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Chapter 651 Food Lack 

Now there are more varieties of kimchi on the mountain. Cowpeas, sweet potato vines, and sesame leaves are all provided by Caizhan. Otherwise, she will also have to come to the Caizhan to discuss a new one.

  If it weren't for this, she wouldn't need to go down the mountain at all.

  The two sides have been cooperating for more than a month. I heard that because of this incident, Sun Qiao and the main leader of the Caizhan have also received praise from the above, and one person has won a large kettle, and the Caizhan collective won a grand prize.

  When is the common people's vegetable basket the most important thing. Nowadays, the materials are scarce, and the common people can't buy food or vegetables with money in their hands. Don't think that you are not in a hurry. Why are you not in a hurry? Which leader would like to see the people eating? Soak the shallots in salt water, and you have to pick your teeth with a toothpick, saying how well you eat and how full you are.

  Now Caizhan can create new tricks on its own, which not only solves the problem of poor sales of Chinese cabbage by farmers, but also enriches the dining table for the people, and the leaders also have a lot of light on their faces.

  Moreover, the kimchi was really appetizing, and the leaders on it had tasted it. The family members ran to the vegetable station every day and had to bring them back, boasting that they had finally done something good.

  I heard that the common people used to eat whole grains and they said it was not delicious, but now it tastes good with kimchi.

  When the leader heard about this, of course he was happy.

  This Sun Qiao and the others had this award. Although it was just a thermos and a grand prize certificate, in this era, this is already a big reward.

  After Shen Yiyi heard about this, she hurried over to discuss conditions with Sun Qiao. She said that the farm was about to run out of food, and they had no food to eat, and there was no place to buy it with the money, so the food station only paid everyone and didn't pay. In the middle, we have to help get some food.

  In these years, don't talk about the young director of her food station, he is the high official in the province. You ask him for food, and you can see if he can get it.

  Hearing what Sun Qiao said, Shen Yiyi was not at all anxious, and then he leaned forward and asked in a low voice, "What if I was helping you get a big wild boar weighing five to six hundred kilograms?"

  "Really, can you really get a big wild boar, or it weighs five or six hundred catties?" Sun Qiao's eyes immediately radiated scorching gazes.

  To be honest, it is much harder to get her to get some meat now than to get food.

  The north only grows one season of grain, and the south has two seasons and three seasons. In fact, the southern summer grain has just been harvested at this time, and the harvest in the south this year is not bad. This means that the people can't get food. Those who control the people's vegetable basket are abducted. Work harder and get some food. It's not a big problem.

  Shen Yiyi glanced at Sun Qiao's eyes and knew that there was a way for this matter.

  What did she do before? She is a food seller, and of course she knows that summer food has just been put into storage this season.

  Many people on the farm are running out of food now. For this reason, the farm has already cashed in some cash in advance for everyone's income this month.

  But everyone also has their own totals. They still have to leave some work points to wait for food in the fall, but they can't cash in the money now and what to eat then.

  Therefore, the cash exchanged by each household will not exceed ten yuan, so that everyone lacks enough oil, salt, sauce and vinegar to purchase.

  But those people who are short of food, especially those educated youths, are a little dumbfounded when they take money to the commune and say they want to buy some food. The answer is that they have nothing to buy.

  With this small amount of money in his hand, I have to buy high-priced food, so what can I do with this small amount of money.

Chapter 652 is good at doing things,

  so Shen Yiyi sent his idea to Sun Qiao. Her auntie is not a simple person, not just about 800 kilograms of food. Shen Yiyi thinks that this matter must not be difficult for Sun Qiao. 

  "We can certainly hunt wild boar, but we do not make money, only used for food, and a pound of pork exchange pounds for coarse grains, no more to it?"

  Pounds for coarse grains only four hair much money, you can change a pound of wild Pork, even if wild pork is not as delicious as local pork, the price is almost the same, but at this time of extreme lack of meat, wild pork is fried for a few yuan a catty on the black market.

  For such a simple account, she didn't need Shen Yiyi to give Sun a coincidence, she knew how much advantage they took.

  "Okay, Yiyi, I can help you ask about this, I guess it's about the same." Sun Qiao smiled and agreed, and then confirmed with Shen Yiyi.

  The big wild boar weighing five or six hundred catties, this girl said so lightly, she was afraid that she would run away the grain for her here, and she hadn't hunted the wild boar yet. Isn't that cute? It's easy to explain.

  The big wild boar was in her space, and she couldn't take out the wild boar after Gu Zumo left.

  She thought about it before, looking for an opportunity to sell this big wild boar, this time it happened to be an opportunity.

  The next day, Sun Qiao gave Shen Yiyi a quasi-believe, and said that he would do what she said, and asked her if the wild boar had been hunted?

  I have already guessed Sun Qiao, otherwise you won't even be able to tell the exact number of catties, and they are also afraid that the delay will be too long and the meat quality will not be fresh.

  Otherwise, she doesn't need to make excuses to deal with smart people. Sun Qiao has set up the steps for her entirely based on her own imagination.

  Shen Yiyi smiled without answering, only told them a place, and when the time was correct, he asked them to go to the car to bring the wild boar back, and then he was responsible for sending them the food overnight to the mountain.

  Regardless of where the old grain came from, Shen Yiyi didn't want people in Shangou Village to see it.

  So she went out of the city to find a place, put the wild boar down, and waited for Sun Qiao to take the car to bring people over to take the wild boar away, and then she came back with the car.

  The boss is a wild boar, let alone how much meat can be kicked off, the pigskin, fangs, and even pig hair on this body are all useful to the boss.

  The whole pig was not easy to weigh, so Shen Yiyi waited patiently for a while. Fortunately, there were a lot of people on their side. It didn't take long to kill the pig and unload the pork, so the exact number of catties came out.

  Six hundred and twenty catties, this must be said to be weighed after the killing, although they even counted the pig hair when weighing, they still had to remove some catties.

  According to what I said before, the weight of a catty of pigs for three catties of grain is 1,860 catties.

  Later, Sun Qiao said that the leader had said, so he just made up a whole and gave them 1,900 catties of grain.

  Only Sun Qiao had a direct contact with Shen Yiyi. As for the leader she mentioned, Shen Yiyi hadn't even seen anyone in person.

  However, for the extra 40 catties of grain, that person is a bright person, and there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future. Shen Yiyi took out two more pheasants, one for Sun Qiao, and the other for the mysterious man of course. 

  Pork is the taste of pork, and chicken is the taste of chicken. There are two little pheasants, which pleases Sun Qiao.

  What's more, it has rained a few times in the past few days. It is said that mushrooms are everywhere in the mountains, but it is a pity that she just doesn't have time to pick them. Otherwise, a little pheasant stews mushrooms.

Sixties' Little Wife Has Space (1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora