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Chapter 691 Lack of Meat

  Shen Erzhu will also want to understand this time, I guess it must be the buyer that Director Sun introduced to the younger sister, otherwise why would he give the money first.

  Now that there was Director Sun's business, the brothers were relieved, and quickly unloaded the four pigs from the cart, and then hurriedly left.

  Shen Yiyi waited for the eldest brother and the second brother to walk away, and quickly gathered all the four pigs into the space, together with the pig blood from the four pieces of wood, maybe put them into the space, stir and stir, and then he could enema.

  Because I told Sun Qiao earlier about these dozen pigs and asked them if they wanted them. If they wanted, they still only need food and no money.

  Why don't you want it? They want as much as there are.

  So Shen Yiyi just said hello in the past, no need to talk nonsense, and Sun Qiao cheerfully said that the food had been prepared for them.

  And this time, one catty was exchanged for four catties. The price of pork at non-staple food stores is now only 70 cents a catty. This is the Chinese New Year recently, and it has increased by more than one cent. Before it was only fifty five cents a catty.

  Moreover, for the four catties of grain required by Shen Yiyi, there must be one catty of millet, and the remaining coarse grains, although not required, can be given to corn and sorghum, but they must be pure grains. It is not enough to use all the potatoes and bran to make up the number.

  One catty of hairy pigs is exchanged for four catties of pure grain. This way, even if you never settle accounts, you will know that they have taken a big advantage.

  Of course, Sun Qiao won't suffer, Shen Yiyi doesn't believe that she will put all these more than a dozen pigs in the grocery store.

  After the New Year, the price of pork on the black market must have skyrocketed. Shen Yiyi absolutely believes that Sun Qiao and the leader can provide half of the supply to the people.

  It's just a pity that pigs are too small nowadays. Few domestic pigs can grow to more than 300 catties a year.

  Even if you send the half to the commune, you will pick the largest and fattest pig. On average, it is only two hundred thirty or forty catties. It is said that the largest one is only two hundred and sixty catties, and it is already the heaviest pig in the pig farm. Up.

  When Shen Yiyi left the four big pigs, it was estimated that they would be only two hundred and twenty catties per pig.

  That's it, the fourteen pigs also have two thousand eight hundred catties, and then multiply it by four. Forget it, they will have more than ten thousand catties of grain in the warehouse immediately.

  It was almost the work of the front and back. As soon as Chen Jiawang led the people to pull the 14 pigs away, Shen Shulin led some leaders of the commune to inspect.

  It was an inspection, but it was really the 22 pigs they sent to the commune.

  There is a lack of meat now, especially during the Chinese New Year. Those who lack meat everywhere can't wait to cut meat from themselves.

  At this time, the Liujiu Farm can hand in 22 big fat pigs at once, and it is impossible not to attract people to worry about it.

  No, as soon as Shen Shulin went to the meeting today, the leaders of the commune said how difficult the task of purchasing pigs this year was, and to see if their farm could deliver a few more pigs.

  Because I had already talked about the whereabouts of the remaining pigs with Caizhan before, Shen Shulin really didn't dare to agree. He just discussed with Caizhan first to see if he could provide them with less supplies.

  Then the commune was afraid of Shen Shulin's tricks. When the meeting was over, they simply organized people to visit them, and by the way, they decided to pay a few more pigs.

  The pig pens are all built with stones. In the huge pig farm, there are now four slouched lonely pigs. They look a little thin, but they don't know why they are doing it, and they feel a little poor.

Chapter 692 Countermeasures

  Grandpa Gu is even more aware that the leaders are coming, and he starts to complain, saying how hard they have been for the old men this year, and they don't feed pigs during the day or night, but they can't leave them all. Ah, he didn't even eat a bite of meat.

  Grandpa Gu's words are vivid, and dozens of people on the farm are watching them with eyesight, saying they are looking forward to killing pigs for the New Year. No matter how greedy the leaders are, they can't get out of the mouths of the people. Pick meat and eat.

  So several leaders questioned Shen Shulin, asking him if he was afraid to hand in tasks and hide all the pigs.

  Shen Shulin shouted wrong, saying that the pig was still there when he left. He didn't expect that the food station would come to pull the pig in advance, and he would leave them with the four smallest heads. He didn't know how to explain it to everyone, everyone was waiting. If you eat greasy meat, the remaining four pigs will have to be raised for a while.

  A group of leaders rushed so far happily, but only to visit the pig farm on the farm, they all left angrily.

  As soon as everyone left, Shen Shulin quickly asked what was going on. The food station came in such a timely manner, otherwise their pig farm would definitely be done in vain this new year.

  Only Gu Nanshan knew the inside story about this matter and secretly told him the truth.

  It turned out to be the ghost of my own girl again, but thanks to the girl, it is estimated that I will have to go back to pull the food at night.

  Shen Shulin hurriedly organized people to clean the warehouse, and then led the big guys down the mountain to wait. This time, they were fetching food with great fanfare. Otherwise, the dozens of people would use those pigs for what they would eat. This is what the leaders of the commune promised.

  The leader promised? Hehe, the mouths of those leaders...

  Today, I heard what the leaders of the commune said. It seems that the matter of not paying the task rations for three years, which has been said before, seems to be invalidated.

  The newly opened land will definitely reduce production. If the commune now needs the task grain and expropriates it like the good land under the mountain, Shen Shulin feels that next year they can only rely on the pigs for their food rations.

  Next year the eldest family and Li Dazhong's family will also come to the farm to settle down. It is not a trivial matter for so many people to want to eat their stomachs.

  While tapping his pipe, Shen Shulin told Gu Nanshan what the leader of the commune meant.

  "I had expected it earlier. It was the former president who said that no task food would be collected for three years. Now the leader is changing like a lantern. The newcomer cannot act according to the statement left by the previous one."

  "Yes, This year's grain production has been reduced, and none of our commune's villages can complete the task. No, I've got the idea here." Hearing what President Zhao said, some people had deliberately ran to the commune and filed a complaint with them, saying that their farm family I can't finish the food, and I haven't handed it over to the country.

  Shen Shulin already had a guess in his heart. If the person who accused them was really Laoshuan Li, and felt that the person suggested by President Zhao was Li Laoshuan, then he had to think about it and accept some villagers who wanted to come to the farm.

  But next year he has no plans to open the land like this, and now the more land is opened, the more task grains will be handed in.

  At that time, everyone had been working for a whole year. Not only did they not get the rations, but they had to post them upside down, so that he would not do anything like that.

  Anyway, just these land, they can pay as much as they ask them to pay. It really doesn't work. During the autumn harvest, the commune cadres are led to the scene and let them watch them collect the grain.

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