part 73

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"Igarashi", his kind voice reached her.

Looking up,she saw him with his usual warm smile. His crimson eyes were sparkling with the kindness masking the demon inside him. His expression was genuine. The genuine smile only Igarashi could see.

She could her 6 year old little figure and Wu Yifan's figure. He was extending his hand to the little Igarashi. She stared at him innocently.

He slowly hugged the little Igarashi and lifted her up still hugging the little figure. Looking back,he smiled letting a small silver tear roll down.


Igarashi woke up with a gasp.

"Woke up?"

She looked at her side to see Mr.Lee,sitting on the side couch with some medical reports.

"What were you dreaming? You are crying",he said in a voice lazed with concern.

She touched her wet cheeks. "Oh",she didn't really remember what was she dreaming. It all was forgotten the moment she opened her eyes. "I don't know"

Mr.Lee hummed, not going to ask further about her dream. He was sure that things were pressuring her after knowing about Emperor's death. "I came to check on you. It seems like you are getting better. So,I won't be needed anymore -"

"Didn't he leave anything behind? A letter? A voice recorder or something?",she asked getting straight to the point.

Mr.Lee shook his head. "No. He left nothing but the responsibilities"

Igarashi sat up slowly and leaned against the headboard. Sighing,she looked outside to see the night sky. "You are his closest friend. He must have told you something. Didn't he?"

Mr.Lee,"I'm sorry but he didn't"

Silence took over the room. Igarashi was in her own world of confusion. She needed answers.

"But I know why he did it"

Igarashi snapped her head towards Mr.Lee with wide eyes. Her desperate eyes stared at him in anticipation. "You know? Then why didn't you tell me?"

He sighed placing the reports on the side table. Crossing his arms,he focused on the falling snow outside through the French window. "He didn't want to tell you anything so I was hesitant to speak. But I think it's unfair to you and him. He is such a bastard with that damn ego"

Igarashi stayed quiet letting him speak.

"Everything he said to you was true. He did those terrible things to you and your family. He tested you in so many ways. But,",he closed his eyes forcing out another sad sigh. "He wasn't trying to make another Wu Yifan. He was just,.....trying to prove himself that anyone who would end up like him,will be a demon like him"

He opened his eyes and looked at Igarashi with softened eyes. "He was simply guilty. Guilty for what he did to his family. Out of anger,he killed his half siblings and their relatives who had done nothing wrong to him. And when his anger died down,he realised his mistake yet he tried to convince himself saying he did right. He killed more and more to prove himself that it was nothing but a mere useless life. The guilt made him kill more and more. But he was taking a wrong path yet ended up at the right feet of right person which happened to be you "

He smiled sadly. "Human feelings and emotions are complex. Not everyone will try to mend their mistakes when they felt guilty. Not everyone has that bravery. The hatred and guilt were mixing inside him. That's what made him go beyond the limits. He took you under his care and again tried to prove himself that he did right. He made you go through the same pain to see what will be your reaction. He thought he won. But,to his displease,you took a different turn",......."You were indeed a demon but you still succeed in staying pure. You had pure feelings inside that locked heart of yours. And you unlocked them the moment you saw your brothers"

Snow white and her 7 dwarfs [BTS FF]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon