Chapter 41

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Pavol POV

"Madame, je dois aller aux toilettes." I say with a raised hand and a fake strained expression. The supervising teacher just gives me a stare with her glasses hiked on the end of her nose before dismissively waving her hand. 

"D'accord." She says looking back at her laptop screen. I quickly get up rush out the door and down the hall. I speed walk away from the classroom and down the empty corridor.  Shit wish I could meet Avery but she's in class and the teacher has my phone.  I usually use the bathroom as an excuse to walk around the school because being in school detention is hell on earth for someone who has trouble staying in one place for a long amount of time like me. 

 Being cooped up in a room for 6 hours with nothing but homework and apology essays to do will really make a person go crazy. But while I do the work and write essays on why what I did wasn't right between the lines when I'm writing thoughts pop into my head. Thoughts of Avery. And how lonely she must be without me. 

"Ugh, my poor baby must be so lonely without me," I say under my breath as I walk past the cafeteria and towards the art hall. Hmm, I've only been gone for 2 minutes it wouldn't hurt to just peek into Avery's classroom. Carefully walking up to the small window I peek through the glass and into the classroom only to see every student focusing their attention on the teacher who's lecturing about who knows what. I swiftly look around scanning for Avery but my smile falls when I don't see her. 

With knitted brows, I purse my lips and step away from the door before continuing down the hall. Where is she?   As I'm about to turn around and head back to my depressing jail cell of a classroom I hear my name being called by an oh too familiar voice. 

I immediately perk up when my eyes lay on my one and only love.

"Pavol?" She gives a shy grin. She's wearing blue skinny jeans and a fluffy white sweater which makes her midnight skin stand out even more. Belle.

She slowly walks towards me with one hand gripping her arm. I get concerned when I notice that tears are threatening to spill.

Without hesitation, I take a few steps forward before embracing her in a tight hug. I plant a kiss on her forehead before tipping her chin up to look at me.

"Quel est le problème." I say concerned. She merely shakes her head and quickly brushes the tears away before taking a shaky breath in.

"P-Pavol I'm sorry for doubting you." She says in a strained voice. I knit my brows together concerned and bring my hand to her face. 

"Quoi? Je ne comprends pas." She takes a shaky breath in before continuing. 

"I thought that you punched Xavier because you had some freak anger issues but It turns out I was wrong. Xavier's just an ignorant asshole and I'm sorry for thinking bad of you."More tears spill down her face as I realize she's found out the reason why I punched Xavier the other day.  Seeing her cry breaks my heart and in turn, I run my hand up and down her back for comfort while I tell her everything is fine. 

"Please don't hate me." She says through tear-induced hiccups. 

"Oh non,non mon cherie, jamais." I say reassuring her. After standing there for a while she looks up at me with puffy eyes and bites her lip before pecking me on the cheek. Oh, she is so adorable. 

Before I can reciprocate the kiss the school speaker comes on blaring my name. 

"Would Pavol Rommily come to the principles office, I repeat Pavol Rommily to the principles office." 


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