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 Chapter 391 

There is a car in front of you, and there is something behind. Now I heard Shen Yiyi say this, the whole family still looks dumbfounded, Song Min quit, her daughters, daughters, grandchildren and grandchildren live in the same courtyard with the second child. From now on The reputation is even worse.

  "Two brothers and sisters, I think what the little girl said is true, your home is paying attention to Zhang Miao, or else someday Shen secretary to come to me and you and your brother can not afford to lose that person."

  Zhang The eldest of the family, Zhang Zhiguo, is now the deputy director of the sugar factory, and Song Min is a union cadre in the sugar factory. If this matter is spread, the second and second couple will be workers. Whether their faces are worthless or not, but the two of them, Can't afford to be ashamed.

  In fact, Wang Xiaojuan still supports her daughter's finding Secretary Shen as an object. These days, the mother and daughter have been cheating behind their backs.

  He was even ready to move, but suddenly a younger sister appeared and said that Secretary Shen had a partner?

  Wang Xiaojuan ignored her uncle's sister-in-law, but took a few steps forward and said to Shen Yiyi: "Little girl in the Shen family, you can't talk nonsense. My Zhang Miao is also a big girl anyway, so how can you stubbornly poop on her? Basin."

  "I slapped a basin of shit on her head, or your girl has an improper mind. You should know this matter better than anyone else."

  Shao pretended to be innocent in front of her, and took a look at the eyes of these girls. It's not a good thing at first glance, huh, the proper copy of Kang Qiuju and Sun Qiuhua.

  "I have any numbers in my heart. Our family is not like yours in the countryside. These people in our family are usually busy with work. This is my father-in-law's birthday today, and we are all here. And little girl, you seem to have just come here. Didn't you see your third brother yet, so don't say anything too early, maybe it's not because of my Zhang Miao, but your third brother..."

  "This aunt, please pay attention to your words, I and your Family, it's just a nodding acquaintance. If this still causes misunderstandings among your family members, you don't need to point your head anymore." Everyone is listening attentively to Wang Xiaojuan's vernacular, and no one noticed. Shen Sanzhu is standing now while pushing a brand new bicycle. Behind the crowd.

  When Shen Yiyi saw that the third brother was back, he ran over and pointed at the old Zhang family. He cried without thunder and rain: "Brother third, this family bullies people. Just now I came, and the girl blocked the door. I opened the door and said that I was a thief. After that, the guy in their family's clothes in the public house frightened me and said that he was going to get me arrested. Oh, brother, this family is terrible, otherwise let's stop here, you Go and talk to Mayor Zhao, is the senior official here bigger than his official position?"

  Isn't this little girl scamming? To say that the level of their old man is indeed not younger than the mayor, but now, hey, Just his elder brother, the deputy director, really doesn't have much face in the town.

  "Secretary Shen, right? Long Yang ." Zhang Zhiqiang hurried over, reaching out to shake hands with Shen Sanzhu.

  My little girl is a person who can't cry easily. Now she is so angry, Shen Sanzhu is angry, where is she willing to take care of Zhang Zhiqiang.

  "Shen secretary, misunderstanding, misunderstanding at all, my niece just misunderstood your sister ...... then I would just come out and ask, are out of professional habit, say you live here, which I can not take but seriously."

  "So By the way, I have to thank Comrade Zhang Zhiqiang."

Chapter 392 Sophistry 

The one who is next to his own family, what's the situation of this family, Shen Sanzhu's investigation is clear as soon as he moved in.

  This Zhang Zhiqiang usually has a good reputation, so Shen Sanzhu decided to give him a little face.

  "Yes, everyone is living with neighbors and looking after each other. It's nothing, no thanks." Zhang Zhiqiang can naturally hear if they are really grateful.

  The Zhang family has almost come out, and the third brother and these people may see each other at work in the future. She is a child and she doesn't care.

  "It's okay to look after each other, but your niece and the words that her mother just said, do you not understand or pretend not to understand? I'll tell you, it's your niece. , In the future, don't go to my third brother to make do, otherwise I will scold her once." Shen Yiyi groaned at the Zhang family.

  Shen Sanzhu also said at this time: "That lesbian, I didn't seem to say a word to her, and I don't know how she misunderstood me and asked her to help look after the house. Comrade Zhang Zhiqiang, you still need to clarify this matter. Now, our family really doesn't need your niece to help guard the house in the future."

  Well, Secretary Shen said that the guardian is the gatekeeper. Of course it is a dog.

  The Zhang family has not come out at this moment, only the former director of the sugar factory Zhang, and the current deputy director of Zhang.

  However, Song Min didn't keep a word of what the Shen brothers and sisters said, and didn't add any oil and jealousy. When he returned, he repeated it to Zhang Wannian and Zhang Zhiguo.

  Zhang Wannian didn't go out because he had been listening to the radio. Now when he heard that his granddaughter had done such a shameful thing, he dropped the radio angrily.

  "What birthday, you are going to celebrate the anniversary for me. Get out, let the second family get out of me, now go out to find a house, let their family move out for me quickly, and move far away." The old man has not been so embarrassed for a lifetime.

  Seeing that the family was about to be driven out, Wang Xiaojuan's mother and daughter realized that Bai Rumeng couldn't do it, and they knew that they were afraid.

  Wang Xiaojuan hurriedly pulled her girl forward and wiped her tears to explain: "Dad, Miao Miao was wronged. In fact, she was kind. Seeing a stranger went next door, she stepped forward and asked, who knows that the little girl is not so reasonable. Don't forgive people."

  "Second sibling, you can get it down. Just now, you brag with your third sibling, saying that if you don't want to find a girl, you will find a cadre in the town, and also said that there is a suitable candidate. "Song Min mocked.

  "I, I'm talking about someone else, Miao Miao's aunt, and I want to introduce her to a cadre in the town."

  "Ah, isn't it? Miao Miao said, we must catch Secretary Shen, so that your family will have an early day. Could it be that the person introduced by Aunt Miao Miao also has the surname Shen? He also happens to be a secretary?"

  Zhang Bohan, a dead girl, just relied on I found a good boyfriend by myself, but I am not disappointed with their family Miao Miao.

  Wang Xiaojuan Oh hollow sound, continues to quibble: "The coincidence is that maybe, after all, surnamed Shen also a lot when it did not necessarily sink next to a secretary's secretary."

  "It happened to the other three columns, also known as Shen, also lives next door, I heard what Miao Miao meant, but she even chose to move to the next room, whoever lives in which house."

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