Sounds Good Daddy

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*The whole way Bucky's hand lays on your thigh.. not moving unless you move first.. teasing you by just being there. He has a smirk plastered on his face the whole way because he knows the fact that his hand is just sitting there and he's not doing anything is killing you.. when you shift a little he lets his hand move with your body but that's it.. you feel like you're on fire and you just want him to do something.. right as you're about grab his hand he pats your leg and leans over, he kisses your head*
Bucky- we're here..
*You squeeze his hand and he smirks.. he parks and turns off the car and climbs out. He walks over and opens your door and helps you out. He wraps you in his arms and kisses you as he palms your ass.. he pulls back and then gives you a little peck again*
Bucky- enjoy the ride?? *He teases* the way up here was beautiful..
*You wrap your arms around his and you walk on the sidewalk towards the first store.. it's a modest little boutique. You walk around but you don't find anything that you like*
Bucky- Done?
Y/N- Yeah.. everything's cute but it's not really my style..
*Bucky smiles and puts his arm around your shoulder.. you walk out and head to the next one.. it's much fancier than the last store*
Y/N- Bucky *You whisper... he hums in response as he flips through the racks* are you seeing the price tags on some of these?!
Bucky- yeah babe.. believe it or not I did my research before bringing you here.. *He winks and you laugh* go ahead and pick out some jeans.. I'm gonna look over here.
*He walks towards the dresses and lingerie.. you smile and shake your head*
*You find about 3 pairs of jeans and go to find Bucky.. there is a women following him around the store as he looks around.. she holds the items he picks out as he keeps looking. She keeps checking him out and he definitely notices and he plays into it a little. He sees you and motions for you to come over.. he introduces you to the lady, he name is Jessica*
Bucky- Bunny, *Your stomach drops at the name.. Bucky smirks at you* this is Jessica. She is going to put all of this in a fitting room for you..
*She looks at you*
Jessica- you're name is Bunny?!? That's so cute! Was your mom like a hippie??
*You chuckle*
Y/N- Nope, my dad..
*She smiles*
Jessica- Aww you are a daddy's girl, aren't you?! I am too!
*You smile and Bucky is giving you a shit eating grin from behind Jessica*
Y/N- ha! Yeah... Umm yeah I am..
Jessica- alright we'll I'm gonna go put all of this in a room, just let me know when you're ready!
*She walks away and Bucky pulls you into his arms... he smirks and you slap the side of his ass*
Y/N- really?! *You roll your eyes and He chuckle and kisses you* you just wanted me to admit to some random stranger that I'm a Daddy's girl.. didn't you?
Bucky- Hell yes! *He smiles and you roll your eyes.. Jessica walks back out and smiles at You two*
Y/N- she's drooling over you..
Bucky- ehh let her... we will give her an insight to Daddy and Bunny.. *He bites his lip*
Y/N- Uh No.. I'm all for Daddy and playing along but Bunny is retired until Winnie makes her grand entrance... because she *you point to Winnie* is demanding which makes me demanding and I only have the smallest amount of submissiveness left in me from day to day..
*Bucky chuckles and kisses you*
Bucky- I hear ya baby girl..
*You smirk*
Y/N- But you know.. still feel free to be full Daddy mode... I'm just letting you know I'm probably gonna be pretty bratty whenever I choose..
*You walk towards the changing room and look back at him*
Y/N- you coming.. Daddy? *You smirk and disappear behind the curtain... Bucky takes in some air and blows it out*
Bucky- these hormone and nods changes are gonna be the death of me... *He chuckles to himself* but what a great way to die..
*He follows you into the changing room*

*He sits on the bench in the room and you laugh*
Y/N- Nope.. out there.. you can sit next to your girlfriend *You tease and Bucky chuckles*
Bucky- ha ha ha.. very funny..
Y/N- Jessica is waiting..
*Bucky corners you and traces his finger against your jaw*
Bucky- I got girlfriends baby girl.. but not one of them is named Jessica.. *He smirks and you smile.. he moves his hands down your body below your ass.. he lifts you and you wrap your legs around him*
Y/N- tell me their names Daddy..
*Bucky smiles and nibbles on your jaw as he talks*
Bucky- well first there is you, y/n. My number one and my absolute favorite, the rest are in no particular order. Theres Princess, she lives up to her name. *You smile* then Odette, now she is a real pistol.. *You chuckle as Bucky kisses your neck* then Bunny, man she loves being obedient. Baby girl is just perfection and my newest girl is Pup.. *He chuckles and grinds against you* and she loves to get nasty.. *He kisses you and sets you down* and those are all the girlfriends I need..
*You smile and rub his back*
Y/N- they all sound amazing, sexy, fine as hell, and incredibly understanding..
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- they are! Now can I stay?? *Bucky gives you a little pout*
*you smile as you kiss him*
Y/N- out..
*Bucky sighs*
Bucky- Bunny would let me stay..
Y/N- Bunny would have you 3 orgasms deep right about now.. *You chuckle and Bucky moans*
Bucky- now that's just rude.. *He smacks your ass and then walks out.. he sits in a chair that faces the room you're in.. he pulls the chair up closer so he can play with the curtain with his shoe... you change into the jeans and open the curtain.. Bucky is sitting there and spins his finger in a circle.. you chuckle and spin around.. he nods and smiles*
Bucky- they pass.. next
*You scoff and smile*
Y/N- I don't need your approval *You lean down and kiss him* but I'm glad to have it..
*Bucky smiles*
Bucky- you don't need mine but Daddy... *Bucky leans his head against his hand and rubs his finger across his mouth* you need Daddy's.. *You smile and motion for him to go on* Daddy approves *He smirks and you kiss him*
Y/N- Thank you Daddy..

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