You Can Not Write About This

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*Bucky kisses you as he quickly undress. He rips your pants off and doesn't even take your underwear off, he just slides it to the side and pushes in you.. you grab his shoulders and groan*
Bucky- ha! Sorry... probably should of wet it first..
*You pull him into a kiss and he pulls out and the pushes back in.. less resistance this time*
Y/N- Mmhmm Bucky.. baby-
Bucky- I know.. hold on..
*Bucky pulls out and lays between your legs.. he starts to eat you out.. quickly fixing the of needing lube.. you reach for his head but you can't reach it seeing as your 5 1/2 months pregnant*
Y/N- okay.. that's good enough..
*Bucky kisses you and chuckles*
Bucky- so impatient.. *You nod as he kisses you and pushes in again.. He finds his pace and has you cumming in minutes*
Y/N- oh Bucky!! Fuck yes!! Mmhmm
*Bucky smiles and starts to go a little harder.. you are about to cum again when the monitor goes off... Bucky sighs and you let out a frustrated groan.. Bucky pulls out and lays beside you*
Y/N- Should we just stuck him in Nat and Steve's room? Let the get a taste of what it's gonna be like.
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- Never finishes sex at the same time you start.. or when you do it so late in the night your exhausted the next morning..
*You laugh and slightly cry*
Y/N- I'll get him... *You look at Bucky who is still hard as a rock* you want me to get him settled and come back and help you with that? *Bucky smiles and rubs your back*
Bucky- More than ever.. but I'll just hop in the shower and rub one out..
Y/N- ewww *You laugh and shove him* just wait.. I'll be back in like 5 minutes.. I'm just gonna find someone to watch him real fast.. okay?
Bucky- or.... *Bucky grabs the monitor and turns it down* we can just finish real fast.. it won't hurt him to cry for a minute..
*You bite your lip and look nervous* trust me...
*He kisses you and pushes back in.. he starts to build up to his high when Winnie starts to kick your ribs... you try to stay quiet so Bucky can finish but you can't*
Y/N- Fuck!!
Bucky- What?!? Did I do something?!?
Y/N- No, it's Winnie..
*Grant starts screaming... you look and see that he's not crying, just screaming*
*Bucky sighs and kisses you*
Bucky- Go get him... I'm gonna take care of this..
*Bucky walks to the shower and is in it before you can protest.... You get dressed quickly and then walk into Grants room.. when he sees you he stops and smiles*
Y/N- You know, what you just did was not very cool... *Grant smiles... you pick him up and walk back into the room.. you get him changed and settled in his pack and play as you use the bathroom and check on Bucky.. he is drying off and you can see that his hard on has been taken care of.. you sigh*
Y/N- hey..
*He smiles and kisses your head*
Bucky- Hey... *He takes you in his arms* we're gonna have two of them pretty soon..
*You nod*
Y/N- I mean I know we get to have uninterrupted sex again at some point because we have more children.. *Bucky chuckles* but this is just crazy...
Bucky- It's just the season we're in baby... don't worry.
*He kisses you and walks to the closet*

*Y'all head out to the main room where you see everyone waiting*
Y/N- Ummm what's going on??
Sam- Tony and Bruce think they figured out how to bring back vision..
Bucky- Really?!? That's amazing
Y/N- Where is Wanda??
Yelena- She is giving herself a minute..
*You nod as Peter walks in from school*
Peter- so I have to write a non-fiction short story and I was wondering is I could use y'all...
Y/N- who?? Like the avengers?
Peter- No- yes, but mainly you and Bucky
Y/N- oh... Umm what-
Peter- it would be about Hydra and all their secret dealing and what they were trying to accomplish with your Winter Widow army.. what do you think?? I wanted to call it Hydra's Hope...
*You hear Bucky laugh and then he walks in*
Bucky- Peter half the stuff that went on in Hydra would get you kicked out of school if you wrote it down and turned it in.. but that is a good name for a book.. maybe we'll use that when we write our autobiography...
*Peter Laughs*
Y/N- Write about Steve or Tony
*Tony smiles*
Peter- Everyone's writing about them.. I wanted to write about someone who doesn't get the credit they deserve..
*Bucky shifts a little*
Bucky- well there are some things we can't take credit for or we will be arrested... so write about someone else..
*Peter pouts*
Peter- fine..
Y/N- I know you probably want all the secrets and espionage but you could always write about our love story.. *You smile and pull Bucky into you arms... He laughs and Peter thinks for a minute*
Peter- Love, drama, betrayal, forgiveness.... It practically writes itself!
*You and Bucky look at each other and chuckle*
Y/N- it's like a lifetime movie..
Bucky- what??
*You shake you head and kiss him*
Y/N- Where's Steve and Nat? They should be here for this..
*Bucky looks at you*
Bucky- I'll give you one guess..

*Nat lays on her back while Steve kisses her neck and moves in and out of her... She moans and runs her hands along his back.. feeling every muscle along the way.. she moans and Steve chuckles*
Steve- so good Tasha.. Mmhmm
Nat- Stevie.. *She says breathlessly* cum for me
*Steve kisses her and cums as she told him to.*
Steve- Ahhmmhmm
*Nat smiles... she gently scraps her nails along his back and he gets goosebumps and cums again.. She kisses him as he comes down*
Nat- That was good baby..
Steve- oh yeah... But you didn't finish..
Nat- I'm okay.. really!
Steve- Not good enough for the mother of my  child.. *Nat smiles* you deserve the best..
*Steve leans down and starts to eat her out.. She moans and actually cums rather quickly.. Steve looks up at her*
Steve- You were that close, made me cum twice, and then acted like you were fine and didn't need it... *Nat blushes*
Nat- I didn't want to be greedy.... You had already made me cum like 4 times..
*Steve smiles and kisses her*
Steve- I will always let you be greedy with your orgasms baby... *She chuckles and Steve smiles* as long as I get to be in return..
Nat- Deal..
*Steve kisses her as there is a knock on the door*
Steve- Hold on!!
*Steve sighs as he gets up.. Nat pulls the covers up to cover herself.. Steve opens the door and sees it you... he quickly realizes that he is standing "at attention" and not covered at all.. he hides behind the door and you *Turn away and try not to blush*
Y/N- Umm- oh sorry!
Steve- Sorry! I- ha... Umm. I thought you were Bucky...
*You turn around shocked and laugh*
Y/N- Thats how you answer the door for Bucky?!? No wonder Peter thinks you two secretly fuck..
*Steve rolls his eyes and you can hear Nat cackle*
Steve- He still- *Steve sighs* anyway, what's up?
Y/N- oh, besides your dick? *Nat laughs again and Steve blushes this time* Tony and Bruce are about to fix Vision. So tell your soldier to stand down and get out here..

*Steve calls after you*
Steve- Enough with the penis jokes..
*Tony pokes his head out of the main room*
Tony- I never want to hear the word "penis" come out of Steve's mouth again... it just sounds wrong and dirty for goodie, Steve Rogers to be saying it..
*You laugh and Bucky looks at you*
Bucky- What?? *He smiles*
Y/N- nothing..
Bucky- come on.. tell me! *He teases you*
Y/N- nothing.. I just, ha! Umm when Steve opened the door he was "standing at attention" and completely naked..
Bucky- Excuse me?!?
Y/N- He thought it was you..
Bucky- What?!? Wait... *Bucky laughs* what?!?
Y/N- Yeah, I said if that's how he answers the door for you then maybe there's some truth to what Peter believes.
*Bucky scoffs*
Bucky- okay.. no. The only person who gets this sweet dick is you..
*You blush and look around to make sure no one is listening*
Y/N- Bucky Barnes *You warn*
Bucky- now that you've had a refresher... who's-
Y/N- No... I've already told you.. it's you baby. *You kiss him and sit down.. Steve and Nat walk in.. Steve sits next to you and Bucky sits on the other side.. Bucky looks at Steve and Steve looks at him.. you and Nat just laugh.. Nat speaks up*
Nat- Oh my god just kiss and fuck each other already..
*Steve looks at her unamused and Bucky tickles your side as you chuckle under your breath.. he whispers in your ear*
Bucky- oh I'm gonna fuck you later.. Pup..
*You look at him with wide eyes... you know for a fact that Steve and Nat just heard what he said.. Steve is smiling and shocked.. Nat smirks*
Steve- Did he just-
Nat- Yes, yes he did..
*You blush and hide you face in Bucky's chest*
Nat- You know for someone who is as sexually liberated as you y/n, you blush like an innocent school girl..
*You blush even more and Bucky laughs as he rubs your back... Steve looks at Nat*
Steve- See we need to get more adventurous with our role playing..
*Nat smirks and teases*
Nat- Whatever you want princess... I'll get you a pretty little tutu and a tiara.. huh?
*Steve blushes*
Steve- That is not what I meant.. I- *He gives in* whatever.. *He kisses Nat and she smiles*
Nat- I'll make it blue to complement your red ass..
*Steve shoots her warning look... she's in control 70% of the time but she knows the look she just got means Steve is about to leave the building and Captain is about to come out and that means her ass will be the one that's red... especially if she keeps talking this dirty in front of you and Bucky... She smiles and kisses Steve. He smiles and rubs her side.. you and Bucky smiles and chuckle.. you look around and the only person who is paying attention to the conversation that just happened is Peter... he's typing away on his computer*
Y/N- Umm no Peter, you can't write about any of that..
Peter- oh come on?!? That was good stuff!!
*You four look at each other... you've officially broken him.. he's no longer phased.. it kinda makes you sad*
Y/N- No... *He shuts his computer and turns away* maybe we should have Wanda work some magic and restore his innocence...
Bucky- ehhh he's still plenty innocent... hey Peter! *Steve laughs*
*Peter turns around*
Bucky- how are babies made?
*Peter blushes and Tony walks in*
Tony- Barnes?!? What the hell?!
Bucky- It was all Steve's idea..
*Steve slaps Bucky arm*
Tony- Really Rogers?!? *Tony shakes his head.. Steve looks at Bucky*
Steve- Thunder dome
Bucky- it's on
*They both chuckle*
Tony- okay... if the Sexual deviants in the back would quiet down, we have a Family reunion to begin!

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