We Have Your Results

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*You get Peter all packed up and moved down a room. He starts unpacking and settling in while Steve and Bucky move all of Nat and Steve's stuff.. you sit in the hall on one of the chairs from their room and hold Grant.. he woke up and demanded to see all the action and by demanded he screamed until you took him out of his play pin and held him... Steve and Bucky are having trouble getting one of the dressers out of the doorway.. you decide to offer some help*
Y/N- you know if you just-
Bucky/Steve- y/n! No! We got it!
*You shake your head and Grant puts his hand on your face like he was consoling you.. you smile and kiss his hand*
Y/N- Fine.. break it..
*You and Grant watch as they struggle but finally shove it through the door*
Bucky- Thank god!
Steve- This is never leaving this room... if we move again this is staying here and I will buy her another dresser..
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- I'll remind you of that when you come begging me to help you move it after Nat inevitability makes you move it..
*Steve chuckles and shoves Bucky and Bucky shoves him back... Bucky looks at you and Grant*
Bucky- You just gonna sit there or are you gonna help??
*You are about to lose it on him when you realize he was teasing Grant... this man almost lost his other arm.. Grant giggles and then fights to be let down*
Y/N- No bud.. I'm sorry, you'll get stepped on.
*Grant pouts and reaches out for Bucky* oh seeing if dad will give you a different answer?? *Bucky smiles and takes Grant.. he tickles him and then sets him in his play pin... Grant pouts as he realizes he's been bested.. he then sits down and goes about playing with his toys*
Y/N- Okay.. they are all moved out except for their bed..
Steve- Yeah Nat's still asleep and I'm not waking her..
*Bucky rolls his eyes*
Bucky- Baby... look all you've got to do is wake her up with her favorite thing.. *Bucky stands behind you and wraps his arms around you and rest his head on your shoulder*
Y/N- It's true... he always has either Grant, food, or the offer of sex or the promise of not touching me the rest of the night, depending on how my mood was before the nap..
*Steve shakes his head and laughs*
Steve- be my guest.. *He motions through the door* wait- except the sex part
*You laugh and walk in the room*

*You grab Grant and turn on the light and Nat starts to stir.. you let Grant crawl on the bed towards her.. she hears his coos and feels his tiny hands touch her leg.. she then feels him crawl up the bed. She chuckles.. Grant starts to squeal and then hits her in the face.. she laughs and takes him in her arms*
Nat- What are you doing?!? *She says in a funny voice as she tickles him.. he laughs and covers his face*
Y/N- he wanted to see his Aunt Nat!
*Nat smiles and then looks around*
Nat- Y'all finished moving everything?!
Y/N- Yup! Only thing left is the bed..
*Nat sits up and climbs out of bed*
Nat- Come on boys... sending in the pregnant lady and the baby to wake the dragon?! Some superhero's *Nat and you laugh and smile.. Bucky walks in unashamedly.. Steve gingerly walks in*
Bucky- Um yes because you're less likely to punch y/n or the baby... notice I said LESS..
*Nat shoves Bucky and he laughs*
*Steve walks over and gives her a gentle peck*
Steve- Did you enjoy your nap?
*Nat smiles and rubs his arm*
Nat- Yes, I did. I'm sorry about earlier.. you're right, I will have to start getting new clothes.. but not yet! *She smiles and Steve nods.. he kisses her again and then helps Bucky move the bed.. you and Nat head into the main room and sit*

Nat- Be honest.... How bad does it hurt.
*You look at Nat trying to decide what to say*
Y/N- okay.. I'll be honest but remember you asked.. it is one of the most painful things I've ever experienced-
Nat- But you've been thrown out of a plane..
Y/N- I know but you didn't let me finish... but seeing Grant made every second worth it and I honestly have blocked out what it actually felt like... I remember it being so bad but once I saw Grant my mind just blocked it all out.. it came back in waves in the days following as my body healed but not I can't really remember how it actually felt.. I know the minute Winnie decides to make her entrance it will all come flooding back but right now... I'm good. *You laugh and Nat smiles as she rubs her stomach*
Nat- I'm scared y/n..
*You take her hand*
Y/N- Hey.. look at me. It's okay to be scared and there is no shame in that.. As I got closer and closer to Grants arrival I had the realization that he had to come out one way or another and it was terrifying... but look at me, I am still here. I made in and in fact I am willingly doing it again! *Nat laughs and wipes a tear from her face* You are gonna be okay and you still have 8 months to prepare.. you have been through and survived worse.. it will all work out.. it's gonna hurt like hell.. but then you'll see Sarah's little face and she will curl up on your chest and feel safe and loved and all the pain will fade and you'll wonder why you were ever scared.. you'll be amazed at what you've done and what you just accomplished... trust me
*Nat hugs you*
Nat- Thank you..
Y/N- You're welcome Nat.. so have you told Yelena??
*Nat takes a deep breath*
Nat- Not yet.. she hasn't gotten back from her solo mission.. but I will.
Y/N- She's gonna be happy for you..
*Nat nods*

*The men come walking in*
Steve- Okay... beds all moved in.. you wanna unpack and get settled?
*Nat nods.. you got to stand up and follow her but Bucky makes you sit back down*
Bucky- Hey sit down.. you've been on your feet for hours and carrying stuff that's way too heavy..
*You roll your eyes*
Y/N- I'm pregnant not-
Bucky- I know but still! *He kisses you and rubs your belly* Do it for me.. please?! Just rest and relax and keep making our beautiful baby.. *He smiles and kisses you* we'll go on a walk before dinner okay... how does that sound?
*You smile*
Y/N- Okay... it better be a long one!
*Bucky winks as he walks away*
Steve- Nat maybe-
Nat- Save it! I'm not letting you two unpack our room.. you will make all my clothes disappear and Bucky will take my soft blanket.. Bucky laughs*
Bucky- And I wouldn't even be sorry cause that thing is soft as hell! Seriously where did you get it?!
*You laugh as they walk away.. you look down and see Winnie moving around in your belly*
Y/N- I hope you're doing okay, sweet girl..

‼️Flash Forward‼️
Winnie- Oh my god!!! Ahh I've missed you!!
*Winnie is laying on her and Thor's bed. She's cuddled up in all her pillows and blankets* I've been on a mattress that was on the floor for the past year!
Thor- I never remember sleeping on the floor..
*Winnie laughs and sits up*
Winnie- You had a bed but the mattress was horrible! The mattress on the floor was in my "apartment" and then in Baby Grants room
Thor- Ahh! *He chuckles* well are you hungry or-
Winnie- Yes! But I just want to spend time with you.. I don't want to eat or sleep.. I just want to talk and be with you..
*Thor smiles*
Thor- If you eat lunch then I'll spend the rest of the day with you... huh?
*Winnie laughs and jumps in his arms*
Winnie- You we're gonna spend the rest of the day with me regardless... *She kisses him* but I love that you care about me so much..
Thor- Of course, My Queen.. *Winnie smiles and Thor kisses her, sets her down and then they walk out to the kitchen.. the walk in right as Grant is freaking out*

Grant- Wait who else is pregnant?!?
*Winnie is shocked*
Winnie- Wait is someone pregnant?!? I mean besides me!! Who?!?
Sarah- We don't know.. they won't talk..
Winnie- Oh my god?!? Mom?!?!
*you and Bucky look at each other*
Bucky- Before we say anything we want everyone to calm down a little.. okay..
Grant- Ulgh! It's mom!! You're pregnant!!
Y/N- Grant Buchanan Barnes what did you father just say?!?
*Grant sighs*
Y/N- We don't know for sure okay... we are waiting for the test from the doctor..
Winnie- Just pee on a stick!
Bucky- She did... not that its really any of your business but she took 8 tests, 4 came back positive and 4 came back negative.. they were all taken at the same time so the mixed results were a little concerning.. so we decide to just go to the doctor but we went on Friday
and they were closed yesterday... they should be calling today with the official news.. so everybody calm down..
Winnie- You took 8 tests?!
Y/N- Yes, I wanted to be super sure and yet I'm still not even sure..
*Winnie shakes her head and laughs*
Winnie- Well it wouldn't be our family if we didn't have a little weirdness! My baby will have an aunt or uncle that is younger than it..
Grant- It?? You still haven't figured out what it is??
Winnie- No! It's a tradition in the royal family to wait till birth and then announce the prince or princess with the crack of Thunder or lighting.. *She smiles and Thor wraps his arm around her and smiles*
Steve- better make sure it's not raining that night or else you may announce you're having twins!
*Everyone laughs and Thor shakes his head*

*You look at Winnie and Grant. Bucky takes your hand*
Y/N- If it comes back positive... wh-what would y'all think about that??
*Winnie smiles and Grant just stares straights at you*
Winnie- As weird as it would be... I think it would be great..
*You smile and then look at Grant*
Grant- I mean it's a little weird but I guess it would be kinda cool.. it would be the most protected kid around..
*You and Bucky laugh*
Grant- It would be your official last... right?!?
*You nod vigorously*
Y/N- Yes, absolutely!!
*Bucky laughs and kisses you... the phone rings and you see that it's the doctor.. you look at Bucky and he nods... you answer*
Y/N- Hello?
Doctor- is this Mrs. Barnes??
Y/N- Yes..
Doctor- we have your results..
*You and Bucky listen close and tears well up in your eyes*
Y/N- okay, thank you so much
*You hang up and Bucky hugs you as you both cry.. Grant and Winnie look at one another*
Grant- Well?!?
Winnie- Tell us!
‼️Flash Forward will continue Tomorrow‼️

‼️I already know what I'm gonna do but Cast your votes! Yay or Nay! 🥰🥰‼️

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