part 65

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The seven brothers came back to China with Dongwook and Yibo. This time,they had come with a stronger determination to find their sister. They needed answers. What is the reason behind the peace they received which was nothing but an empty room with a huge void. It couldn't be called peace that way. It was almost as someone is waiting till they die from suffocating of emptiness.

They used to be happy even with all the awful things happening around them. They had someone to look for. But that person had gone giving them an empty space.

Dongwook opened the door of an apartment he owned. It was all dusty like no one had stepped on it for ages which is the true case.

"Is this your Palace you've been talking about all the way from Korea to China?",Jimin asked coughing a bit.

Dongwook shrugged his shoulders. "Yup. Even though I bought this apartment, I never really used this until now. So,", he turned to the rest of the boys. "Let's get to work"

"What work?",Taehyung asked.

"What else,cleaning. Come on! It looks like spider man had payed a visit here. We gotta hurry up"

Boys groaned all together feeling tired as hell.

"We just got here and we are tired! Couldn't you just book a hotel?",Jungkook whined shaking his whole body.

Dongwook scoffed. "60% of the hotels belong to Emperor. His spies work in the rest of the hotels as employees. And you ask me to bring you all there and get caught? We still don't know what is happening so we gotta be careful",He said rolling up his sleeves. "Now don't be whiny little brats here. There are 9 men here. It won't take that much time to clean it up. Yibo and Jin,you two order food and join us to clean after that. Okay let's get it!",he clapped signalling everyone to start.

"Okay boss!",Namjoon shouted before joining Dongwook.

And like that,everyone started their cleaning job.

After spending good 4 hours,they were all done. They all sat on the ground,eating to their heart content.

"By the way Dongwook-ssi,how do you plan to meet noona? You said something about her birthday party",Jin asked with a mouth full of pizza.

Dongwook nodded shaking a bottle of sprite. He was leaning against the couch with crossed legs. "We are going to the party"

"But the Emperor?won't we get caught?",Hoseok asked eyeing the sprite in Dongwook's hands.

"We will go there as guests. There will be a lot of people so we can get mixed into them"

"What about our faces? Won't we get recognised?",asked Namjoon who was desperately trying to protect his slice of pizza from Jimin.

"No one suspects girls to be the boys",Dongwook winked and drank his drink.

Taehyung nodded but paused. "Wait –What?"

Dongwook smirked seeing the confused boys. "Cross dressing"

Hoseok choked on sprite which was the stolen bottle of Dongwook.

"Hell no!!",Yibo screamed jumping onto his feet along with Jungkook who was having a cultural shock. "I can't face her like that!"

"Yes! I will never cross dress",Jungkook also protested not wanting to be a girl. "That's –That's disgusting and gross! Creepy!"

"Don't we have another way?",Namjoon asked not wanting to be in girl's cloths"

Dongwook shook his head. "Nope. Or else how do you plan on even going closer to Igarashi? Look,I will also cross dress with you all"

Snow white and her 7 dwarfs [BTS FF]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora