Not In The Slightest But Beyond Thrilled

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*Its now August... the 12th to be exact. You are 8 1/2 months pregnant and you are going crazy trying to get everything together for Grants birthday.. you are absolutely exhausted and you still have so much to do*
Y/N- okay.. I need someone to go get the balloons tomorrow at 10... anyone??
*Thor raises his hand*
Thor- how hard can it be...
*You look at Bucky.. Bucky looks at Peter*
Peter- yeah I'll help him out.. *Bucky pats him on the back*
Bucky- thanks..
Y/N- also the cake will be ready tomorrow at 10:30 so Thor and Peter I will need y'all to swing by-
Steve- ehh we will get the cake.. *Thor looks at him* you'll have your hands full.. don't worry, we got this.
Y/N- okay the man with the bounce house will be here to set up at 9- ahhhh shit!
*you've been have false labor on and off since Steve's birthday*
Bucky- okay let's get you to bed..
Y/N- I'm fine! Don't *You shake his arms off and he raises them in the air*
Bucky- okay.. okay..
Y/N- look I'll be at the doctor tomorrow while he's here setting up so I need someone to be here to tell him where it goes.. please
Nat- I'll be here.. not feeling like going out all that much these days.. *You smiles and she nods.. Nat is now 5 1/2 months pregnant and she's starting to feel like it*
Bucky- okay that covers everything... now will you go lay down.. or else I'll cry you there myself..
*You roll your eyes and head back to your room*

Y/N- okay.. we have the cake, Balloons, bounce house, photograph, smash cake.... What am I missing?!?
*You are making the list as you lay in bed with your feet propped up*
Bucky- Umm gifts??
Y/N- yes!!! Oh my god, Bucky we didn't get him a gift!!
Bucky- well we gave him the gift of life so-
*You smack him*
Y/N- this is serious!!
Bucky- okay okay.. I went to the store yesterday and picked out a few things.. let's just use that.. okay??
Y/N- fine... *Another thought pops in your mind... you start to get up*
Bucky- where are you going??
Y/N- I need to set up the snack trays... I also left a load of Winnie's clothes in the dryer, I need to get them and fold them-
Bucky- Nope.. back in bed.. *He points.. you laugh and push past him.. lately Bucky's Daddy ego has not been working on you or even phasing you one bit and that's partly because you have so much rage built up in you, because your 8+ months pregnant in the middle of summer, that you'd gladly fight him.. but Bucky's had enough.. he pulling out all the stops*
Bucky- Bunny.. you better sit your ass down on this bed..
*You turn around.. it works a little but your minds going a million miles a minute*
Y/N- nice try.. *You walk out the door*
Bucky- well it was worth a shot.. *He sighs.

*You fold the clothes and get them put away.. you make the trays and get them in the fridge.. as you walk you complain about how your back and your feet hurt*
Steve- dude you need to get her off her feet.. she's gonna end up having Winnie early.
Bucky- yeah I know.. if anyone asks we're napping, don't bother us.. Grants fine in his pin.. I will be back before he's hungry or anything..
Steve- where are you going?? *Steve laughs*
Bucky- I'm gonna get her off her feet.. in fact I'm gonna make it to where she can't use her legs at all..
*got some reason Steve's mind goes straight to Bucky tying you up.. but surely that's not what he meant... Bucky walks over and picks you up and carries you back to the room... maybe that is what he meant*

Y/N- Bucky put me down!
Bucky- Nope.. you gonna disobey Daddy like you have been for months then Daddy's gonna teach you a lesson.. you said your self your feet and legs hurt... well when I don't with you you won't need to use them.
*You gasp as Bucky slaps your ass and rips open your leggings*
Y/N- Bucky?!?
*He grabs your jaw*
Bucky(Daddy)- Thats not my name..
Y/N- Daddy *You whimper*
Bucky(Daddy)- good girl..
*He kisses you and then makes good on his promise.. he absolutely wrecks you and you couldn't walk if you wanted to.. he kisses you and gets you clean up and then set up in the room*
Bucky- just call if you need anything.. stay in bed.. please..
*You nod and kisses Bucky*

*The day flys by and before you know it's bed time.. this time tomorrow you will have a one year old.. the thought makes you cry.. you bathe Grant and put him to bed.. you walk into the room with Bucky and he is holding you*
Y/N- that was the last time I'd put my baby down to sleep... tomorrow he's gonna be 1
Bucky- oh y/n.. he's still your little baby.. and he will always be our Little Wolf..
Y/N- I know.. it's all just moving too fast..
Bucky- shhh I know.. it's okay.. let's get to bed okay.. we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow..

*You wake up in the morning and sneak into Grants room.. he just woke up and he is standing up and rubbing his eyes.. he sees you and smiles*
Y/N- hey Grant... oh you're getting so big.. *You pick him up and sit with him in the rocking chair.. he sits right on top of your Belly.. Winnie does not appreciate it.. He lays his head on your shoulder and sucks his thumb*
Y/N-I love you so much.. you made me a mommy and that will always be our special thing.. *Grant coos and looks up at you* yeah it'll be Daddy's special thing too.. *You chuckle and Grant smiles.. he lays back down*
Y/N- we needed you this year, Grants you were and still are a huge blessing and Mommy and Daddy love you so very much.. alright.. let's go wake daddy.. okay?? Okay!
*You walk in the room and lay down in bed.. Grant crawls and lays beside Bucky.. Bucky smiles and holds him*
Bucky- hey Birthday boy.. Little Wolfs growing up..
*Bucky looks up at you and he pulls you down for a kiss.. he rests his forehead against yours*
Bucky- happy "made you a mama day"
*You smile*
Y/N- happy "made you a dad day"
*You both look at Grant and you kiss his cheeks*
Y/N/ Bucky- Happy Birthday Grant!

*Steve and Nat keep Grant.. Your appointment goes fine and you head back home.. you get there and everything is perfect.. the Balloons, the cakes, the snacks, the bounce house, the photographer... everything is exactly as it should be*
Nat- okay... so since it's all good now we need to tell you how this all looked about an hour ago..
Y/N- oh no.. what went wrong..
Steve- everything..
Nat- so the balloons were not cute little wolf balloons.. there were like weird National Geographic wolf balloons.. the photographer was wasted so we set him packing, in a cab of course, and got the one who did your wedding.
Steve- the snack trays froze overnight so we had to thaw them out in the oven but make sure not to cook them.. the bounce house was a haunted house with fake blood in it. Morgan hid all the presents and the cake was shaped like a penis
Y/N- okay now you're just making stuff up!!
Nat- he's really not.. *She shows you a picture of the cake*
Y/N- how?!?
Steve- we don't know..
Bucky- oh that's definitely my fault.. when I was ordering it over the phone the call kept cutting in and out.. they asked what I wanted and at that moment Sam hit me in the back with a paint ball... I screamed at him to stop being a dick... they must of just heard the dick part..
*You cover your face and Steve and Nat laugh*
Y/N- but it's all fixed now.. right?!?
Nat- Yup! Grant's birthday can begin!
Bucky- okay.. where's the birthday boy?!
Nat- Peter has him
*He comes crawling in the room and he howls like a wolf.. you laugh and pick him up. He is dressed in a cute little outfit with wolves on it*
Y/N- hey there Little Wolf..
*Bucky rubs his head and kisses him*
Bucky- alright, let's party!!

*The party is cute and small and It's more for you and Bucky than it is for Grant.. he smashed his cake and ate a lot of it.. you got some great pictures and then Grant was on a sugar high seeing as he's never really had processed sugar up until now.. he crawls around like crazy and chews on your leg when he pulls up on you.. you are use to his teeth by now.. everyone else not some much*
Steve- watch out!
Nat- wolf comping through
Bucky- out for blood!
*You laugh and pick him up*
Y/N- such babies.. *Grant take your finger and chews on it and it doesn't phase you*
*He goes in the bounce house with Peter and then opens presents.. he likes the boxes and the paper and couldn't care less about the actual toys*
Bucky- see we could have given him an empty box and saved $40
*You laugh and poke Bucky's side.. Grant passes out as he eats lunch and you have to wake him up to finish... you get him clean up and down for his nap. You start to clean up the party when everyone shoos you away to sit down.. so you sit and watch everyone else clean up.. Nat eventually joins you*
Nat- this was fun!
Y/N- yeah
Nat- next big thing is Winnie..
Y/N- yup... then Sarah
Nat- Yup... you ready?
Y/N- ehh as ready as I can be... you?
Nat- not in the slightest.. but beyond thrilled

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