Bucky a sweet peck on the lips.. he pulls you back in and deepens it a little*
Bucky- Mmhmm good morning.. how are you feeling??
*You smile and kiss him again*
Y/N- So good baby.. so *Kiss* so *Kiss* good *kiss* and just so you know.. I absolutely love White Wolf *Bucky smirks and slides his hand up the back of your leg.. you lean closer and he pretends to bite your face.. you giggle and kiss him.. he growls against your lips.. you tease him*
Y/N- Cool it Bucky.. Grants watching..
*you smile and Bucky looks down and sure enough Grant is just staring up at him and for the first time in months Grant looks at Bucky like he's disappointed in him.. he laughs and tickles Grant.. Grant smiles and crawls out of Bucky's lap.. you leave swinging your hips and Bucky growls as he watches you leave... you laugh.. Grant crawls and follows you out of the room.. Bucky laughs and chases him*

Y/N- okay.. I'm gonna be with Nat, we are working on the the nursery!! *You smile and clap*
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- Shouldn't Steve be helping with that?
Y/N- Not their nursery, ours! *You smile and kiss Bucky*
Bucky- Hey wait! I wanna help out too!
*You smile and take his hand and pull him along with you... Bucky picks up Grant and he starts to fuss so Bucky puts him back down so he can crawl.. he slowly follows after you two as you walk down the hall.. you turn around and pick him up when it's start to take too long.. he smiles and snuggles into your shoulder and sighs... he was already tired.. you settle in the conference room and Nat is already set up*
Y/N- Wow.. how long have you been planning this??
Nat- Honestly... some of this is from when you told us you were pregnant with Grant and then when we met Winnie..
*You laugh and Bucky shakes his head and smiles*
Bucky- okay.. which room is all of this happening in??
*You and Nat look at each other*
Y/N- Umm Grants room.
*Bucky looks at both of you*
Bucky- What?!? No! That's Little Wolfs room! No!
Y/N- Bucky she needs to be in the room connected to ours while she's younger.. we can't put her down the hall-
Bucky- I know but we can't ship him down the hall either.. she can just be in our room till-
Y/N- Till when Baby?? Yes she will be in our room for the first couple months but after that she needs her own room..
Bucky- Can't they share the room?? Make it more neutral and then they can share it..
Y/N- I guess but Winnie deserves her cute girly nursery.. Grant got his blue, wolf nursery. Winnie deserves her lavender, ballerina nursery..
*Bucky smiles*
Bucky- it's gonna be lavender?
*You chuckle*
Y/N- Yes baby..
*You kiss him and he pulls you into his lap*
Nat- actually I've been talking with Steve and we've decided to move rooms..
*You and Bucky look at her*
Y/N- What?!? No!
*Nat laughs*
Nat- Just across the hall.. our doors will literally align.. but we realized we need what y'all have for Grant for Sarah, a room that can have an adjoining door.. so we are gonna move across the hall and Peter is actually gonna move down a room and his old room will be Sarah's
Bucky- Does Peter know?
Nat- Yeah.. we talked to him about it this morning and he was fine with it because the room he's moving to is bigger...
Y/N- Well okay! That's perfect, Sarah can have Nat and Steve's old room..
Bucky- Perfect! My little wolf gets to stay where he is! *Grant squeals*
Y/N- Yeah and we can have Tony install another door to that room.. *Bucky looks at you*
Bucky- Great! Another point of entry for people to walk in on us!
Nat- Just lock the door!
Bucky- Just knock!
Nat- Y'all won't answer!
Bucky- There's usually a reason for that!
Y/N- Okay.. enough you two.. Nat show is what you've got!

*Nat spends all morning showing you paint samples and rugs and a whole bunch of baby girl things... Pepper and Wanda join you. Then eventually the whole teams in there.*
Tony- oh you have to get that baby swing! It's the best!
Y/N- We have a great swing already
Bucky- But not one for Winnie..
*You laugh*
Y/N- It's neutral and Grant will have out grown it by the time she needs it...
*Bucky pouts.. he really wants to spoil his little girl.. you lay his leg and kiss his cheek*
Y/N- We will get some pink and purple replacement seats... okay?
*Bucky smiles*
*Steve gets up to get some snacks.. Bucky notices the time and realizes you have about 30 minutes before you become a different person... he asks Steve to bring you something sweet. He walks back in and hands you a bowl of Oreos*
Y/N- *You gasp* thank you!! *You squeeze his hand.. you turn to Bucky and kiss his cheek* thank you!! *Bucky laughs as you eat one.. he try's to take one from you and you slap his hand.. he looks at you like he's hurt*
Y/N- Mine.. I don't share my Oreos..
*Bucky pretends to be hurt again*
Bucky- Excuse me, We share everything! We took vows!
*You roll your eyes and laugh.. you shove an Oreo in his mouth and he chomps down and smiles. He speaks with his mouth full and his words are muffled*
Bucky- Thank you baby! *He gives you a chocolatey kiss and you laugh.. the team just laughs and continues with their choices for Winnie's room*

*The only one who refrained from saying anything was Thor.. he just sat in silence and enjoyed the moment.. everyone eventually leaves and goes about their day.. you and Bucky are looking at different onesies for her to come home in as Thor walks by... he steps in and clears his throat*
Thor- Umm I don't know if this is weird or if I should even say anything but... the Dusty Rose colored bow... it's- Umm *He looks down and smiles* she loved that color... loves that color. Just a thought..
*You smile and Nod.. Bucky pats him on the back and nods... he then leaves*
Bucky- So we have her bow picked out..
*You lean close and rest your head on his shoulder... you nod*
Y/N- Yeah.. we do.. *You kiss him*
Bucky- What if we did Lavender for the next one-
Y/N- And Dusty Rose for Winnie..
Bucky- yeah..
Y/N- Sounds like a perfect plan..
*You kiss Bucky and he smiles*
Bucky- Our little Dusty Rose Baby..

‼️So sorry it's short... I got side tracked watching Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans Thirst traps on TT😅🤤🥵😏😉🥰... I'll make up for it tomorrow! ‼️

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