part 20

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"Noona! Thank you for the dinner!!" Boys thanked her in unison before digging in.

She had booked a five star restaurant for a dinner out because of the win maknaes had achieved. She sealed her lips looking away,quite embarrassed.

The table was large enough for the 9 members. They could literally see the nice view of the night sky from above through the glass roof. It was a French restaurant which was recently bought by Igarashi.

"By the way noona, how did you manage to come to the match? Dongwook-ssi said that you were busy"Namjoon asked.

Igarashi ignored him as always going to her ' I only speak business' mode.

"She cancelled her meetings" Dongwook answered taking everyone's attention.

Boys were too shocked. Did she really cancel her meetings just to see their match? A high school soccer match? Is their match more important than her world wide company? Boys were too much touched.

Even though she doesn't show her feelings,they could see her love through her actions. She always ignores them,gives shitty yet cute nicknames, and doesn't give two damn shits about them. She acts like they don't even exist. But deep down,she cares. Her way of showing love is different. Her love is different. A savage love.

Jungkook covered his face feeling tears brimming his eyes. He wanted to cry. He wanted to hug her again.

Igarashi was feeling awkward seeing their silly expressions. A frown decorated her face.

"Jungkookie is crying!!" Hoseok screamed pointing at the youngest.

Jin,"Aww,he is crying!"


Yoongi,"Stop it you punks! You make him cry even more!"

"Once a snotty kid,always a snotty kid" Igarashi remarked.

Hoseok laughed hard clapping his hands at her remark. And soon,rest of the boys couldn't hold up and bursted out laughing their asses off. They would always laugh no matter what. It doesn't have to be funny to laugh. Their laughter itself is funny.

Dongwook also laughed seeing their laughter.

Igarashi just ate silently but deep down,she was enjoying. She enjoyed their smile and  laughter.

"Let's take a selfie!!" Taehyung suggested and took out his smartphone. He stood up and raised the phone making a peace sign." Everyone!look here!"..."Noona!come on!look here!!"

She sighed and looked up.

"1,2,3!" Taehyung clicked a picture.

"Taehyung-ah! Take a picture with me and noona!" Hoseok screamed. He was sitting next to Igarashi, so it was easy to put an arm around her shoulder.

She raised an eyebrow sending a glare to Hoseok. But he wasn't the one to care. Boys are no longer scared of her. She would never scold them nor hurt them.

Hoseok made a peace sign and looked at Taehyung's phone. Taehyung clicked a picture and laughed looking at it. Igarashi was glaring at Hoseok in it.

Hoseok looked at his sister and made some cute noises and pouted. Igarashi could only sigh.

"I also want to take a picture with noona!!" Jimin raised his hand like a baby giving his eye smile to Igarashi.

And atlast, she had to take pictures with everyone. Including Dongwook.

"We are going to hold a party at our house next week. Is it okay noona?" Taehyung asked nervously.

A high school party. Specifically to celebrate their win. Since their father had gone to Japan,if is a big opportunity to throw party.

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