part 52

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It's been exactly two days since Kim siblings had come back home. But to their displeasure, their sister hadn't come back. They were extremely disturbed with the fact. What was her business that she couldn't even come back home?

Dongwook was tongue tied about her business when he was asked. He just dismissed the topic saying she is fine. Boys tried calling her several times but she was out of reach.

"Aren't you her bodyguard?do something!",Namjoon said, taking a seat next to Dongwook who was chilling on the living room couch with a beer can.

He just shrugged his shoulders and took a small sip. "She is fine"

"How are you so sure?",It was Hoseok who happened to pass by them. He took a seat on the opposite side couch.

Dongwook sighed looking outside through a window. It was raining and the night wasn't peaceful at all. "You guys are overreacting. She is just busy. And I got a call from her this morning. She is coming tomorrow. So don't worry"

Just then rest of the boys came downstairs since it was their dinner time.

In the same night,someone was running for his dear life. He did the very big mistake of messing with a devil King. The rain was not stopping and it only made him exhausted. The streets were empty and no one was around to help him.

Entering to a dark alley,he kept running. He looked back to see if the angel of death is following her or not. He was scared out of his wits. The red cloak had traumatised him to the core. And white mask was kept haunting him and he just wanted to run far away from the mysterious person who came to him as his death.

Meanwhile, Kim siblings were having their dinner together in the living room. Just plain noodles. They weren't that hungry that night.

"Since noona is not here,tell us something interesting about her",Jimin said with puffed cheeks filled with noodles.

"There's really nothing interesting about her",Dongwook shrugged his shoulders, slurping the noodles onto his mouth.

"Ah you are no fun",Yoongi complained. "Was there anyone in her life other than Yibo? I meant like ex or someone?"

Dongwook paused slurping. He looked at them with a blank face. "Why are you asking?"

Yoongi just shrugged. "Just because. We want to know about her life too as her brothers. We are not strangers anymore"

Dongwook started to think."Now you mentioned it. I think there was someone"

Boys got excited all of a sudden.

"Really?!",Jin asked with wide eyes. He couldn't really believe it.

Dongwook laughed shaking his head. "It isn't what you think. She was shipped with someone back then. Both of them were very famous and everyone thought that they would end up together"

The man ran with his all might. He felt like his legs would give up anytime soon. He looked back again but only shadows followed him.

A loud gasp left from his lips when he collided with something. No, more like someone. He was swing backwards with the force and fell on his butt. Looking up,there was a built man with his hands on his pockets. He was wearing a black mask.

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