Chapter 42

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Pavol POV

"Where did you go Pavol? You were gone for over 20 minutes." I fiddle with my thumbs as I stare blankly at the window behind the principal. I watch cars pass by on the road as she continues to speak.

"It seems Mr. Rommily that our in-school suspension has not taught you any lesson about your poor behaviour these past few months." She says in a serious tone. I glance at her tight expression before quickly averting my eyes back to the window. A flock of birds swirl and twist in the sky before making their way out of view and into the distance.

"Well if you wish not to speak Mr.Rommily then I will have no choice but to call your paren-."

"Non!" I say sitting up in my chair. I can already see my parent's angry faces staring at me with raging red faces. They're already pissed that I'm in school detention but if they find out that I was causing more trouble they may never let me go anywhere again.

"Madame, s'il vous plaît," I say in a pleading tone with my hands clasped together.

"I beg of you just let me finish the in-school suspension I promise this won't happen again," I say grinding my teeth anxiously. She looks at me before removing her glasses and pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Our school has already given you many chances Pavol not to mention we have accepted you into this school even though you have had previous issues with your prior school did you not?" She says with one brow cocked up. I slump back in my chair feeling defeated. I was hoping that my past wouldn't be mentioned when I came to this school but looks like I'm on the school board's hit list for troubled kids. Shaking past memories out of my head I stand up and drop to my knees in an extra fashion before pleading. 

"Madam please I've learned my lesson I promise I'm willing to become a better student!" I yell balling my fists at my side. She sighs and puts back on her glasses before clasping her hands together and resting them on the desk.

"Mr.Rommily please stand up." She says tiredly, I get up to my feet and sit back down with my head hung low. I hear her sigh before speaking. 

"I understand that you and your brother are both here on a scholarship you must take your studies seriously or it shall be revoked." She says tightly. I gulp and lower my eyes in shame. 

"Your lucky, we haven't already expelled you. As long as your grades stay up and you stay in line. You shall keep you placement here. Comprenez-vous?"

"Oui,Oui Madame," I say sighing and leaning back into the chair. 


The moment I get home I immediately bolt to the bathroom turn on the tap and splash some water on my face. Whenever I get really anxious my skin begins to clam up. I scrub at my face till my cheeks turn red. I stare back at the person in the mirror and realize there are tears brimming threatening to spill. Taking a breath in I wipe my face before exhaling and leaning on the counter. I can't get expelled Maman and Papa will literally kill me. 

Rubbing my face dry with the towel hanging next to me I look in the mirror once again and begin pulling on my hair. I nasty habit I've been since I was a child. 

Mr. Rommily we have a low tolerance for any deviations at our institution that especially includes out-of-line behaviour such as yours. 

Pavol, why can't you just listen to the teacher just stop causing trouble 

Pavol don't do that

Pavol why can't you be like Miguel




"Stop!" I yell at the mirror fuming. My thoughts run rampant at all times of being told I'll never be as perfect as Miguel, that my grades aren't good enough, that I should stop being such a troublesome kid. I'm sick of it!

 Opening the bathroom door I drag my feet into the bedroom and plop down on my bed. I see Miguel in the corner of my eye sleeping under his covers. Is he going to sleep all day?  I lay back on my pillow and look up at the ceiling while twiddling my thumbs.

Why am I like this, Why am I such a failure, Why can't I be more like Miguel, Why do I always get into trouble. I repeatedly think to myself with furrowed brows. 

"If I get expelled I won't be able to see Avery," I say to myself.

"You're getting expelled." I jerk a little in surprise to see Miguel's open eyes staring at me. His eyes are puffy and despite all the sleeping he's done he looks like he hasn't seen a wink of rest.

"Non," I say turning to my side to face him. His face is poking out of the blanket so he looks like he's trapped in a duvet cocoon.

"Fais-tu quoi." He says with a familiar grin on his face.

"Rien," I say getting a tad annoyed but still happy to see that my brother can still crack a smile.

"I just was out of in-school suspension a little too long," I say while my eyes fall to the floor thinking about Avery.

"It was Avery wasn't it." He knows me too well.

"Ouai." I say lightly.

"You know Pavol, maybe you should spend less time with her and focus on school." He says in a cool tone. I immediately stare daggers at him as if he just slapped me across the face.

"es-tu fou? Jamais!" I say sitting up and pushing my hair out of my face. He sighs and closes his eyes before speaking again.

"écoutes-moi, I'm just saying that maybe just maybe your infatuation with Avery is taking over your life, I mean Pavol look around, Maman and Papa are always stressed about you all the time, you've gotten into 2 fights with Xavier, your grades have been dropping like crazy and your behaviour is getting out of control." He says firmly.

Hearing this just pisses me off more and I grip the edge of my bed in anger. 

"If you don't stop your foolishness now then you will be expelled." Without warning, I stand up fuming. I can feel my blood boiling as I ball my fists. 

"Would you shut the fuck up Miguel! Says the guy who has been fricken bedridden for weeks just because his asshole of a best friend hurt his stupid feelings." I spit with malice-laced words. 

I can see the hurt expression on his face but I refuse to spit out an apology. 

Miguel throws the covers off himself and stands up before getting in my face.

"You know what, I hope Avery realizes just how much of an asshole you are. I hope she breaks your heart and stomps on it so you can feel what I'm feeling right now!" He yells through gritting teeth before shoving me aside.

The moment he turns away from me I pounce on him.

"Agh, Pavol get off me!" He yells wrestling me. We both drop to the floor and I begin throwing punches in anger. He retaliates and pins me to the floor but I kick him in the stomach causing him to keel over before I grab him from behind and put him in a chokehold. 

"Take it back you piece of shit!" I say through gritted teeth, tightening my hold around his neck. Pure rage is fueling my behaviour and I see nothing but red. Miguel begins to wheeze scratching at my arm.

"Agh, la-âche moi." He says struggling. Suddenly as if on cue, the bedroom door swings open I snap my head up only to be faced with my shocked mother. She stands there for a few seconds trying to register what's going on before screaming.


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