part 11

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Igarashi couldn't move at all. The stubborn boy wouldn't let her move away from his lap. He was sitting on her bed leaning against the headboard and was holding Igarashi on his lap. His hands rightly wrapped around her waist.

"I won't go anywhere" Igarashi assured him for the hundreds time.

"I know. But I don't want to let you go"he hugged her burying his face on her neck.

Igarashi's eyes moved to his right arm. "Why were you careless?"


"Your arm, you got injured. And still came here with that arm?"

Yibo smiled pecking her cheek. He admired the dangerous doll in his arms. The emotionless ice queen everyone fears had hidden emotions. He knows it.

"So you watched my race?If I knew you'd be watching, I'd have done better"

"What did doctor say?" She asked changing the topic not wanting to answer his silly words.

"I won't be able to participate  races for few months. But nothing is serious. And I'm glad that I got hurt. Now I can be with you"

Igarashi sighed. He is too stubborn to handle. A brat with a little bit of attitude. If Yibo wasn't stubborn, he would never have been able to get closer to Igarashi. Only he could make her give up on something. Giving up on pushing him away.

"When will you go back?"

"When you decided to go" he answered cuddling with her.

"Go back. It's safe there"

"I'm only safe if you are around me"

Igarashi closed her eyes totally giving up. Also his words somehow suffocated her. How could he say that he is only safe around her?


Yibo fell down onto the ground,staring deep into her eyes. Blood was oozing from his chest and the pressure of the shot made the blood spread all around his body. His white shirt was completely bloody. Blood drops covered his face. Still,he looked at Igarashi with the same eyes filled with love.

Her gun fell onto the ground with a loud thud.

End of the flashback

She snapped opened her eyes not wanting to remember that night.

"Darling " his soft voice reached her ear.


"Let's go home. To our home. I want to sleep beside you. But,since we are here,I'll have to sleep alone in a hotel room"


Yibo sighed knowing that she is definitely here for an important business. Also not to forget that it must be extremely dangerous. She even shifted her company to South Korea temporarily.

"Then,let's stay in an apartment. Why do you have to live here?"

"I,... I have to stay here" she whispered and turned to him. " You should leave now. It's your sleep time"

Yibo shook his head." Let's go together. It's not like you can't spend a night away from this mansion. Right? You can still come and sleep with me. Maybe thrice a week?"

Finally,she nodded making him smile widely.

"Good girl" he pecked her showing his affection.

Igarashi placed her head on his shoulder with a long sigh and made herself comfortable. "Since you are going to stay a long time in Korea, I'll buy you an apartment. It's easy than living in a hotel room"

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