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Chapter 251 I want to go to school. 

Old Mr. Shen personally went to beg the eldest son to continue to take over as the captain and wipe the fart to Shen Shusheng. The matter soon spread in Shangou Village.

  In the evening, Li Laoshuan also visited Shen Shulin's house. The two of them drank a thermos of tea and smoked a box of cigarettes that Gu Zumo bought, and finally they said nothing.

  Then within a few days, someone from the commune announced that he had been dismissed as soon as he had done nothing on business during his tenure.

  However, the person who took over as the captain was not Shen Shulin as everyone had guessed, but Li Laoshuan.

  And Li Laoshuan's wife, Wang Guilan, finally became the women director of Shangou Village as she wished, and she took up the post with her own man one day. After that, there were two people in the village, including Li Laoshuan's family.

  Don't take the porcelain work without the diamond.

  These words were really appropriate for Shen Shusheng.

  He looked at his eldest brother who had been a captain for more than ten years, and he was quite good, and it didn't feel difficult. Those villagers didn't have the power in your hands, so they just listened to you.

  But when this right is in his own hands, all those people have changed faces, so no one listens to him?

  Shen Shusheng was puzzled about this matter, and then Old Man Shen told him a story about someone who wanted to be the emperor, and then tried all kinds of methods, and finally sat on that chair, but just became the emperor. Within a few days, he was demoted.

  If someone else said this, Shen Shusheng would have cursed others for being eye-catching. He had read more than Shen Shulin for a few years, so why could he be inferior to him?

  Actually dared to compare that trash emperor with him.

  But the story teller is his father. What else can he say? He can only continue to sigh that Da Ya shouldn't leave the marriage so early. If it's a few days later, wait until his foundation is laid, or wait for it. Relief food is available...

  Seeing that his son could still say such things at this time, Mr. Shen was really desperate. He had known this, those things, he might as well take them out and enjoy them early. The big deal is that one day is a day, and he still considers offspring like this. , Continue, how can it be.

  After the appointment of the cadres, all those who wanted to make trouble in the village disappeared for a while.

  Although it was not Shen Shulin who came up this time, it was not bad to switch to Li Laoshuan. The sons of their family are all amazing, so why don't you watch everyone starve to death?

  Those who understand the inside story know that Shen Shulin didn't want to do it this time, and Li Laoshuan took over.

  Moreover, the two of them chatted for most of the night, and they had been working together for so many years before, and even Shen Shulin could not look at Li Laoshuan in embarrassment and did not help at all.

  When everyone was full of expectations that Captain Li could get food for everyone, another even more explosive news came out.

  Shen Sanzhu also entered the city, and when they entered the city this time, they weren't going to be a worker, but an official.

  I heard that it is still a secretary, who is dedicated to serving as a secretary to the leader.

  From now on, when you see Shen Sanzhu again, everyone can't call Shen Sanzhu directly, you have to call Secretary Shen.

  Mother, this Shen Shulin didn't become the captain, and the good things in the family happened one after another.!

  I heard that Sanzhu was admitted by himself. Hey, you said this study is so useful. Why should the school be closed? Isn't it a pitfall to our children?

  Since the end of the year, the explosive news has become more powerful one by one, especially the incident of Shen Sanzhu, which immediately aroused everyone's reading craze.

  All those who looked like a child in their homes ran to Li Laoshuan and asked when the elementary school could start classes? This child's study can't be delayed any longer.

Chapter 252: After skipping a grade,

 A few days later, after Li Laoshuan ran to the commune many times, the elementary school in his village finally started classes, and this time a Chinese teacher was changed. I heard that he was teaching a university before. Now I can teach these little children, who cares about the composition of her family.

  The teacher you are talking about is of course Gu Nan.

  Shen Shulin told Li Laoshuan that night about this matter. It happened that the two of them attached great importance to the children's study, and then the matter was finalized.

  Gu Nan was naturally very happy if something was done.

  Although she earns work points and does not receive monthly wages, the work points can be exchanged for food, so she doesn't need Xiaomo to support her.

  The school started, and Shen Yiyi, who was only eleven years old, naturally wanted to go to school.

  However, she said that she didn't want to start in the second grade at all, insisting on going to the fourth grade. In fact, she initially wanted to go to the fifth grade, so that she could go directly to the town to go to junior high school after mixing for two years in elementary school.

  The idea is pretty good, but the reality is that there is no fifth grade in Shangou Village Primary School.


  Because most of the children who come to sign up are under ten years old, especially those who have never gone to school at the age of seven or eight, which account for the majority.

  As for the children from grades 4 and 5, Gu Nan visited door to door with a sense of responsibility. Those children have gone through more than a year of school suspension, and now most of them have chosen to continue to stay in the production team to earn work points. Come to school.

  It is quite enviable that Shen Sanzhu can be admitted as the secretary in the city, but there is only one Shen Sanzhu in all of Shangou Village.

  They were not doing well in their studies before, but after another year of farm work, now that they return to the fourth and fifth grade classes, they will definitely not be able to keep up.

  These teenagers are at an age with strong self-esteem. Besides, the family can't afford so many students. Now that younger brothers and sisters have to go to school, they naturally take on the responsibility of helping their parents earn work points.

  Therefore, the Shangou Village Elementary School has temporarily become a school with only four grades. Two students who have left the fifth grade previously agreed to come back to class, and they happen to be willing to re-learn the fourth grade textbook.

  Adding Shen Yiyi and the two students who have already studied in the fifth grade, there are only fourteen students in the fourth grade in one class.

  However, there are a lot of applicants for the first and second grades, and Shen Aimin and Shen Dongdong naturally also signed up, and the thieves are active.

  For the time being, two teachers have been decided. Gu Nan is responsible for teaching Chinese, and the other teacher who teaches mathematics is also an educated youth named Yan Xiaoqing.

  The little girl is only 18 years old, but she is a genius in mathematics. Even Gu Nan said that at Yan Xiaoqing's level, teaching high school mathematics was wronged, but now she wants her to teach those who have not even learned addition and subtraction under ten. Children... I have to say that this era is really shocking.

  Fortunately, Yan Xiaoqing still likes this job, so it's better to do farm work with those aunts and uncles.

  What's more, the two years of farming work tires these children in the city. Now, let alone being a primary school teacher for them, it would be a pleasure to let them go to the school to watch the gate.

  The teacher has tentatively scheduled two, and the students are still applying.

  And Shen Yiyi became the only one who skipped a level.

  Before, the original owner was from the second grade. This time she jumped directly to the fourth grade. Compared with those who have no foundation, this is a god-like legend.

  But everyone didn't have any doubts. Who didn't know that Teacher Gu lived in Shen's house, and he guessed that he must have made up for Primary Five.

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