Family Day pt2- Cyborg And Psycho

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*You get Grant loaded in the car.. he isn't too happy about sitting in the back by himself.*
Y/N- you're okay Little Wolf.. you want your toy??
*Grant squeals as you hand him his teething toy. It's shaped like a wolf and it has little rubber spots for him to chew on.. it crinkles and and rattles and he absolutely loves it.*
Bucky- alright.. where to first?
Y/N- let's go to the store.. let him pick out a toy and we can get him some new clothes
Bucky- to the store it is..
*Bucky lays his hand on your thigh as he drives, something that has just become second nature and quickly turned into a comforting gesture as opposed to a sexual one.. you hang on to his arm and watch Grant through the mirror as he plays and entertains himself.. you think of when there will be two of them back there and Grant can talk and entertain his sister.. you rub your belly and smile*

*Bucky gets Grant out of his seat and holds him while you walk inside... there is the usual on slot of stares and sensual gazes thrown in Bucky's direction.. even more since he's holding Grant.. they all stop and quickly turn away when they see you with him.. you walk by two ladies as they comment on you little family*
Lady1- see that right there is proof that God has favorites
Lady2- Which one? The man or the women?
Lady1- both.. even their baby is cute..
*You and Bucky keep walking and you both just smile.. Bucky wraps his arm around you*

Bucky- alright Little Wolf.. let's get you some clothes.. huh?!
*Grant looks at Bucky with an unenthusiastic look and Bucky chuckles.. he whispers to Grant*
Bucky- I know.. but mommy's really excited about it.. okay. Just be glad she doesn't make you try them on yet.
*Grant smiles and you squeeze Bucky's ass as you walk by*
Y/N- I heard that.. *Bucky laughs and sets Grant in the buggy* wait.. I need to put the cover on..
*Bucky sighs*
Bucky- he's a super soldier y/n... he can fight off some germs..
*You hit his arm*
Y/N- it's still gross.. pick him up please..
*You arrange the cover and Bucky slides Grant back in* thank you.. *You smile and kiss his cheek.. Bucky blushes*
Bucky- okay.. clothes!
*You stroll around the store and pick out some new outfits for Grant.. some cute blue and green onesies, some overalls, and footie Pajamas.. Bucky holds up some little jeans*
Bucky- hey y/n how about we get him some of these.. we can get him some shirts too..
*Your pregnancy hormones take over and you cry a little at the thought of your baby not being in little inside anymore and moving onto "big kid clothes".... Bucky gently smiles and just sets them down.. he picks up another onesie*
Bucky- you know what... I like this better. What do you think??
*You smile and nod... Grant smiles and then pulls the jeans back off the table.. you and Bucky chuckle.. you rub Grants head*
Y/N- okay bud.. we will get the jeans..
*Bucky wraps an arm around your shoulder and pushes the buggy with the other*
Bucky- do we need some stuff for Winnie?
Y/N- yeah.. let's go ahead and grab some plain onesies.. you can never have enough white onesies. Some socks and swaddles.
Bucky- doesn't she need.. ya know, clothes..
*You chuckle*
Y/N- yes but she already has plenty-
Bucky- never enough... *He starts looking around* plus we are going to have three more pretty soon after her so.. *You nod*
Y/N- true but we don't need to break the bank babe..*Bucky looks back at you* oh right! You are the bank now.. *Bucky laughs*
*Bucky holds up a little yellow dress with Classic Winnie the Pooh sketches on it.. it has a little yellow bow too.. he smiles*
Bucky- I mean.. how could we not?!? *You laugh and motion for him to throw it in the buggy*
*You both keep looking around. Bucky finds a cute pj set that has little ducks all on it.. you get some outfits that have ruffles all on the butt and Grant pulls a tutu skit off the rack and plays with it so you figured that was his contribution for Winnie*
Bucky- okay.. now toys??
Y/N- yup! *You look at Grant* you wanna get some new toys?!? Huh??
*Grant smiles and bounces in his seat. You head to the baby toy section and Grants eyes get big.. he is distracted by all the colors and sounds.. you and Bucky laugh*
Bucky- you see a toy you like bud??
Y/N- careful daddy.. you might end up buying every toy in the story for little Wolf..
*Bucky laughs and nods*

*A specific toy catches Grant's eye.. a toy Polaroid camera.. when you press the button a little slide pops out like it took a picture.. Grant keeps pressing it and laughing when it shoots out.. he keeps making a noise like he's saying "cheese" when he presses the button.. you laugh and Bucky teases you*
Bucky- he's 10 months old and he is already a pro at taking pictures because you take them all the time..
*You smile*
Y/N- and I have caught some many priceless moments.. *You kiss his cheek and he rubs your back*
*Bucky sees a toy wolf that moves and then lifts its head and howls.. he looks at you and smiles*
Bucky- okay.. I have to!
*You nod and Bucky puts it in the buggy. You see a little stuffed ballerina doll.. you smile and pull it off the shelf.. you look at it and Bucky notices*
Bucky- that for Winnie?
*You smile*
Y/N- I just pulled it off because it reminded me of the one my mom gave me when I was little.. *You put it back* she already has a doll like that.. *You rub his arm and smile* okay.. I think that's all we need here.. you ready? *You look back at Bucky and he nods.. he walks behind you and he turns around for a moment and looks at the doll you put back.. he smiles and then keeps walking.. he catches up and takes over pushing the buggy and wraps and arm around your shoulder*

*You get checked out and leave. You get Grant in the car as Bucky load the bags.. he's about to climb in when he sighs*
Bucky- I forgot something inside.. I'll be right back..
Y/N- okay..
*Bucky heads back in.. he's gone for about 5 minutes.. he throws a bag in the trunk and then gets in the car*
Y/N- what did you forget??
Bucky- there was a little blanket that I wanted to get for Winnie but I knew you'd say she already had enough blankets so I went back in to get in by myself.. *Bucky smiles and you laugh.. you shake your head*
Y/N- absolutely spoiled..
*You look down at your phone and Bucky looks at you.. he gently smiles*
Bucky- you bet.. as she should be..
*He looks back at Grant through the mirror and Grant gives him a knowing look, which was a little off putting since he's only 10 months old.. Bucky chuckles and Grant smiles*
Bucky- okay... where now?
Y/N- how about the park! Let Grant swing and play in the grass..
Bucky- sounds perfect.. *You smile and look down at your phone.. Bucky looks at you* hey *You hum in response* baby look at me *He gently urges.. you do and smile.. he smiles and gently kisses you* I love you.. sometimes I feel I don't tell you that enough..
*You smile and your hormones make you start to cry*
Y/N- I love you too, Bucky..
*He gives you another peck and then pulls out and head to the park*

*There was a blanket in the trunk so you grab it out and find a nice shady spot near some benches. You sit and Bucky gets down on the blanket with Grant. He plays with his new toys and just enjoys being with you and Bucky.. he climbs in and out of Bucky's lap and he crawls over and pulls up on your legs. He "takes pictures" with his new toy camera and then Bucky pulls out the new wolf toy.. he puts it on the ground in front of Grant and presses its back.. it's walks forward a little, lifts it's head and howls.. Grant smiles and then does the same. He crawls forward, loafers his head and try's to howl.. you and Bucky smile and laugh.. Grant looks at you and does it again.. you of course were recording and got it all.*
Y/N- this was a good choice babe *Bucky smiles and pats your leg.. he gets up and sits next to you.. he puts his arm around you and you lean your head on his shoulder. You both watch Grant as he plays with his camera and his wolf.*
Bucky- Sometimes I can't believe that we are parents.. *You chuckle* like we are actually responsible for another human life.. us?!? Cyborg and Psycho *You laugh and hit his stomach*
Y/N- we got pretty lucky... didn't we *You look up at him*
*He looks down at you and smiles*
Bucky- I definitely know I did.. *He kisses you and you feel a tiny little hand on your leg and another hand hits Bucky's leg.. you and Bucky chuckle mid kiss.. Bucky pulls back and looks down*
Bucky- what going on little wolf?! You feeling left out.. huh?! *Bucky picks him up and tickles him.. he laughs and you kiss him*
*You and Bucky take him over to the swing and let him swing for a bit then you head back home.. you Grant falls asleep on the way home.*
Y/N- I'll get him if you'll get the bags..
Bucky- you got it baby..
*You wake Grant up and quickly feed him so
he can finish his nap.. once you get him down you start to go through the bags from earlier*
Y/N- hey Cyborg, come help...
*Bucky chuckles and puts his book down*
Bucky- coming my little Psycho..

‼️Thank you all so much for your well wishes!! I'm feeling much better than I was but still have a ways to go. I will not post tomorrow seeing as it's Thanksgiving Day here in the U.S. I'm gonna spend that time with my family. Friday we will be back back full throttle🥰❤️💙‼️

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