A Beautiful Family Moment

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*Bucky slowly moves his hand down your body. He gently kisses you and slips his fingers in your underwear. You moan and grind up against his hand as he slips his middle finger inside you.. you gasp a little and Bucky slips his tongue in your mouth. He slips another finger inside you and slowly pumps in and out.. he brushes your clit with his thumb and you run your fingers along his back and slips your hands under his boxers.. you squeeze his ass and he pushes another finger inside you.. he grinds his dick against the bed and moans*
Y/N- Bucky *You whisper breathlessly*
Bucky- Mmhmm I know baby...
*Bucky speeds up a little and curls his fingers.. one brush and you cum.. he kisses you and takes in your moans.. he pulls his fingers out and sits up a little.. you take off your shirt and sit up as Bucky kneels above you.. you massage his ass and kiss his hips. You take him in your hand and stroke him.. he leans his head back and thrusts into your hand.. you see he is about to cum so you take him in your mouth and he cums instantly. He plays with your hair and rubs your shoulders.. Bucky leans down and kisses you... you grab your shirt and wipe off your hand and your mouth... you and Bucky sigh in success and lay down.. Bucky pulls himself back in his pants and you clean up really fast and then lay back in his arms. You drift off to sleep happily and thoroughly satisfied.*

*Bucky is woken up by someone coming into the room.. he rubs his eyes and gets out of bed without waking you.. he sees it's Steve*
Bucky- is everything okay?!? What's-
Steve- it's fine.. Umm it's just.. we- *Steve starts to cry a little* we are so tired Buck.. she woke up every 2 hours and-
*Bucky chuckles and just holds his hands out.. Steve could almost kiss him. He head back out and gets Winnie, she is sound asleep now, thanks to Nat. He hands Winnie to Bucky and Bucky pats his back.*
Bucky- thanks for the help Steve and don't worry, it's different when it's your kid.
*Steve smiles and nods.. he head back out of the room and Bucky follows him. He gives Bucky a look*
Bucky- I have to feed her.. that's why she woke up... *Bucky gives Steve a look* please tell me y'all fed her every time she woke up?!?
Steve- y-yes!
*Bucky narrows his eyes and walks towards the kitchen.. Sam is already up and making coffee*
Sam- hey.. want some??
*Bucky waves it off but thanks him anyway.. Sam nods and takes a sip*
Bucky- why are you up this early??
Sam- going on a run... can't sleep that well when Yelena's gone.
*Bucky smiles and pats Sam's back*
Bucky- little Sammy is growing up..
*Sam shakes his head and laughs*
Sam- bottle duty?? *He nods towards Winnie and Bucky nods*
Bucky- Yup.. the more y/n gets to sleep that happier she is and well, happy wife, happy life.
*Sam nods and offers to hold Winnie while Bucky warms up the bottle*
Sam- wow... she so tiny.. *Bucky smiles*
Bucky- yeah.. but she's got lungs.
*Bucky takes Winnie back and grabs the bottle.. he waves at Sam as he walks back to the room. He slips in bed and feeds Winnie. She was starving, she must be going through a growth spurt.. that or Nat and Steve messed up the ounces and she didn't get enough earlier. When she's done she passes out on his chest and Bucky can't bring himself to move her so he just falls asleep with her there.*

*When you wake up in the morning Bucky has Winnie on his chest as they sleeps.. you smile and turn over to watch them.. this man is going to be the death of you. You gently rub your fingers through Bucky's hair and smile as he starts to wake up*
Bucky- good morning *he says groggy and half asleep.*
Y/N- when did little miss crash our fun?? *You tease and Bucky laughs*
Bucky- around 5 am.. Steve and Nat couldn't hang with it.. they were nice about it though and just asked if they could bring her back in here..
*You smile and rub Winnie's back.*
Y/N- they'll learn.. *Bucky kisses you and Winnie starts to whine a little* looks like someone is hungry
Bucky- yeah I went and fed her when Steve brought her in here but I think she is still hungry. Maybe a growth spurt..
*You nod and sit up, your shirt is crumpled on the floor, dirty as ever from your 2:30am quickie with Bucky.. you take Winnie in your arms and she starts nursing right away.. and Bucky was right, she was starving*
Y/N- please tell me they actually fed her?! Cause she's acting like they didn't.
Bucky- Steve said they did, I trust him. She's just growing big and strong. *You smile and kiss Winnie's head.. Bucky watches you with Winnie* absolutely beautiful.. *You look up*
I just can't believe I am so lucky...
*You smile and kiss Bucky.. Grant's monitor goes off and Bucky chuckles*
Bucky- I'll get little wolf..
Y/N- thank you baby..
*Bucky hands you a clean shirt and you slips it on over your shoulders. Bucky comes back in with Grant and he slips in bed with him. Grant was super cuddly this morning and he just laid in Bucky's arms and they both stared up at you while you fed Winnie. A beautiful family moment*

Winter's Widow pt 2!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz