Karthik with a heavy heart drove towards the orphanage trying to make little conversations with her.

Nithya got down from the car after a little ride and Adi messaged his whole gang that they arrived. Everyone hid themselves with only the kids present over there along with the staff.

Nithya put Anvi down and she continued her part of acting by going towards the children and greeting them politely.

" How are the children mother?" Nithya asked in her usual soft tone.

" Why don't you yourself see them my child?" The mother there asked.

" Hi kids, I got you all a new friend." Nithya said calling Anvi and taking her in her arms.

All the while, Aadh's gaze is only on his lady love. Awan observed that and smirked at him making Aadh roll his eyes.

" Sister, we all made this for you along with your friends." A little girl of about 4 years said pointing towards Advi, Awan, Aadh, Karthik and Diya. Adi hit his head as the little girl flopped their plan.

Everyone came out with a nervous smile. Nithya laughed seeing how the little girl brought out all the mice out of the hole with her one statement.

" You flopped our whole plan." Diya playfully accused the little girl making her grin cutely. Karthik's eyes are stuck only on his wife and how carefree she is behaving. He kinda missed that Angel.

The male staff over there arranged the table with a huge chocolate cake which is Nithya's favourite. Nithya gave a grateful smile to Adi for arranging all this.

She was about to cut the cake when her phone rang. She immediately took it as it's from her hospital. Her heartbeat raises when ever she gets a call from the hospital.

" Yes?" Nithya asked hurriedly.

Everyone's face over there fell seeing Nithya's worried face.

" Dr. Mehra, you are requested to be here immediately. There is a patient admitted and he needs immediate attention. You need to perform the thorocentesis and guide Dr. Krishnan and Dr. Reddy in the surgery. Please make it fast. " They said making Nithya alert.

" What happened?" Adi asked.

" I need to go." Nithya said making everyone silent.

Her friends blinked their eyes in assurance and Adi dropped her at the hospital kissing her gently on her lips. He gave her the confidence to perform better.

Nithya mumbled a little thankyou and asked him to return back to the station instead of wasting his day.

They made Aadh and Anvi cut the cake and distributed among the children.

Awan, Advi, Karthik, Diya, Aadh and Anvi stayed back in the orphanage while Adi went to his home. He wanna spend his few days with Nithya fully.

Nithya though went to the hospital, her total concentration is only on Adi who left back to home.

Adi with dire concentration wore an apron and settled all the things on the kitchen island to make a perfect cake to surprise his wife. He felt bad that she didn't even have the chance to eat even a little bite of it.

Once he is done with the whole process, he took few Kit Kats and Gems to decorate the cake. he carefully wrote Nithya's name on it and grinned in satisfaction.

He called his parents and showed it to them and they bursted into laughter. Adi really found it annoying that his parents are insulting his skills.

" This is so stupid of you to fill the cake with chocolates Adi but still I'm confident that Nithya will love it. " Rahul laughed.

" HEHEHE... Thanks Dad." Adi snorted which made Anuradha laugh more.

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