Spoil You Rotten

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*You let Grant sleep in the bed with you and you three turn in early*

Nat- please Captain?!?
*Steve smirks as he slowly pushes in and out of Nat.. she is tied up just like he was and Steve his on his knees between her legs*
Steve- you wanna cum?? *He teases.. Nat whimpers*
Nat- Yes please?!? I need it!
Steve- Wow.. you NEED it?? *Steve smiles and leans down.. he kisses Nat* that's the best thing I've heard all night... *Nat whines and Steve kisses her again* cum Kitten..
*Nat cums and arches off the bed.. she clenched around Steve and he cums inside her.. Steve moans and works them both through their highs*
Steve- So good baby.. *He kisses her and pulls out.. he unties her legs and then her hands.. Nat wraps herself around Steve and buries her head in Steve's shoulder.. Steve rubs her back and kisses her temple*
Nat- Mmhmm thank you Stevie..
*Steve chuckles*
Steve- You are more than welcome baby.. let's get a shower... yeah?
*Nat nods and Steve picks her up and takes her to the bathroom.. they stand in the shower and just let the water run over their bodies.. Steve rubs Nat's Stomach and Nat smiles.. He kneels in front of her and kisses her belly. Nat runs her hands through his hair.. when they are done Nat climbs in bed and Steve brings her dinner. They eat and then lay down to go to sleep. Steve holds Nat and places his hand on her stomach as they start to fall asleep.. Nat whispers*
Nat- I love you Steve..
*Steve smiles*
Steve- I take back what I said earlier.. *Nat turns around* that was the best thing I've heard all night... *Nat smiles and kisses Steve.. she falls asleep in his arms*

*You wake up in the morning to Bucky and Grant watching your stomach.. you chuckle and get to move so they don't notice you're awake*
Bucky- look.. you see that.. that's her foot.. *Grant smiles and he starts to slap your belly when Bucky catches his hand* hold on Little Wolf.. not too hard okay.. *He slowly takes Grants hand and presses it on your belly where Winnie's foot is.. Grant smiles. He tries to grab it and Bucky laughs*
Bucky- you can't hold her foot yet Little Wolf.. but soon.. *Grant smiles* you're gonna be a good brother.. huh? *Grant squeals and Bucky rubs his head* yeah.. we know you will. *Bucky kisses Grant head and then Grant lays his head on your belly again.. you sniffle and Bucky looks up at you*
Bucky- Good morning *He kisses you*
Y/N- How long have y'all been up?? *You smile and look at Grant. He is now looking up at you with his head still on your belly*
Bucky- ehh about 10 minutes.. I woke up to Grant patting my face and giving me slobbering kisses.
*You laugh*
Y/N- Aww were you giving Daddy kisses?!? *Grant squeals and attacks Bucky's face again... you laugh and Bucky pretends that Grant has over powered him*
Bucky- Oh no! Help! Ahhh he's got me!!
*Grant laughs and you pick him up.. he sees you and attacks your face with kisses*
Y/N- Good morning to you too!
*Bucky pretends to be jealous*
Bucky- Hey! Stop kissing her.... She's mine! *He plants a big kiss on your cheek and Grant gets a real serious look on his face*
Y/N- Oh he did not like that.. you better be careful of else it's gonna go back to him whining and screaming every time you touch me.. *Bucky laughs and kisses you again and Grant pushes at his face.. Bucky laughs and takes him from you.. he tickles him and he squeals*
Bucky- Come on.. let's get some breakfast.. you coming mama? *Bucky smiles*
Y/N- yeah.. just give me a minute... gotta maneuver out of bed..
*Bucky chuckles and walks over.. he helps you up and you stand on your tiptoes to kiss him*
Y/N- Thank you baby..
*He smiles and kisses your nose*
Bucky- Let's go..

*You eat at the table as a family.. Tony is fixing coffee and Peter joins before he rushes off to school*
Peter- I'm still writing the short story.. are you sure I can't use-
Bucky- yes Peter..
Peter- Yes?!
Y/N- he means- yes we are still sure you can't use our sex life in the story... *You feed Grant a spoonful of yogurt.. Bucky looks at Peter and he motions to Peter's notebook and nods.. Peter smiles and then he sees that you witnessed the whole exchange.. you roll your eyes*
Y/N- You get no details and we *You hit Bucky's arm* will not be telling you anything.. and neither will anyone else. The only stuff you can use is the stuff you sadly already know about.. am I clear??
*Peter nods*
Peter- it will be extremely tasteful and I'll only use it to further your love story..
*You smile and shake your head.. Peter looks at his phone*
Peter- I'm late... gotta go!
*He dashes out*
Y/N- You forgot your lunch!
Tony- hey no swinging to school
Bucky- take the bus!!
*Peter waves his hand.. Tony downs his coffee and leaves.. Steve and Nat come walking in looking rather cozy*

Bucky- Well well well.. you two disappeared yesterday..
*Nat smiles and Steve blushes and then pulls
Nat into his arms*
Steve- Yeah we had a night in..
*They start making their breakfast and you look at Bucky.. he wiggles his eyebrows at you and you chuckle*
Y/N- we'll be gone today.. don't know how long.
Nat- Oh..*She smiles* what are y'all doing?! *She starts to drink her coffee when Steve takes it from her hand.. she pouts and Steve hands her caffeine free tea instead.. she rolls her eyes. You laugh*
Y/N- Bucky is going to take me shopping!
Nat- oh fun! Just for kicks?
Y/N- he wants to spoil me... *Nat smiles*
Bucky- well, that and I destroyed the last pair of pants she had that she could wear at the moment..
Steve- there it is.. *You laugh and rub Bucky's arm*
Y/N- Hey! He'd spoil me even if I had plenty of pants! *You all laugh cause you know it's true.. if you'd let him Bucky would shower you in anything and everything you ever wanted*
Bucky- okay.. if you'll excuse us my baby and I are late for her day of spoils..
*You look at Bucky*
Y/N- A day?!? I thought it was just the morning!
Bucky- Nope... *He smiles and kisses you* let's go..
Steve- Y'all taking Grant??
Y/N- Yeah.. he got grumpy last night when he heard us talking about it and we decided to take him with us..
*Bucky smiles and tickles Grant*
Bucky- Why'd you ask??
Steve- Well we missed the last couple "Grant"Wednesdays and I don't want to get out of the habit of spending time with him..
*You smile and look at Bucky*
Bucky- if he's cool with staying then you can hang with him..
*Steve smiles and nods.. Nat chuckles*

*You get Grant cleaned up and dressed.. Bucky walks out of the closet in his black jeans, white shirt, and jean jacket.. you are distracted by him and Grant gets your attention when he squeezes your face*
Y/N- Ha! Sorry bud.. *Bucky looks up and realizes what happened*
Bucky- What?? I just look too good and Grant got jealous..
*You chuckle*
Y/N- Yeah.. like father like son..
*You kiss Bucky and hand him Grant as you get dressed.. you put on one of your sun dresses and a little sweater.. you throw on some vans and walk out of the closet.. Bucky turns around and sees you, he smiles and Grant claps.. you and Bucky cheer because that was the first time he's done that*
Y/N- yay!!
Bucky- woohhooo!
Y/N- thank you Little Wolf! *You kiss him and then you all head out to the main room* okay Steve, let's give this a shot..
*Steve takes Grant and Grant smiles and laughs.. you wave goodbye and so does Bucky.. you head out the door and shut it.. you listen for Grant.. 5 seconds go by and there's nothing*
Bucky- See he's good! Awesome!
*You hold up a finger and right on cue you hear Grant scream and lose it.. you nod and Steve opens the door*
Steve- Yeah.. we'll have to try it another time.
*You laugh and take Grant... he reaches down and pats your belly*
Y/N- oh I see.. *Bucky and Steve look at you* he doesn't want to leave Winnie.. *They see him patting your belly and smiling*
*Bucky Shakes his head and laughs.. so does Steve*
Bucky- Well it's nice that he's in full protective mode.. *He looks at Grant* but she's never been safer than she is right now.. okay.. *Grant looks at him and looks worried*
Y/N- It's okay Grant.. she's safe, okay.. *Grant hugs you and lays his head on your shoulder*
You wanna go with uncle Steve?? You'll have way more fun here! *Grant looks at him and Steve holds out his arms.. Grant leans over and dives into Steve's arms.. you all laugh and Steve waves bye and walks back inside*

Bucky- Alright.. let's go.
*You climb into one of Tony's fancy cars and Bucky climbs in the drives seat.. he places a hand on your inner thigh and rubs his thumb along it. He looks at you and bites his lip.. he leans over and kisses you and then whispers*
Bucky- Daddy's gonna spoil you rotten today *He kisses your temple* and then you're gonna spoil Daddy tonight *He brushes a hand over your clothed center.. you smile and lunge forward and kiss him*
Y/N- Yes Daddy..
*He smiles and kisses your forehead.. he sits back in his seat and takes off*

‼️Side note- anyone see that Pam&Tommy trailer today?!?! 😏😫🥵🤭😅 I am unwell!! ‼️

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