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Chapter 531 The Guest House

  "Huh?" The slow-reacting person shook his head quickly, "No, how can we live in the same house? No, I should live alone." What do you think of when you are young? It's red, Gu Zumo bent down half-heartedly, looked at Shen Yiyi and said with a smile: "Little girl, there are two beds in this room. Maybe when there are female guests staying in the store, they will lead you to your place. Come to the house, do you really prefer to live in a house with a stranger?"

  Shen Yiyi: "..." That's right, why did she forget about it? She thought that for 50 cents, this house would belong to her.

  The situation in Gu Zumo's house must be the same. When someone stays in the store, he might also be arranged to go to his house.

  Instead of living in a room with a stranger, she would rather sleep in a room with Gu Zumo.

  However, she is now able to accept living in a room with Gu Zumo, but she is afraid that the fat aunt will not allow it.

  Thinking of the fat aunt who had little eyes but was especially wise, Shen Yiyi felt that she would definitely not agree. Just now they had a fourth brother who was leading him, and when they submitted the letter of introduction, the fat aunt looked at it carefully. The small eyes were still scanning their faces.

  "We are a man and a woman, will anyone agree to let us live in the same house?" Tsk, her mouth reveals the age, and there is a man and a woman. They are obviously two children.

  "This is no problem, as long as you agree, I will go over and talk to that person now."

  "Well, then I agree." Shen Yiyi reluctantly agreed.

  Gu Zumo came back less than two minutes after going out, saying that the man had agreed, and then began to pick up the two quilts on the other bed and put them on the chair.

  "Why did she agree?" Shen Yiyi was still curious about this matter.

  "I said that we were brothers and sisters of two surnames, and then I gave that person two more sweets, and the matter was resolved."

  Shen Yiyi: "..." What else can she say, she can only say that the people of this year are really foolish, and it's easy to buy, so she agreed with just two pieces of candy.

  The windows were all opened, letting out the smell for a while. Although the air in the room was still very bad, it was much better than when I first came in.

  At this time, Shen Yiyi took out a sheet from the space and came over to help Gu Zumo lay it on.

  These two sheets were newly bought in the department store. They were long and wide enough to cover the pillows.

  "When I go to bed at night, I still have two towels and quilts here, but I can't take them out now. I'm afraid that when we go out, the fat aunt will come in." The little girl is working fast, and he can't help if he wants to help.

  Gu Zumo stood by and watched Shen Yiyi, like a little wife, making the bed for him. There was no reason for this beauty in his heart.

  "Where shall we go first?" Both of them now have watches. Gu Zumo checked the time. It was less than three o'clock. Shen Xiaomao would definitely not stay in the house for the rest of the time, so he asked.

  I do not know how this house insulation to prevent the walls have ears, Shen Yiyi came down voice said:. "Little brother, we went to buy it, or else live in this, I will be able to live one day at the most"

  practical for him, as long as It doesn't matter where you sleep with Shen Mao. But the little girl loves to be clean, and this kind of accommodation is indeed difficult for her.

  "Let's go, let's go and take a look while the street is not off work, maybe we are lucky, we can buy a house today, then we will move over tonight."

Chapter 532 Buying a House Again

  Shen Yiyi feels that she has finally found a reason to like Gu Zumo, of course, looks must be the main reason, but he has unconditional support for this kind of indulgence to himself, no matter what she says and does, it is absolutely indispensable One reason for this.

  The two came out and inquired with the fat aunt. After walking for 20 to 30 minutes, they found the street office that the fat aunt said.

  It was an uncle who received them this time. When they heard that their two children were here to buy a house, the uncle couldn't help but laugh.

  "Young man, there are very few houses that can be sold privately in Fu'an County, and any real estate that can be sold privately is not small."

  "Why?" In fact, she just doesn't want to buy a small house, but she still bears it. Can't help asking.

  The uncle glanced over and explained in a very good mood: "Why? Everyone lives in public housing. As long as you can afford it, you can get a house without spending money. Who is willing to buy a house at a high price. Not to mention those Most of the private properties are left by their ancestors. If you just take out a set, the price can scare people." The uncle thought he had finished explaining, and the two children would turn around and leave.

  Who would have thought that as soon as his voice fell, the young man asked, "We are going to look at the house now, do you have any?" The uncle looked up at Gu Zumo. This time he looked very carefully, and then he turned to Mo Mo. Passing around, I found a large clip from a dilapidated wooden rolling cabinet, and found out three house deeds, and some documents about the commissioned resale of the three houses.

  Because I had already bought a house in Qinghe Town before, Shen Yiyi was already very good at looking at the terms and conditions this time, including the need to accept the tenant arrangement on the street. She looked at it very carefully.

  Then single this one and asked: "Uncle, if we buy one of the houses here, can we not rent it out?"

  "This is specified above, like this house, as long as sold, people can not live less than two, otherwise you can't afford it, I can not sell you the house."

  Uncle! The answer is similar to what Director Liu said.

  "Then if our family bought this house," Shen Yiyi pointed to Gu Zumo, "My surname is Shen and his surname is Gu, shall we count as two families?" The uncle looked up at Gu Zumo and replied with a smile: "Then It must be counted, but the head of the household can only write one household, and it must be an adult."

  "Of course it is an adult. We actually look at the house for my fourth brother. My fourth brother is in the transportation brigade. He drove. If you don't have time, if you always get out of the car, let us come over and help him take a look first."

  "Oh, the transportation brigade is still a driver, no wonder, that is a good unit." The uncle is more concerned this time than before. Three sets of properties were selected very seriously for them.

  The three properties are distributed in three different areas of Fu'an County. The nearest one is only one set, which is still a two-story small western-style building with a Tumen courtyard.

  The uncle thought it was impossible for them to buy the small western-style building. The introduction was very perfunctory. He only said that the owner of the house had moved to the capital for many years. Before, he rented the house to the public house, and then the public house had his own house. , Just vacate there.

  Then it was vacant for almost a year and could not be sold or rented out.

  To put it bluntly, it is a place that cannot be bought or rented. The homeowner is not in a hurry, so he would rather leave the house idle than sell it cheaply.

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