part 23

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~Your love hurts so good,I
want it so bad~

Yibo opened his eyes to the sunshine, shining on his face. He felt a warm touch on his face. Blocking his view,an angel appeared infront of him. He doubted if he is dead, but then he remembered something.

He would never see another woman as beautiful except his love. Then,this angel must be his love. His darling.

Her crimson eyes stared into his softly. Those pair of cursed eyes he fell in love, he would never get enough of this view. Those eyes are not cursed for him,they are the gems he was gifted by heaven.


"Hm" It wasn't just a 'hm' this time,it was filled with an emotion. A hidden emotion he couldn't read. But it felt good. Soft and gentle. And to his astonishment, she kissed his forehead.

"Am I dead?" He asked softly.


He stared at her face in his daze state. He wasn't awake fully.

"You are beautiful my love" he whispered.

"How do you feel?" She asked still caressing his cheek.

"Uh good?"


"What happened--" He jolted up with wide eyes remembering what happened. He remembered himself getting kidnapped and then got beatened up.

Soon,he groaned feeling pain all over his body.

"Don't jump around. Stay still" Igarashi demanded in a serious voice making him stop moving.

She helped him to lean on the headboard of the bed. He looked around curiously only to find himself in Igarashi's room.

His heart started to race. How did he come here? Did she come to rescue him? He didn't want her to come. He would rather die than risking her life.

"You saved me?!"


"Why?!! You shouldn't have! What if something happened to you?! They wanted you to come! So they could catch you! Why did you come?!--"

She kissed him to stop his nonsense. "Cut the shit boy. Nothing happened"

He shook his head."I told you so many times! You shouldn't care about me. Do not think about me. I don't want you to enter someone's trap just to save me! Let them kill me--"

PA!She slapped him shutting him down. Her eyes held pain.

He paused for few seconds to realise what just happened. He didn't see it coming.

Yibo slowly looked at her only to gasp. She had tears! She finally gave up infront of him. She showed her emotions. It was no longer the emotionless face he saw every single day.

Anger,pain, sorrow, decorated her face.
"Leave. Do not come to me ever again" She spat sharply before standing up.

Yibo widened his eyes hearing those words again. The words he hated the most. 'Leave'. The word itself traumatised him. His heart squeezed painfully.

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