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Chapter 561 Are Tired. 

Well, yes, she is Shen Yiyi's good sister-in-law. She must be unhappy if Sun Donghua doesn't care about her fourth brother or ask about it.

  But about the house, she didn't plan to tell Sun Donghua yet, and she also reminded the fourth brother not to say it yet.

  Sun Donghua is now anxious to recognize characters, like a primary school student every day, let her teach her to recognize and write when she has time, definitely wanting to write to the fourth elder brother.

  She didn't want her fourth brother to be bald with Sun Donghua in the letter, so she would not be far from her mother.

  If I let Shen Lao Niang know that she bought houses for her third and fourth elders in the city, and the houses they bought were not cheap houses, oh my god, that scene, I can't even think about it.

  At the dinner table tonight, Shen Yiyi raised his head and talked about letting Sun Donghua study medicine with Yin Haiying . As she had expected, Sun Donghua was very excited about this incident and called Master Yin Haiying. However, in order not to cause other people's tongue, Sun Donghua still called Yin Haiying Aunt.

  "Today is too late. Tomorrow night, Donghua Sister, when you go to Aunt Chen's house, I will prepare four gifts for you. Then you will bring them over and offer Aunt Chen a cup of tea. Although we are secretly apprentices, Some procedures can't be lost."

  Before she became Shen Sizhu's wife, someone from the village replied that her father-in-law was in charge of Xiaowu, but in fact her mother-in-law listened to Xiaowu.

  Later, she became a member of this family, and found that, as everyone said, people in this family, even her father-in-law, would ask for the opinion of Xiao Wu.

  Just after listening to my sister-in-law's words, Sun Donghua felt that she finally understood why Xiao Wu was in charge of this family.

  "XiaoWu , I will listen to you for everything from now on." Sun Donghua suddenly said something like this, and she stunned Shen Yiyi, "Why? Why do you listen to me for everything?"

  "Because what you say and do are all right, and they are for the good of all of us, and you are smarter, thinking about things more thoughtfully than we thought, so let's talk about dealing with the old grandson's family. If it weren't for you, I guess I certainly can not escape from that family. this time there you help me find a teacher, I would have been unthinkable before, but can you dare to think, but also helped me even apprentice ceremony are ready. "

  "hey OMG!", As Sun Donghua was talking, she was crying.

  "Don't, Sister-in-law, don't cry, or my fourth brother will sense it, so you have to be anxious."

  "...Ah?" Sun Donghua quickly wiped away her tears, looking afraid, "Will it? You? Will the fourth brother be able to sense it?"

  "So what, I don't know, anyway, I've heard it before, saying that if the relationship between these two people is too good, the other is happy and sad, and the other can sense it." Talk about twins?

  She could really flicker, and she saw that the tears of Little Girl Donghua looked like a gate, and she immediately changed to a smiling face.

  Alas, the power of love is so great. She, the fourth sister-in-law, loves her fourth brother, a good little girl, so she is fooled by her.

  The wasteland is cultivated later, and the grass grows vigorously one by one.

  The ground shoveled at the bottom of the mountain can be hung up after three times. Farmers expect to rest for a few days during this period, but they don't expect to hung up the hoe.

  So everyone came to the wasteland, and they wanted to open up wasteland, build houses, and dig protective trenches, then plant the land, shovel the land, and wait there every day. There has never been a time to rest. They are not made of iron, so I might not be tired.

Chapter 562 Be Careful 

The next day, in order to give the Chen Jiawang and his wife the green light, the director of the field Shen announced to everyone early in the morning, "Today we are free to spend one day, and those who are willing to go to work with me, will follow me later, and those who want to take a rest. Even if I give you a day off, no work points will be deducted."

  Whenever you hear that no work points are deducted, then who doesn't want to take a day off.

  The ten educated youths first jumped out and all said they wanted to go down the mountain, some said they wanted to send letters, some said they wanted to buy things, some said more bluntly, they said they wanted to go to the city to have a good meal.

  Even Mrs. Shen wanted to take a day off and take a good rest, but she didn't dare to open her mouth when she thought that she was still delayed by one day yesterday.

  However, she took the initiative to let the two daughters-in-law have a day off, especially the second daughter-in-law, Xiaoqiu just arrived, the mother and daughter kissed each other, and heard that they would make new quilts for Xiaoqiu.

  Then it became that there were only a few people who went to work with Chief Shen, but after they all had a rest, it would be more conducive to work harder in the future.

  Field Chief Shen could only comfort himself in this way, and then led the wife and the few people who were reluctant to give up their work to shovel the grass.

  Knowing that Gu Zumo's boring gourd was unwilling to speak, Shen Yiyi originally wanted to go to Wen Boyuan and tell him about Wen Huihui's family.

  The farm was so lively today. Everyone didn't go to work or was bored in the house. The educated youths all left. Shen Yiyi happened to meet Zhang Wei when she came out. The girl smiled at her and said She was going to town and asked if she had anything to take.

  Shen Yiyi thanked him, said no, and then went to Granny Wu's house.

  Among these people who came to open up wasteland, apart from Wenboyuan, Grandpa Gu and Grandma Gu, Grandpa Wu and Grandma Wu were the oldest.

  The old couple hadn't been there since they came up. They asked her and Gu Zumo to help bring them back if they needed anything. This time I heard that they were going to the county seat and worked hard, saying that they would help her buy a pound of fat. It has been a long time since Grandpa Wu wants to eat pancakes. They can't afford soy oil, so they can buy some fat and meat. They rely on good pancakes to eat.

  Grandpa Wu had beaten devils before, and his physical fitness was no worse than that of young people, but the old man just didn't know how to buy things. Listening to that, people used to have orders, and wherever they needed to buy things by themselves.

  When Grandma Wu could buy things, she couldn't walk too far, especially mountain roads. She vowed not to go down when she was able to walk up.

  In this way, she and Gu Zumo became the little celebrities in front of Grandpa Wu and Grandma Wu.

  Shen Yiyi is now taking things out, but she is more cautious, this time in order to let Grandpa Wu eat pancakes, she took out another pound of soybean oil.

  The oil can is an empty can that she bought in the city. It is filled with two catties, and she only pours one catty of oil into it.

  The catty of fat that Grandma Wu asked for was also taken out of the space by her, otherwise she would really buy her fresh meat in the county seat, so she wouldn't turn into stinky meat during this hot day.

  Of course, she must not turn into stinky meat here, but the problem is that she dare not do that, as soon as she takes it out, it looks like pork that has just been killed. Grandpa Wu and Grandma Wu are not foolish, didn't she ask someone to suspect .

  But her space was filled with bacon and smoked meat, so Shen Yiyi cut a catty of fatter bacon and brought it together.

  "Grandma Wu, you and my Grandpa Wu are resting today? Just give Grandpa Wu pancakes."

  Grandma Wu, who was picking rice worms in the yard, heard the voice, looked up and saw Shen Yiyi coming, and immediately laughed. "Grandma Wu thought Yiyi had forgotten about it, so she didn't have the embarrassment to go to your house and ask."

  "Why would I forget, but I came back too late yesterday, so I didn't rush to send it to you."

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