part 21

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~I might be strong enough to
handle the pain,but it
doesn't mean I deserve

She stared at the silver ring on her palm. She caressed the ring with her long fingers gently. Her gaze went to the seoul city view infront of her. Through the glass walls of her company, she saw the sun set. It was beautiful.

But, Her small happiness didn't last. She heard her door being opened with a loud thud making her frown. Who would dare to open her door without her permission? That's definitely Lee Dongwook. But he would never open it in such a way.


She could hear his rapid breathing. Something is wrong. She turned around. Yes,something is definitely wrong. Dongwook's face said it all.

"Yibo" he whispered making her squeeze.

Her eyes instantly darkened. Her eyes took a dark shade of bloody red.

Igarashi bang opened her underground security unit. It was her own personal security unit under her company. People in black suits were infront of their own computers with headphones on their ears. No one flinched nor moved. Eyes focused on their computers,they are serving their service to Lang Igarashi. This unit is one of the main reason why no one could touch her company.

Walls full of screens,it is definitely an eye catching thing. This unit was hidden from the world. Only she had the power to rule these men who were sitting like statues. They were only loyal to her. They would trick any other man showing a fake loyalty but their true loyalty was only for her.

Igarashi entered inside with Dongwook. She walked through the rows of tables,passing different men who were engulfed in their own works.

She stopped right infront of the table in the last corner of the room. A Chinese handsome youth was rapidly typing on his keyboard while chewing a bubble gum.

Dongwook immediately removed his headphones seeing no response from the man. The man looked up only to meet her pair of crimson eyes.

The man stood up immediately and bowed." Ms.lang"

"Xiao Kaizhong " she mumbled his name.

"Xiao Kaizhong " she mumbled his name

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"I want you to track down someone"

Kaizhong looked up at her curiously,waiting for her to give more instructions.

"Wang Yibo" Dongwook said.

Kaizhong knew him. Because he was the one who put a tracking device to Yibo's necklace under Igarashi's command. For his protection. And now,she is asking him to track him down,meaning Yibo is in danger. Kaizhong guessed everything withing few seconds. Yibo was kidnapped.

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