Family Day pt3- Pool Day

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*You and Bucky start pulling out the clothes and tearing off the tags so you can wash them.. Bucky gets a little handsy*
Y/N- No *You laugh and Bucky just tickles you* we have too much to do and put away before Grant wakes up.. *Bucky nibbles on your neck and then rubs your sides* not gonna work..
*Bucky chuckles*
Bucky- okay okay... I give *He kisses your cheek and goes to load the washer.. he walks back in and you ask*
Y/N- Where's that blanket you went back for??
*You look all around and can't find it.. Bucky wraps his arms around you and rests his chin on your shoulder. He holds up a doll.. Specifically the ballerina doll you had looked at and then put back*
Bucky- I didn't get a blanket baby.. *You tuen your head to look at him* you deserve something that reminds you of your mom.. *You smile and kiss him*
Y/N- thank you Bucky.. *You rub this face.. you smile and turn around in his arms.. you slip your hands under his shirt and rub his back as you lean in and kiss him.. Bucky hums and smiles*
Bucky- oh! I should give you gifts more often.. *You chuckle and swat his butt.. he smiles and kisses you again* I know you won't play with it or anything and one of the girls will probably steal it in a few years but I just wanted to do something nice for you... do you like it?
Y/N- I love it Bucky... *You tear up a little* and those girls will have to tear it from my hands if they want to take it.. *Bucky laughs*

*You smile and kiss him and move your hands along his waist. He lays one hand on your lower back and the other caresses your face. You move back and lay down on the bed.. he starts to lay on top of you but quickly realizes those days are gone until Winnie is born.. he smiles and lays beside you and continues to kiss you.. he palms your ass as you rub his back and trace his muscles.. your fingers dance over every ridge and scar. He gently smiles against your lips and hums..  He slips his hands under your shirt and he traces the stretch marks on your waist that appeared when you were pregnant with Grant.. it's like Bucky wants to help you with your scars like you are doing for him. He pulls your leg up over his and you smile.. you two continue to make out and pet one another until you hear Grant waking up.. Bucky chuckles*
Y/N- we got a little caught up in the foreplay huh *You chuckle... Bucky smiles and kisses you're forehead*
Bucky- Nah.. this was perfect baby. *He rubs his nose against yours and you giggle*
Y/N- you sure.. *You smile and move to palm him through his pants when he stops you*
Bucky- yeah baby.. *He kisses your nose* your lips are enough for me... *He chuckles* at the moment at least.. *He teases* other times I just have to have every piece of you.. *He tickles your side and you laugh*
Y/N- come on.. I want to take Grant swimming today..
*Bucky eyes light up*
Bucky- this will be his first time! *Bucky looks at you* I know we said a family day but... *He holds you close* Uncle Steve and Auntie Nat have to be there for this..
*You smile and kiss Bucky*
Y/N- I know.. I'm gonna go tell them now while you get Grant.. *You sit up and head to the door and Bucky gets Grant*

*You knock on Nat's door... she yells "come in". You knocked again and Nat laughs... she gets up and opens the door*
Nat- I said come in..
*You hold up your hands and laugh*
Y/N- hey, last time I thought you said come in I did and I saw way more of Steve than I've seen in years..
*Nat laughs and Steve walks out of the bathroom*
Steve- what did you see??
*You laugh and shake your head*
Y/N- glad to see you're dressed for once..
*Steve sighs and laughs*
Y/N- anyway.. we are taking Grant swimming for the first time-
Nat- oh please can we come?!
Steve- say you've come to invite us!
*You laugh*
Y/N- of course! You have to be there! *You smile* plus it's in the backyard.. we couldn't keep you away even if we wanted to..
*Nat and Steve laugh*
Nat- we will get ready!

*You get back to your room and you see Grant crawling around on the floor.. howling and roaring.. you laugh and scoop him up*
Y/N- alright.. let's get you ready.. huh?!
*He smiles and squeals.. Bucky walks out in his swim trunks.. you smile and whistle.. he chuckles and shakes his ass a little as he takes Grant from you*
Bucky- Go on mama *He spanks you* go get changed.. I'll get his stuff *You start to protest* but I'll wait to Get him ready till you are ready.. okay??
*You smile*
Y/N- thank you baby.. *You kiss his cheek and squeeze his thigh.. he smiles and watches you walk away.. you get changed into a cute little once piece that shows off your bump.. you come out and get Grant in his swim diaper and swimsuit and swim shirt*
Y/N- alright Little Wolf.. you ready?!
*He bounces and you put him down.. he crawls out the door and you hear Steve and Nat*
Steve- Hey bud!!
*He picks him up*
Nat- you're so cute!!
Y/N- Bucky grab the sunscreen and towels please.. thanks babe!
*Bucky nods and smiles.. grabs what you asked and then head outside.. you lather Grant up in sunscreen and let him play in the
Grass while he drys.. Nat watches him while You fight with Bucky about him wearing sunscreen*
Y/N- James Barnes we did not survive Hydra and all the shit we've been through to be taken out by the sun.. now turn around and let me put this on your back..
*Bucky pouts and turns around.. you smile and rub it in his back.. once he's done he turns around and rubs your in.. he takes his time and gets a little handsy around your ass. You laugh and tussle his hair. He stands up and gets Grant*
Bucky- alright.. you ready Little wolf?!
Y/N- let's go swimming!

*Peter comes running out in his swimsuit*
Peter- I heard we are having a pool Day?!?
*You laugh and nod.. Peter throws his towel on the chairs and does a canon ball into the pool.. Grant smiles and squeals.. you and Bucky laugh.. Bucky climbs in first and then you sit on the edge of the stairs.. you slowly lower his feet in and he splashes and smiles. Bucky smiles*
Bucky- you like that Little wolf..
*He smiles as Bucky splashes some water on Grant's belly.. he reaches out for Bucky and Bucky takes him in his arms. You climb down in the water and Grant reaches back out for you.. you laugh and take him.. you slowly dip in the water and Grant's eyes get big and then he slowly smiles.. he slaps the water and sees how it's splashes. He squeals and splashes some more. You and Bucky laugh and you hand Grant back to Bucky.. Peter swims up behind Bucky and pops up out of the water.. he laughs and reaches for Peter.. Bucky looks at you and you nod.. Bucky hands Grant to Peter*
Bucky- you got him??
Peter- yeah.. yes! I've got him. I promise..
*Peter dips Grant in the water and plays with him.. eventually you put Grant in his floaty. It's a duck with a little umbrella.. Grant moves his feet under the water and leans forward and chews on the side of the float.. he gets water in his mouth and then spits it out and makes a face.. you laugh and rub his head.. he bobs in the water and leans back in his float.. he watches Peter and Morgan as they swim.. you lean back in Bucky's arms as he leans against the wall next to Steve and Nat*
Bucky- safe to say the pool was a good call..
*You laugh and look up at Bucky.. he kisses you and rubs your belly.. you both turn back to Grant and he squeals when he sees you two*
Y/N- yeah... good call!

‼️Tomorrow I'll probably post 2 chapters! 1 canon and 1 not! 😏😅🤤‼️

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