True Barnes Attitude

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*You go outside to join Bucky and Steve... you see Grant pushing his walker around his pin, he is following Bucky as he moves around.. he and Steve are throwing around the shield and talking... You sit on the porch swing and just watch*
Steve- So have you and y/n thought about moving out at all? Getting a house of your own?
Bucky- I've thought about it but I think she would leave me if I ever made her move away from you, Nat, and Peter.. *Steve laughs and nods* I was gonna bring it up soon and see about getting a vacation house... you know a place we can escape to for a week or for the summer, just that way we aren't always here.
Steve- yeah that's a good idea..... have y'all thought about schools yet??
Bucky- like preschools?? No, we probably should. I know once the triplets get here we will need some kind of break from the older ones...
*Steve stops and looks at Bucky*
Steve- do not tell me she already pregnant?!? Dear god Bucky keep it-
Bucky- No! I would literally be dead, she would hang my body from the trees as a warning to other men. No she's not but based on that picture they are only a year younger than Sarah so it's gonna happen sooner than we think.
*Steve nods and laughs.. Grant starts to whine and Bucky tells him to wait*
Bucky- you're okay little Wolf... I'm talking, give me a minute..*Steve looks at Bucky* I'm trying to start teaching him patients and that sometimes we have to wait for things..
*Steve nods*
Steve- ahhh you've finally reached the "fun part"
*They keep throwing the shield*
Steve- Well Nat has already researched and background checked every preschool in the state and she's only found one that she likes..
Bucky- where is it?
Steve- just down the road... about 20 minutes.
*Bucky nods and Grant whines even more*
Bucky- little Wolf you are okay, I am right here... just play with your toys
*Grant starts to get mad... he takes his toy car and throws it over the edge.. Bucky looks at him and gives him a look*
Bucky- Grant we don't throw toys.
*Grant yells and Bucky just crosses his arms... Grant picks up another toy to throw.. Bucky takes it away*
Bucky- No!
*Steve calls Bucky and Bucky turn around to look.. Grant his him square in the ass with a rock... Bucky turns around shocked*
Bucky- Grant Buchanan Barnes! No sir! That is not okay...
*He picks Grant up and Grant hits him on the face. He takes his hand and pops it and Grant cry's... Steve is just standing to the side not sure what to do... you hear Grant crying and you shoot up and walk over*
Y/N- what happened?!?
Bucky- He was getting mad that I was making him wait and he threw a toy at me, then he hit me with the toy, then he hit me in the face..
*You are shocked Grant has never acted that way*
Y/N- Grant?!?
Bucky- So I popped him on the hand..
Y/N- Bucky?!?
Bucky- what?! Don't tell me your against- look I was spanked and I am fine...
Steve- yeah me too..
*You sigh and Grant reaches for you... you try to take him and Bucky doesn't let you*
Bucky- No, I still need to talk to him..
Y/N- Bucky he is 15 months old-
Bucky- I know but this sets an expectation... he is getting to the age that we have to start disciplining him and we need to stay consistent... if we have to spank or pop him then we have to take the time after to explain why and to comfort him... let him know that we still love him and stuff like that... y/n let me do this.. okay.
*Yiu sigh and hold Winnie closer*
Y/N- okay... *Bucky takes Grant over to the trees and you can see him talking to Grant... Grant cry's a little but then he smiles and nods... then he hugs Bucky and Bucky kisses his head and rubs his back. Your heart sweeps at the thought, you kids will have a dad who cares enough to discipline and correct them but who will also come along side them and hold them up after... you wipe a tear from your eyes.. you wonder how different your life would have been if you had had that.. Steve walks over and puts his arm around you*
Steve- he's a pretty great dad...
*You sniffle*
Y/N- yeah, yeah he is.. *You smile at Steve and Steve kisses your head... Bucky walks back over and puts Grant down at your feet.. he takes Winnie from you and you pick grant up*
Y/N- hey little Wolf... we love you.
*He smiles and hugs you... you look at Bucky*
Y/N- thank you for leading our children...
*Bucky gently smiles and give you a quick peck on the lips*
Bucky- thank you for giving me children...
*You chuckle*
Steve- alright, I'm feeling super weird now so I'm gonna go... *you and Bucky laugh*

*You two walk around the yard with Grant and Winnie*
Y/N- so why did he get so mad??
Bucky- I was teaching him to wait and well he didn't like that.. *You chuckle* and the toy actually hurt.. I'm pretty sure I have a bruise! He's got an arm!
*You laugh and stop walking, you pull Bucky's pants down a little and laugh*
Bucky- wow my self esteem just took a nose dive... you can't pull a man's pants down and laugh!
*You let go and kiss his cheek while patting his ass.*
Y/N- sorry baby.. I'm laughing because you do have a bruise... he hit you hard! Damn
Bucky- I know! It took everything in me to not swing around and just... *He slaps his hands together*
Y/N- Bucky?!?
Bucky- oh not in that kinda way! In the natural instinct and the way I was trained type of way
*You nod and rub his ass where the bruise is*
Y/an- I'm sorry baby.. guess he is starting to show his true Barnes attitude..
*Bucky nods and hands you Winnie... you slips her back in the wrap you are wearing. Bucky picks Grant up and sets him on his shoulders. You four walk around the compound and then head inside.. Bucky gets Grant toys inside and settled as you make lunch. You then put Grant and Winnie down for their naps and you get back to reading Peter's story.*

*After the snap and Bucky was dusted... you are in your apartment staring at the door. There is still a crack in the door from where Bucky busted through it a few years ago.. you can't help but cry knowing he's gone... you had finally forgiven him and you were getting ready to reach out when all hell broke lose.. Steve told you to just wait and stay hidden... so you did and now Bucky's dead... he died thinking you hated him... you cry yourself to sleep hoping you'll forget.... But you don't. You wake up and it's all still there, like an elephant sitting in your chest. You need a drink to help you forget but you can't get drunk*
Y/N- I'll just have to try really hard..
*You head to the liquor store and grab about 5 bottles of Malibu rum and start walking down the street... you finish one bottle in a minute... nothing. You take out the second and finish it in the same amount of time... still nothing. You drink the third and fourth bottle and your finally start to feel a little fuzzy. You smile and raise you hands in the air*
Y/N- success!
*You find yourself at Steve's door... you bang on it with the fifth bottle, it's almost gone as well... he opens the door and you smile and speak.. your words are slurred*
Y/N- you told me to wait and n- now hhhe iisss g-gone! Dead! He will n-never knnow t-tthat I l-love him!
*You fall into Steve's arms and he looks down at you in disbelief*
Steve- you're drunk?!?
Y/N- yup!!
Steve- how?!?
Y/N- rum! Lots and lots of rum in a very short amount of time!
Steve- how short?!?
Y/N- ummm 5 bottles in 10 minutes... *You laugh* it worked!! I feel nothing! *You throw your arms up again* absolutely nothing! Empty! *You take a long swig of the rum and then start to cry...  Steve takes you in his arms and just holds you.. you cry about how much you love Bucky and how you'll regret pushing him away till the day you die.. Steve just holds you and rubs your back and whispers in your ear*
Steve- I know y/n, I know. I'm so sorry... I promise you I will get him back... I promise...
*You look up and grab his face... you drunkenly kiss him and then pass out against his chest... he holds you for awhile and then he lays you in his bed... he kisses your head and tucks you in*
Steve- I will get him back for you y/n... even if it kills me.

*You wake up feeling like normal, no hangover or any effects of the rum from last night... you crawl out of Steve's bed and see him cooking breakfast.. he turns around and smiles*
Steve- hey.... You okay??
Y/N- yeah... did we?
Steve- No, no we didn't. I did sleep in the bed though, my couch is awful... *You smile and walk over to him*
Y/N- I'm so sorry... for showing up for what I said-
Steve- you were right... I'm sorry-
Y/N- it's okay... hey on the bright side I figured out how to get drunk! *You chuckle and Steve shakes his head*
Steve- please don't do that again y/n... if you feel the need to do that call me, come over, we can talk but please don't do that..
*You see the look in his eyes... he cares about you.. it was nice to know someone did.. you nod and give him a hug. You grab your stuff and head out*
Y/N- hey Umm let's do lunch... tomorrow?
Steve- see you then.. *He kisses your forehead and there are butterflies in your stomach, something you haven't felt in years and it shocks you. You smile and walk down the hall, your thought on Steve and what all this meant and what Bucky would think*
‼️End flashback‼️

*You put down the story and just take a deep breath... he really didn't miss a detail and there are still about 8 chapters left... you get some water and a snack and dive back in*

‼️I do not condone drinking in excess like this.. just needed to throw that out there lol do not try this at home... you will die‼️

‼️Since tomorrow is Christmas I may not post! It will depend on how busy my day is! 🥰‼️

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