Spot Of Sunshine

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‼️TW- Talks of Postpartum Depression‼️
‼️I wanted to depict the realities that's some face after having a baby.. I haven't had a child yet so I cannot relate firsthand but I did my best to represent it in a respectful way.. I hope I did it Justice so far.. more to come‼️

*After the nurses check on you, your doctor comes in*
Doctor- okay! So everything went really well! You had minimal tearing and with your "special circumstances" (the serum) you should be fully healed within a week.. *Bucky looks like he wants to celebrate but he holds off.. he rubs your back* but I still want you to wait 6 weeks like normal.. okay?
Y/N- okay, thank you Doc!
Doctor- alright, well I'm gonna keep you here tonight and then your free Togo tomorrow morning..
*She leaves and Bucky kisses your head*
Bucky- you ready for the rest?? *You nod*
*Everyone else walks in and they smile and hug you.. they Oo and she over her.. Peter holds her for a bit and then Wanda.. Pepper takes a turn and then Tony.. Sam and Yelena hold her and then pass her back to you.. you laugh because you notice that every person who ended up holding Winnie, had Grant looking over their shoulder.. he would move from person to person too.. he was watching and making sure no one messed with her.. it was so sweet and just warmed your heart*
Y/N- okay.. we'll I don't know about you all but I need some rest..
*They all smile and agree.. they give you hugs and head out*
Tony- we are gonna head home..
Steve- yeah, us too.. gotta get this one in bed *He pats Nat's belly and she laughs*
Nat- do you want us to take Grant??
Bucky- yes please..
Y/N- wait- I
Bucky- hey you need your rest and you know he's gonna be all over you and he's not gonna sleep as well here as he would at home..
Y/N- yeah.. that's true. Let me see him..
*You hold Grant and give him snuggles*
Y/N- be good and we will see you when we get home with Winnie.. okay? *You give him an Bunny kiss and he laughs and gives you a big slobbery, open mouth kiss.. you laugh and kiss his head*
Bucky- alright little wolf.. let's go.. I'm gonna go get him in their car okay? *You nod and Bucky leaves.. it's like Winnie knew that Bucky had left because she starts to whine and cry.. you hold her and she calms down a little.. you hear Grant crying in the hallway.. you want to get up and go to him but you can't.. you can't walk and you have Winnie.. you sigh and lay back.. you hear his crying fade, which means Bucky is just walking away.. your heart hurts a little.. Winnie wants to nurse so you get comfy and help her latch on... you forgot how much it hurts.. Grant hasn't exclusively breastfed in almost 5 months.. you were not used to it anymore... as you nurse Bucky walks back in.*
Bucky- hey.. oh wow.. she's doing great!
Y/N- yeah.. like a pro.. I forgot how much this hurts..
*Bucky kisses your head and rubs your back*
Bucky- you have some cream in the bag.. *Bucky smirks and whisper in your ear* I'll rub some on later if you ask nicely... *He teases*
*You chuckle and look up at him.. you lean in just close enough so your lips graze his when you speak*
Y/N- you'll do it anyway because I just shoved your 7 pound daughter out of my Vagina.. *You smile and him and give a little peck and then focus back on Winnie.. Bucky smirks and kisses your temple*
Bucky- anything for you y/n..
*Bucky grabs the cream and then sits back on the bed with you.. and he does what he said he would do.. once Winnie is full, happy, and burped.. Bucky gently rubs some ointment on your breast and it feels so good... and not even in a sexual way, in the I'm raw and almost bleeding and this is sopping that from happening, kinda way.. you kiss him*
Y/N- thank you Bucky..
Bucky- you're welcome y/n...
*You wrap your robe back around you and cuddle up next to Bucky.. you both drift off to sleep*

*You wake up exactly 45 minutes later by Winnie crying and needing a diaper change.. you go to get up*
Bucky- I got her.. it's okay baby..
*You hum and lay back down... Bucky changes her and swaddles her again.. she looks up at him and just stares.. Bucky smiles and rocks her.. he sings as she falls back asleep. You watch in awe.. Bucky is such an amazing father and the moments like this are the ones that make you want to do it all again... it the proper time of course. Morning comes too quick and you have to get ready to leave*
Y/N- okay.. we have everything packed and she's been fed.. we need to be out of here soon..
Bucky- I'll go see how much long.. *He kisses your head as you hold Winnie and sit on the couch*
*Bucky comes back in with a nurse and a wheelchair*
Bucky- she was already coming our way!
*You climb into the chair and the doctor comes in*
Doctor- okay.. we will see you in 6 weeks and Mr. Barnes.. I mean it, 6. Weeks.. *She teases and Bucky laughs and puts his hands up.. you take his hand and kiss it*
Doctor- alright.. you two go enjoy your new baby!
*Th nurse rolls you outside and Bucky rubs to get your car.. he pulls it up and you get Winnie in her seat.. she's not too fond of it but she eventually just pouts about it.. she has the same pout face that Grant does.. you laugh and hold her hand.. you sit in the back with her and Bucky heads home*

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